Thursday, July 23, 2015

Pics I Promised

Okay so the hard work is done. The ground has been consecrated and is ready for the Altar.

Any time that you are working Magick the first thing you do is get everything that you might need, in one location. I didn't need all that much, but to prevent having to run back and forth I grabbed my entire arcane spice rack (not the whole collection).

For me those items are in the Photo.

Everything that I used. No Athame, no Wand. The spice rack holds most of my spell stuff, non-edible herbs, sea-salt that kind of thing. The Jar in back is my Exorcism Powder, then to the right is my water cruet (remember my camping trip? Thats right, spring water), then on the left is the Witches Bottle that I made before.

Here on the right you see my sea salt and spring water. I placed them on the ground where the Altar will go for this picture.

The water has already been consecrated, and I used a seven day spell to bless the Salt. So they are ready to go. Now for my Sea Salt I use salt that was ritually harvested and prepared by my Coven from the Bonneville Salt Flats. The water was taken with an offering of Ginger to the Spring Elemental and a silver coin and later consecrated in the light of the full moon.

The Advantage of having coarse salt in a spice jar, I was able to gently spread it across the soil of the old flower bed, without causing problems for the rest of the yard.

Then using the cruet I made three passes over the garden leaving a wave pattern on the soil.

You can see some of the salt and water under the Exorcism Powder pictured to the left, Which I was quite liberal in coating the entire bed with.

Throughout this process I kept a focus on visualizations, because these works are more than just "Going through the Motions." For me the imagery is the most important part. I use clearing the fog to visualize whats happening, and sometimes little sparks like you would get from a child's sparkler wand.

Again I was quite liberal I used more than half the jar.

Under my spade you can see the Exorcism Powder in the rust colored dust on top of the earth. I was almost literally bathed in its spicy aroma as I dug the hole for the Witches Bottle.

This process can be either tedious or grounding, I suggest that you focus on the feel of the earth around you. Take advantage and make this as spiritual an endeavor as you can.

The scents from the Exorcism Powder help.

Once the hole is complete I placed the jar in the hole, this picture shows the Graveyard Dirt, a branch of Russian Sage and on top of the jar is a wad of hair from my brush.

Graveyard Dirt to call on my Ancestors and protective spirits, Hair to tie it all to me and Sage to bring wisdom and dispel any unwanted influences.

The all went into the hole a prayer was uttered and then the hole was refilled.

I placed the large flat stone over the filled hole, and I hit the whole area with another liberal share of Exorcism Powder.

Now everything is ready for the construction of the altar itself!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

I owe you

Its been a few days since I posted, this is one of those times when real life has had me running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have only been able to spare a few stolen moments for meditation, and while the land is prepared I haven't been able to start construction on the actual Altar, though I am determined to have it up and ready for use in time to be consecrated on the Blue Moon, the same time I consecrate my wand.

Tonight I am burying the Jar.

Though I am torn, I had wanted to place a stone on the Altar's surface to represent a Hearth Stone, I had found a perfect stone for the job its flat and could easily serve as the altar itself. But I have been thinking that it would add another layer to have my Hearth Stone be the foundation of the Altar instead of its surface, that way even as the altar grows and changes the stone will stay.

I will post pictures.

Things to place in the hole along with the jar, a personal item, some graveyard dirt and the wishbone of a chicken, turkey or game hen.

Detailed post to come.

Friday, July 17, 2015

The Place

I want you to know that I chose today for this work because yesterday was the New Moon and it is a time of Growth.

This is the space I'll be setting up the altar. A "West Facing Wall" which means my Altar will face the East. The Maple tree growing out of the flower bed, will help shelter it and appropriate ornaments can be hung from the old laundry line post: a swinging censor for incense, we have a pentacle wind chime etc. The altar will be to the left of the laundry post cum Stang and above the altar we have two wall plaque style bird feeders that are sun and moon which we will mount to the wall and lattice. It'll work well as this bed gets too much sun for most plants to grow.

You already know that I have made a Witches Bottle for this endeavor. Its not in the ground yet, as of today it still sits on my Altar in my room.

Consecrating the ground is step one. For that I will use Blessed/Holy Water and Exorcism Powder from my own recipe.

Exorcism Powder

Ash (wood ash not ash wood)
Black Pepper
Red Brick Dust
St Johnswort

Select three of the above, and combine two ounces of each in a large jar. Shake it vigorously while focusing a white light into it. Set it out in the light of the full moon to charge. When using it place a small amount in the palm of your hand and blow it out across the area that needs to be consecrated, or use the powder to mark the boundary of your ritual space.

