Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Letter to Silver..

12th May 2015

Dear Silver,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing in response to your request that I make clear a few definitions. In my experience, a Witch is a Priest of sorts, acting as both advocate and advisor while embracing all that is sacred in the flux and flow of the natural world. While Witchcraft is the ceremonial practice and reverence of the world around us through the use of magick and ceremony.  I know that I am not splitting these definitions as you requested, you see this is because a Witch is a Practitioner of Witchcraft, very rarely do you have one without the other.

Discussing society as a whole is more difficult for me, while being a Witch is not nearly so faddish as it once was, it is still disconcerting enough that when someone compliments me on my pentacle I cringe a little inside, and wonder if I am going to have a nice conversation or if I'm talking to a reformed goth who wants to "be cooler" than me. While Paganism is generally accepted today, people are still leery of Witches. Not a month ago I got some new furniture and one of the young men delivering it asked about our besoms and looked worried at the disclosure of being Witches.

As a personal goal in reading To Ride a Silver Broomstick, I want to recapture some of the passion I had for my path, I have a wonderful heritage in the craft. Ranks of initiation and a Coven to prove it. However, my Dad was a major influence on me magickally and following his stroke its as though the well has gone dry. I am hoping that doing this experiment as a Back to Basics can help me bridge that gap.


Piper Robertson

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