Still in the back. We are summarizing the oldest known form of Divination today. Exciting I know. Touched on with Pendulums, the Use of Rods is actually the oldest for of Divination recorded.
Not so common as most other methods of Divination, but people, even those outside of the Occult community know what Dowsing is, it has been used even in the modern world to find lost objects or fresh water.
Dowsing Rods have been used for divination for centuries. Although there
is evidence suggesting that dowsing was in use 8,000 years ago, the
first historically recorded evidence of the use of dowsing dates back to
16th Century Germany. Dowsing rods were included in ceremonial magick
While not a part of every pagan household again the history earns this special form of divination an honorable mention. While explaining the "How" Aspect is a little subjective, I'll leave it to you to research the general information is:
Traditionally, the most common divining rod was a Y-shaped branch from a
tree or bush. Some dowsers prefer branches from particular trees; hazel
twigs in Europe and witch-hazel in the United States were commonly
chosen. Some dowsers prefer the branches to be freshly cut. I will admit that I have no idea as to how these branches would be interpreted, as my limited exposure has been to the more modern method.
Many dowsers
today use a pair of simple L-shaped metal rods; some even use bent wire coat hangers.
One rod is held in each hand, with the short part of the L held
upright, and the long part pointing forward. Some dowsers claim best success with rods made of particular metals, such as brass. These rods move freely within the users grip, only crossing when the object is found or objective is reached.
Dowsing Rods have a well known use in finding spirits.
Goal #1 A comprehensive guide to a Traditional Book of Shadows.... Complete. Goal #2 Back to Basics, After more than 20 years I am revisiting the 101 books in order to see what I can learn now... Hind sight is 20x20... More later... Q&A?
Monday, August 26, 2013
Monday, August 19, 2013
Divination Part I: Pendulums
Moving to the back pages again.
While not every Witch reads Tarot, most believe in divination.
Divination is at the heart of Old Magick, and has a place at the very least as an honorable mention in your Book of Shadows. If Divination is your true love then please consider keeping a Divination Journal.
Divination, or seeking insights from supernatural sources, has been practiced worldwide since ancient times through several methods; one of those secrets in the human psyche that no-one can explain why it perseveres, other than... that it works. Despite religious persecution and scientific questioning, many forms of divination have survived through the centuries. They remain popular as tools for determining the future, and as spiritual resources.
So there are at least two methods that you should record before even looking at Tarot.
Every Witch should Have a Pendulum
A pendulum is one of the simplest and easiest forms of divination. It's a simple matter of Yes/No questions being asked and answered, or they can me used on a map to determine a location. Although you can purchase pendulums commercially, ranging from about $15 - $60, it's not hard to make one of your own. Typically, most people use a crystal or stone, but you can use any object that's got a bit of weight to it.
Take your time before you start writing. As with a lot of things what you write you need to write as though you are writing for someone else. This is information that you could be passing on to a student and information that we may take for granted as self explanatory isn't always.
With this particular item including pictures are simple, and the most effective explanation.
You can use a pendulum to dowse for just about anything, from buried treasure to the best spot to drill a well. You can dowse an area to find a lost object. You can dowse a house or apartment to see if it's right for you. Or dowse the land to determine the best place to build a home, business, shrine, garden, etc.
You can even dowse a map. This technique is great if you're thinking about taking a trip or looking for a new place to live. Hold the pendulum over a map of an area that interests you and ask, “Is this the place?” If the response is no, try another area. Keep at it until the pendulum says yes, this can be a practice in patience.
Include a simple map and instructions on how to key a pendulum to know what a Yes is.. (Usually done by asking a question you already know the answer to.) and what No is.. (Again asking a question you know the answer to, like 'is my hair red.')
Each persons energies are different, so the answers may not match the map shown.
To utilize a Pendulum....
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
While not every Witch reads Tarot, most believe in divination.
Divination is at the heart of Old Magick, and has a place at the very least as an honorable mention in your Book of Shadows. If Divination is your true love then please consider keeping a Divination Journal.
Divination, or seeking insights from supernatural sources, has been practiced worldwide since ancient times through several methods; one of those secrets in the human psyche that no-one can explain why it perseveres, other than... that it works. Despite religious persecution and scientific questioning, many forms of divination have survived through the centuries. They remain popular as tools for determining the future, and as spiritual resources.
So there are at least two methods that you should record before even looking at Tarot.
Every Witch should Have a Pendulum
A pendulum is one of the simplest and easiest forms of divination. It's a simple matter of Yes/No questions being asked and answered, or they can me used on a map to determine a location. Although you can purchase pendulums commercially, ranging from about $15 - $60, it's not hard to make one of your own. Typically, most people use a crystal or stone, but you can use any object that's got a bit of weight to it.