After dusting the area I will sprinkle my blessed Spring Water throughout the whole flower bed, before Salting it and pouring it out in the shape of a crescent moon in the grass before the area that will have my Altar. Just as Silver did in her book.

Now I dig and bury the Jar. Any excess dirt will be saved for the purpose of sanctifying other areas later.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

My Witches Bottle

The Jar I chose to use once held salted caramel ice cream topping, I cleaned it out and removed the label. Now with jar work for me I usually build on the protective properties and I'm still going to do that to some extent. While calling on powers to aid me in my magick. Into the Jar goes:

A Coffin Nail: because the dead are seen as powerful and able to help intervene in magical spells -- this is based on spiritual practices where one's ancestors are seen as being able to intervene with the gods on your behalf. I use a Genuine Coffin Nail. My time living in Pennsylvania gave me access to quite a few, I have a stash of about 25, so I am frugal with them and only use them in important works of Magick. There are other ways to charge a nail for your use, but you want it to be a genuine Iron nail. Not steel or another alloy.

4 Pennies: Each penny gets marked, I have scratched on its surface with the coffin nail the alchemical symbol for each of the elements. As face coins they are used to call guardians to your space, watchers or messengers to act on your behalf.

A Quartz Crystal: This is the battery, the element of spirit that houses all power and conducts your intentions. As Quartz is able to tap into energies of the universe.

A Seashell: Life came from the sea, associated with the West and the Underworld passage from life into death. To me this is calling on the creation energy of Celtic myth, calling on the Ninth Wave.

A Stone: Common garden variety pebble. Because to the Scots when a pledge was made while holding a stone it became more solid. “Set in Stone.”

Bay Leaf: Psychic visions and dreams, repels negativity and evil.

3 Cinnamon Sticks: Used to sanctify a place or Object.

Roses: Love, friendship, luck, protection, psychic power and divination.

Star Anise: Protection, purification, awareness, joy. The Star shape carries power by itself.

Rosemary: Improve memory, sleep, purification, youth, love, power, healing, protection, intellectual.
Garlic: A very protective herb, healing, good weather, courage, exorcism.
Ginger: Power, success, love, money matters.
Mint: Money, healing, strength, augment power, luck, travel.
Wine: Symbolic of Wealth, Social status, influence and power. It also can be used as a way to protect against impaired judgment or bring about courage when needed.

Parchment Inscribed with purpose: Runes used Kenaz, Isa, Mannaz, Berkano and Jera.

As a side note, I did start to grab my athame in order to channel energy into it. But remembering the effort to go 30 days without I just put more effort into my visualizations. It was different, something I haven't done in a very long time.

Monday, July 13, 2015


On the 9th things started to fall apart within my family. My Dad's care was being provided by my older brother who has grossly dropped the ball, so even though I have three other brothers his care falls back on me because everyone else is out of state. This snafu has required that I take a leave of absence from work to straighten things out with my Dad. I hope to have more time to write, but if I do miss a post or two I hope that you all can try to be understanding.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Sacred Space: The Witches Bottle

I believe in working from the ground up, since I have found the place I plan on starting with a simple land dedication. Something to call to the Power of the world around us. The Witches Bottle has been used for a thousand years if not longer to protect families and land, or banish illness. Why not craft one as a token to the earth, something to act as a battery to fuel future acts of magick and lend to the sanctity of the space.

Dig the hole.

No salt will go into this jar as I am not out to dispel anything, just cultivating the energy that can be raised through ritual.

Star Anise
3 Pennies
Quartz Crystal

Ideally the ingredients would be added while the jar was in a constant state of movement, deosil, spin the jar as you add things or pass it around a circle and everyone add things.

Bury the jar.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Conjuring Sacred Space

Sacred space is one of my favorite topics: altars, stone circles or temples. Several posts back I shared a video on erecting a personal altar, so this challenge to erect a permanent shrine is titillating. Last time I read To Stir a Magick Cauldron I had to dumb it down and go for a walk. Dad, my brothers and I were living in a tiny hole in the wall ghetto appartment. We couldn't even plant a garden so an outdoor space wasn't even negotiable. Now I am currently in the haunted bedroom at the Covenstead, while I don't own the property I am certain that no one here will be offended.

In this time that for me is one of simplicity, no tools, and daily devotionals. What better project could I have than constructing an outdoor temple?

