Monday, January 20, 2014

March New Moon

On the Celtic Tree Calendar this is the Ash Moon an excellent for making Talismans..

Like the Sabbats, this is less about writing the ritual and more about what sets the ritual apart. For the Esbat title the page.

The Ash moon rolls in at the end of Winter.  In the Norse eddas, Yggdrasil, the world tree, was an Ash. The spear of Odin was made from the branch of this tree. This is one of three trees sacred to the Druids (Ash, Oak and Thorn), and this is a good month to do magic that focuses on the inner self. Associated with ocean rituals, magical potency, prophetic dreams and spiritual journeys, the Ash can be used for making magical (and mundane) tools -- these are said to be more productive than tools made from other wood. If you place Ash berries in a cradle, it protects the child from being taken away as a changeling by mischievous Fae. The Celts referred to this month as Nuin.

As the New Moon is its Dark phase preparing for growth so as an act of healing you are drawing into yourself, like taking Vitamins to insure future well being. Do workings related to improving yourself.

Five trees stood guard over Ireland, in mythology, and three were Ash. The Ash is often found growing near holy wells and sacred springs. Interestingly, it was also believed that crops that grew in the shadow of an Ash tree would be of an inferior quality.

Early in the season this is a great time to find those bits of old growth you may be able to utilize as a tool or talisman.


Words have power and by default so does each character, the Ogham for Ash is in itself a Protection.

You can also draw a single Ogham letter on a slip of paper and put it in a magick amulet or talisman.


The buds of the ash grow in a spiral formation symbolic of regeneration, healing, and rebirth. Therefore, an ash wand can be an important healing tool. To make a wand, search in spring until you find an “even ash,” or an ash tree with an even number of branches on each side. Cut a branch approximately twenty-four inches long, and say:

“Sacred ash, healing tree, give this magic wand to me.” 

Then pass the branch through a candle flame, sprinkle with water, and touch it to the earth, saying:

“Through fire, air, water, and earth, I consecrate this wand in the names of the Lord and Lady. Blessed be.”

Use the wand to channel power in healing spells and rites.  

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