Sunday, May 10, 2015

Picking up the Broomstick

"The 'Charge' comes to each of us in a different manner." Is the first sentence, which has stuck with me since the first time I read the book, in 1995. I was thirteen and my parents had just started taking me "A Paganing" with them to various Witchy shops. Up until that point I had been limited in my reading, I had read my Dad's Astrology books and the works of Edgar Cayce, my older brother had loaned me DJ Conways "Celtic Magic" and I had stolen my Dad's copy of John Matthews "Celtic Shaman" and was virtually monopolizing my Mom's "Celtic Tarot." However, "To Ride a Silver Broomstick" was one of the first books that was purchased just for me and the reason I wanted it? That first sentence.

"..., this text may also be used for training initiates in the different traditions, as well as a useful learning tool for Pagan children who are nearing their dedication ceremony, which usually occurs sometime around puberty."

Dedication isn't something that my parents ever discussed. My mother is a veteran of many religions, if there is a book on it she has probably studied it. It was always just known that us kids would find our own paths, this idea of dedicating to what had always just felt like the right path, to me it was tantalizing. So I followed every exercise she wrote. Which is again, exactly what I am doing now. Only this time instead of using a binder I am blogging with all of you.

I am even considering the option of a new name, and hoping that I get the most from this journey!

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