I know you are probably confused.
"Which Tool?" You ask me?
With the plethora of Tools used in Witchcraft today, that many of us collect, decorate and then consecrate... before promptly stowing them away and only pulling them out for that one spell a decade.
You see for all the Tools available to us, we don't really need them all, we certainly can't use all of them at once. But we do develop a relationship, and connect to one, it becomes our favorite, our Go-To Tool.
This is where you are going to record about it. Most reach for their Athame, but my tool of choice is the Stang.

At the top of the page you may choose to Name it in the Witches Alphabet: Example "Staff of Worlds".
Description: This tool is often used interchangeably with your Ritual Staff. More Shamanic in history than ceremonial the Stang embodies each realm of existence and acts as a direct tie between you and the World Tree in meditations and astral work.
Crafting: Crafted of length of Ash collected at Solstice and stripped of its bark, laid flat to allow the wood to age and cure until Imbolc when we entered into the first creation ritual... (Wood used, how the wood was harvested, special ceremonial aspects..)
Element: Air (You will disagree with me)
Symbolism: The Tree of Life
Uses: A Ritual Weapon, designed for the purpose of Hedgecrossing
Details: How it was crafted and what went into it, type of wood etc..
Meditation: Specific visualizations or Meditations entered in to with the aid of the tool.
Rites: This would be a special consecration process, if it had one different from your other Tools.
Now, you may choose to write up information on more than one tool. If you want to, feel free. But part of the magick and mystery comes from your own connection to the things that you record.
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