Monday, June 17, 2013

The Oath

This is a subject that makes many modern Pagans uncomfortable, and I would like to point out, per my original post, I am not Wiccan.

The Oath of Secrecy, a true blood oath came about out of necessity. When anything not approved of by the Church was the work of Satan, and people were brutally persecuted. While I would like to tell you that all is bright and beautiful and that we can put all that behind us; "Those who do not learn from the past are destined to repeat it."

In most cases, you will not be swearing fealty by blood, or binding secret mysteries of your tradition(s) in it most simplified form this Oath (leaving out the ritual and details because of Vows I have taken) is your word, a sincere pledge and blood bond that you will never betray the identity of another in the Faith, that they identify themselves is a choice for they alone to make.

The Oath is in fact married to our Craft Names, intended to obscure our Religious lives from the mundane world. Because the truth of it is that just because I have decided to be open in my faith does not mean that my best friend, love interest or siblings feel the same way.

Have you taken any such Oath? Are you willing to protect the identities of those you stand in Circle with? Would you be willing to take such an Oath?

Think about it, and whether or not, if not do some serious thinking about where you draw the line in a personal code and we'll chat more next week.

If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.  


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