Monday, May 19, 2014

September New Moon

~Personal Note this was mis-posted as the Alder Moon (April) which I was using as a template, again posted automatically while I was having issues with Blogger. Edited with corrections.


On the Celtic Tree Calendar this is the Hazel Moon and a time of manifestation and Spirit Contact.

Like the Sabbats, this is less about writing the ritual and more about what sets the ritual apart. For the Esbat title the page.

The Hazel moon is a period that leads up to and often includes the Autumn Equinox. Falling at the end of summer, this is the best time of year to focus on gaining wisdom and absorbing knowledge. The hazel might be said to be the quintessential Celtic tree because of its legendary position at the heart of the Otherworld the embodiment of spiritual change or crossroads. As might be expected from their legendary reputation for bestowing prophetic powers, hazels have been used for divination throughout the centuries. Druidic wands were made from the wood, and it has always been the preferred wood for water divining and dowsing. Hazel Lore is a steady lesson on how all things are connected. The alder teaches us the price and value of knowledge hard won. The Celts referred to this month as Coll.
Hazel is mentioned in the Welsh tale "The Battle of Trees" as having been at the back, associated with Cerridwen and her Cauldron, a guiding hand or strategist.

The Hazel Moon is associated with the story of Mabon in the Song of Taliesin, the journey all begins with the Hazelnut falling into the Cauldron.

Use this time to start on a journey or craft ritual tools.

The Wand

Hazel wood is excellent for making all purpose magickal wands. Wands made of this wood symbolize white magick and healing.

Take a naturally hewn branch (Wind broken, not touched by blade) of Hazel, you may or may not choose to strip the bark, if you strip the bark sand it smooth. As a note I brand all my tools, so using a wood burner mark the hilt with the Kenaz Rune or other symbol of power.

Kenaz: (K: Beacon or torch.) Vision, revelation, knowledge, creativity, inspiration, technical ability. Vital fire of life, harnessed power, fire of transformation and regeneration. Power to create your own reality, the power of light. Open to new strength, energy, and power now. Passion, sexual love. Kenaz Reversed or Merkstave: Disease, breakup, instability, lack of creativity. Nakedness, exposure, loss of illusion and false hope.

If your path doesn't make use of runes (I am a Scottish American with Pictish ancestry and a bit of Sweden/Belgium) then you may omit this or use another similar symbol of your path. Set the wand with a crystal if you like.

Combine, 1 tbsp base oil, 1/4 tsp melted beeswax, three drops of your own blood and a drop of lemon essential oil, when cooled it will look vaguely like vasoline. Massage into your wand while visually the wands purpose in the most dramatic fashion you can.

If you want to at this point you can wrap the hilt (yes even if it obscures Kenaz, you know its there.)

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