Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Magick Touch

With your Book of Shadows essentially complete you probably have at least 50 pages still blank. You can fill in the rest with the essentials for actual magick, since as Witches magick is what we do. First allow me to recap.

Your Book of Shadows is a Temple in Miniature, a concentrated reference to everything that you believe and know to be true. It begins in the physical as a blank book, and in the course of its creation becomes a part of the veil, not separating the worlds but acting as a gateway between them.

When you consecrated your Book of Shadows it started taking on the spirit of a magickal object, this imbued spirit has a personality and a need to be fed. If it goes unfed then your Book may decide to find someone willing to give it the dedication it deserves.

So we structure a bit of ritual, so that every time we make an entry into the Book it will draw in a little more power. We bind ourselves and our own power to the Book of Shadows with the use of our own blood making it a part of us, so that the time and ritual will continue to feed the Book as well as ourselves.

At this point the Book of Shadows has become hollowed ground, Priest included. So we erect the Temple, call the gods, celebrate the Sabbats and embrace the Esbats. We live our faith. Part of our faith is Magick.

Magick is the art of bringing about change in conformity to our will. As some define it. I like it, its succinct. But for those who need more:

"Magic is the art of affecting the manifest through the Unmanifest. The manifest is all that can be seen, touched, perceived, manipulated, imagined, or understood. The Unmanifest is none of these things. It is the place, or rather the non-place, from which everything issues. All that comes into being comes from the Unmanifest. All that passes away goes back to the Unmanifest."

Essentially Magick is Change, the most basic of changes brought about by our interactions with the world around us.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Unrelated Update

Hey everyone,

Since May I have had problems accessing my Blogger account, this has just been resolved. My sincere apologies for the duplicate posts, I am back tracking to fix the contents of said posts. Mabon (May 12th) has just been fixed. Bare with me, I will get everything back up, then the Blog will pick up where I left off.

Thank you.

**Place Holder**

Mabon - Fixed 11-07-2014
September New Moon - Fixed 15-07-2014
September Full Moon - Fixed 20-07-2014
October New Moon - Fixed 21-07-2014
October Full Moon - Fixed 29-07-2014

 ~Personal Note~ This originally posted as Lughnasadh again, this is because I copied and pasted it in order to schedule the post, that I might edit it from my smartphone. Please forgive me it has been edited and fixed, albeit two months after it posted.