Saturday, June 13, 2015

My ideal Sacred Space

Silver suggested that I take a page in my notebook and draft what my ideal space would be, any alterations I would make to the space I have.

In an ideal world I would be able to move into an estate with a tall perimeter wall, where I could plant a grove of sacred trees and have an outdoor space. But I would be happy with a temple room, 10 feet by 10 feet with a closet that I can modify for storage. I would paint the walls a pearl grey like a stormy sky mottled with azure blue like the mists between the worlds. I would want all electrical lighting in the room to be indirect, and with a dimming function, because there or times when you need real light. The window would be opaque or frosted glass.

Ornaments of crystals, prisms, chimes and tea-light lanterns would hang from the ceiling.

Elemental altars in each cardinal direction with Numen statuary. My main altar would be constructed for each need, the center of the room empty.

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