Monday, March 31, 2014

July New Moon

On the Celtic Tree Calendar this is the Oak Moon this a time of Sacrifice.

Like the Sabbats, this is less about writing the ritual and more about what sets the ritual apart. For the Esbat title the page.

The Oak moon falls during a time when the trees are beginning to reach their full blooming stages. The mighty Oak is strong, powerful, and typically towering over all of its neighbors. The Oak King rules over the summer months, and this tree was sacred to the Druids. The Oak is connected with spells for protection and strength, fertility, money and success, and good fortune. Carry an acorn in your pocket when you go to an interview or business meeting; it will be bring you good luck. If you catch a falling Oak leaf before it hits the ground, you'll stay healthy the following year. The Celts called this month Duir, which some scholars believe to mean "door", the root word of "Druid".

Oak is a symbol of security, protection and strength. Its roots go as deep into the ground as the branches reach into the air. Good month for working magic of all positive purposes. Root word thought to be the same as that of "Druid", hence the Druids' strong association with this tree as their symbol. Merlin was thought to have practiced magic in an oak grove, with an oak wand. The sacrifice intended with this moon in Ancient times would have been a very real sacrifice, it was when the old King would have been bound and bled before being given back to the land to become a bog mummy today. Now the month of Duir is a time like the Catholic tradition of Lent, a time to give up something dear to you.

1 Saffron (Colored) Candle
Live Echinacea flowers
Red Apple
Green Apple
A Large Pot and Potting Soil.

Light the candle (Saffon is a color of Nobility and Sacrifice). Decide on what you are going to give up for the next twenty 28 days, or year and a day. If it is an Action, write it on paper and place it at the bottom of the pot, if its an item (credit card, pipe, jewelry...) you can seal it in a freezer bag and place it at the bottom of the pot. Cut the apples in two and place them on top saying something about what it means to you. Then cover it with soil and plant the echinacea (Carrying Echinacea will provide inner strength during trying times. It can also be grown around the house or brought into a house and placed in a vase to draw prosperity into the home and protect the family from suffering from poverty.)

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