Monday, September 23, 2013

The Shield

Still in the back, working forward from divination.

The Shield is another Seal. For me it is an important part of visualization when I am preparing to scry. This won't be the case with everything, but it is tied closely with my Magical lineage. Celtic myth tells us the Tuatha De Dannan employed their magick to shield themselves from earthly strife and chose to reside in the spiritual realm, or Faery kingdoms of Ireland. Giving birth to "The Veil Between the Worlds."

To mark the veil I use a simple visualization:

I stated before that this would be a Traditional Book of Shadows, and I am aware that the symbol to the left does not feel particularly old world. I am just illustrating that you don't have to copy me verbatim. To me this sort of top side view of a Pyramid works perfectly as my shield, each corner starting at the top and moving deosil represents Above, Below and Within; the top point representing Self or the other side.

For others this is the more Traditional view and use for a Triquetra or Triple-Goddess knot. It has graceful lines that flow into each other representing tripartite division of the world into the realms of Land, Sea and Sky.

I'll tell you why this is important. Having a set symbol that you can associate with the Veil, like a Shield that you can evoke or banish makes for a multiplicity of uses. Protection spells, warding yourself with Divining and acting as a ritual guardian, even when tearing down someone else's defenses.

The Veil is an etheric shield that is draped across our energy bodies, as well as between the world of life and the spirit realm. The Veil clouds, distorts, and hides, yet when used to best advantage, the Veil can provide insight, protection, and concealment.

At the top of the page write either "Shield" or "Veil" in the Witches Alphabet, and then mark the center of the page with the symbol of your choice. Take up most of the page, at least two thirds, then either beneath it or above it, or on the page facing it, write a simple invocation along the lines of:

"Shield me and all that belongs to me. Bless my work and my endeavors. Protect and keep me safe forever From every hex and negative thought, From every place that harm is wrought, From every evil that’s allowed, Protect me, Guard me now."

Then between the pages press a single leaf of English Ivy.

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