There is a wall off the back side of the house, it connects to the patio with an east facing wall, and a flowerbed that we have had bad luck cultivating.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Harmony without Harm

"Magick follows the path of least resistance" Like wind and water magick flows.

"Everyone is a seeker." Thats to say that you are always on a path towards something.

Being a witch is about more that reading a few books and buying some trinkets, you have to live the faith, you have to practice. This isn't spellwork per say. Its about practicing gratitude, little things like blessing your meals, smudging your home and leaving offerings to the Fae.

Now Silver writes about Daily Devotionals. I should write a few and practice them daily for thirty days and then stop for a week to analyze how I feel.

I have decided that I'll write one, in tune with my Faery Faith and practice in twice a day, during the twilight hours of Dawn and Dusk. Given the time of most of my posts, if your observant you will have picked up on the fact that I'm nocturnal Dawn is around the time I go to bed (during the summer) and dusk is during my second break at work (or lunch during the winter)

"Above, Below, Within and Without. In this time between I give my day to the gods, my night to the fae and ask that gentle guidance be sent my way."

I will make an effort to record the affects in future posts.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Conjuring your Courage

"You are the foundation of your religious practices and your magick." These are powerful and affirming words. Giving the reader complete control over the path that they choose. I'm saving that sentence for that very reason. Words have power, and the right words can change a persons destiny.

Silver highlighted the importance of spirituallity and touched base on the  tools that accompany organized religion. The challenge was to put away all the tools for a month and work without them. Then record my experiences. While I have a very nice collection of tools, a lot of them were damaged or lost sometime in the course of two moves across country in as many years.

I started this challenge to myself with the decission to take things slowly and step by step rebuild myself. From the day of my rededication I have the Hawthorn Branch, pealed free of bark and thorns at the full moon, and consecrated in the Lady's silver light. No other tools were used. At the New Moon on the 16th I will begin to dress the wand, to be charged in the light of the Blue Moon on July 31st. Until this cycle completes I will work without tools.

I'll try to posts update notes with my posts here on what my observations are.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Book 2: To Stir a Magick Cauldron

With only a little thought I have decided to continue reading Silver's debut series. But I will admit, as a young reader I did not take away as much from this second book as I did To Ride a Silver Broomstick. I am older now and looking at her words with different eyes, I hope to figure out more about my current direction.

I normally skip the preface and introductions, that are just there to set the pace and tone. I read it this time, the word "Nemeton" tends to catch my eye. Its a lot like the glimpse of the most dramatic form of magick the world gives to us. What it would be if we all had a special effects department.

Most of us hold an image in our minds, watch for signs actual physical manifestations are few and far between. The gifted will see more, some have a way of seeing things on a different vibrational plain. Now those who can see are often limited to a specific spectrum outside of the one we occupy.

As for myself, I have been able to see Faeries for as far back as I can remember. As I have gotten older they have become shy, they aren't everywhere anymore, but they are there when I call. Like family.

To Stir a Magick Cauldron is about the Magick of Conjuration. Allegedly. It doesn't meet my definition of the word but we'll keep an open mind and if you want to play along grab your copy of buy a new one, then post a link to your own blog below!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

While I was gone..

While I was up at the spring Camping, I took the time to dedicate myself, as one new to the craft I performed the ritual naked of tools and lightly garbed as the campsite is a public one, cleansed myself in the water and on a sandbar shaded by a Hawthorn tree I presented myself to the Lord and Lady. Claiming my birthright and drawing in the power of my craft and reconnecting with the Fae.

I brought home some dirt from my ritual site, a handful of pebbles from the spring, some hawthorn thorns and a bough to shape into a new wand, a gift from the Lady and the Lord or from the Fae following my spiritual rebirth.

This gift of the Hawthorn carries a few meanings to me, my Celtic heritage places a lot of value in trees and stones. All things of the natural world.

Magickal properties of Hawthorn:

The tree essence cleanses the heart of negativity and stimulates love and forgiveness.
The Hawthorn is the tree most representative of the struggles the Christian Church had
in suppressing pagan beliefs and celebrations. Hawthorn is respected as a tree of enchantment under the protection of the faery realms. It guards wells and springs. Its beautiful flowers are said to help prayers reach heaven. If you sit under a Hawthorn on May 1st you are liable to be whisked away for good to the faery underworld.  The blooms of the hawthorn are used in spells for fertility, happiness, and good luck in fishing. To take a blossoming hawthorn branch inside one's house will cause their mother to die. Wands made of this wood are of great power. The blossoms are highly erotic to men.
Hawthorn can be used for protection, love and marriage spells.