Wednesday, July 1, 2015

While I was gone..

While I was up at the spring Camping, I took the time to dedicate myself, as one new to the craft I performed the ritual naked of tools and lightly garbed as the campsite is a public one, cleansed myself in the water and on a sandbar shaded by a Hawthorn tree I presented myself to the Lord and Lady. Claiming my birthright and drawing in the power of my craft and reconnecting with the Fae.

I brought home some dirt from my ritual site, a handful of pebbles from the spring, some hawthorn thorns and a bough to shape into a new wand, a gift from the Lady and the Lord or from the Fae following my spiritual rebirth.

This gift of the Hawthorn carries a few meanings to me, my Celtic heritage places a lot of value in trees and stones. All things of the natural world.

Magickal properties of Hawthorn:

The tree essence cleanses the heart of negativity and stimulates love and forgiveness.
The Hawthorn is the tree most representative of the struggles the Christian Church had
in suppressing pagan beliefs and celebrations. Hawthorn is respected as a tree of enchantment under the protection of the faery realms. It guards wells and springs. Its beautiful flowers are said to help prayers reach heaven. If you sit under a Hawthorn on May 1st you are liable to be whisked away for good to the faery underworld.  The blooms of the hawthorn are used in spells for fertility, happiness, and good luck in fishing. To take a blossoming hawthorn branch inside one's house will cause their mother to die. Wands made of this wood are of great power. The blossoms are highly erotic to men.
Hawthorn can be used for protection, love and marriage spells.

1 comment:

  1. The berries are good too. Chinese people have a popular candy made of haw or hawthorn. They are little wafers like fruit leather. Blessed be.
