Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A Personal Note

Almost exactly a month ago, the chain that bore my pentacle at my throat snapped. It upset me, but the pentacle I wear hasn't been consecrated in a few years, almost ten, and tree of life that I have had on the same chain was never consecrated, I've had it almost three years. So I have them in a side pocket on my purse and have gone shopping for a chain.

I didn't find a chain. I found some other items that spoke to me. It was a lesson, my chain breaking was that moment that I knew I hadn't been paying attention to my faith and actions. It took me a few hours but the message sank in. I have done a lot of asking without giving, and while I claim to honor my Scottish heritage the Scots have little to do with how I practice aside from a connection to the Fae. I know things of the old ways because of my parents, ways that were practiced in the Highlands before the families crossed over to the states. I know the lore, but I don't honor it.

In my Back to Basics, I am on the search for more that the passion I once had for my craft. I am looking for myself. Who practiced the ways of the Clans. I am searching for my Robertson Red Tartan Shawl so it can again adorn me during rituals. I have bought a set of stones marked for the elements so that I may mark my circle and I have bought a Sgian-dubh to act as an Athame. Its not my intention to use them at all times. Maybe just at Samhain or other times of importance to my ancestors.

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