Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Lingo..

Jargon is perhaps one of the most subjective ideas in any group. If you have a good vocabulary or own a Dictionary/Thesaurus you can manage just about anywhere. Silver wants us to copy her list of Jargon down for future reference, but I know where to find it so I am skipping that exercise, as I have most of her terms memorized and have had them in my everyday vocabulary for a long time. I tend to get really dismissive when people bring up Jargon, that includes professional jargon.

That said even I think that there are a few words every Witch should know. My Jargon consists of the few words that I cant find in just any conversation.

ANIMISM - Belief that a spirit or force residing in every animate and inanimate object, every dream and idea, gives individuality to each. The related Polynesian concept of man holds that the spirit in all things is responsible for the good and evil in the universe.

SIGIL - A symbol with some occult meaning that may be used in magickal workings. Often a seal, sign or other drawing, it may be carried or otherwise used to control the power symbolized.

WARLOCK - Derogatory term for a Male Witch. It’s original meaning, derived from the Old English “waer logga,” is “oath breaker” and it was used in reference to a traitor to the Craft during the Burning Times.

Its also important to be able to give a quick definition of Cleanse, Consecrate, Dedication and Initiation.

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