Take your time before you start writing. As with a lot of things what you write you need to write as though you are writing for someone else. This is information that you could be passing on to a student and information that we may take for granted as self explanatory isn't always.
With this particular item including pictures are simple, and the most effective explanation.
You can use a pendulum to dowse for just about anything, from buried treasure to the best spot to drill a well. You can dowse an area to find a lost object. You can dowse a house or apartment to see if it's right for you. Or dowse the land to determine the best place to build a home, business, shrine, garden, etc.
You can even dowse a map. This technique is great if you're thinking about taking a trip or looking for a new place to live. Hold the pendulum over a map of an area that interests you and ask, “Is this the place?” If the response is no, try another area. Keep at it until the pendulum says yes, this can be a practice in patience.
Include a simple map and instructions on how to key a pendulum to know what a Yes is.. (Usually done by asking a question you already know the answer to.) and what No is.. (Again asking a question you know the answer to, like 'is my hair red.')
Each persons energies are different, so the answers may not match the map shown.
To utilize a Pendulum....
- Place your map, either a real land map or a question map/mat.
- Hold the pendulum with the chain positioned lightly between over the ring finger of your power hand and wrapped back up around your middle finger to be caught between your thumb and index.
- Dangle it over the surface until it stops swinging and is still.
- Ask your question.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Your Tool
This is again back to those front pages.This particular entry may take up two or more pages.
I know you are probably confused.
"Which Tool?" You ask me?
With the plethora of Tools used in Witchcraft today, that many of us collect, decorate and then consecrate... before promptly stowing them away and only pulling them out for that one spell a decade.
You see for all the Tools available to us, we don't really need them all, we certainly can't use all of them at once. But we do develop a relationship, and connect to one, it becomes our favorite, our Go-To Tool.
This is where you are going to record about it. Most reach for their Athame, but my tool of choice is the Stang.
Draw it, if you can, but do not take up the whole page. You need to be able to fill in information.
At the top of the page you may choose to Name it in the Witches Alphabet: Example "Staff of Worlds".
Description: This tool is often used interchangeably with your Ritual Staff. More Shamanic in history than ceremonial the Stang embodies each realm of existence and acts as a direct tie between you and the World Tree in meditations and astral work.
Crafting: Crafted of length of Ash collected at Solstice and stripped of its bark, laid flat to allow the wood to age and cure until Imbolc when we entered into the first creation ritual... (Wood used, how the wood was harvested, special ceremonial aspects..)
Element: Air (You will disagree with me)
Symbolism: The Tree of Life
Uses: A Ritual Weapon, designed for the purpose of Hedgecrossing
Details: How it was crafted and what went into it, type of wood etc..
Meditation: Specific visualizations or Meditations entered in to with the aid of the tool.
Rites: This would be a special consecration process, if it had one different from your other Tools.
Now, you may choose to write up information on more than one tool. If you want to, feel free. But part of the magick and mystery comes from your own connection to the things that you record.
I know you are probably confused.
"Which Tool?" You ask me?
With the plethora of Tools used in Witchcraft today, that many of us collect, decorate and then consecrate... before promptly stowing them away and only pulling them out for that one spell a decade.
You see for all the Tools available to us, we don't really need them all, we certainly can't use all of them at once. But we do develop a relationship, and connect to one, it becomes our favorite, our Go-To Tool.
This is where you are going to record about it. Most reach for their Athame, but my tool of choice is the Stang.

At the top of the page you may choose to Name it in the Witches Alphabet: Example "Staff of Worlds".
Description: This tool is often used interchangeably with your Ritual Staff. More Shamanic in history than ceremonial the Stang embodies each realm of existence and acts as a direct tie between you and the World Tree in meditations and astral work.
Crafting: Crafted of length of Ash collected at Solstice and stripped of its bark, laid flat to allow the wood to age and cure until Imbolc when we entered into the first creation ritual... (Wood used, how the wood was harvested, special ceremonial aspects..)
Element: Air (You will disagree with me)
Symbolism: The Tree of Life
Uses: A Ritual Weapon, designed for the purpose of Hedgecrossing
Details: How it was crafted and what went into it, type of wood etc..
Meditation: Specific visualizations or Meditations entered in to with the aid of the tool.
Rites: This would be a special consecration process, if it had one different from your other Tools.
Now, you may choose to write up information on more than one tool. If you want to, feel free. But part of the magick and mystery comes from your own connection to the things that you record.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Now I stated before that you can leave most reference material out and save it for your Book of Mirrors, but you should have something quick and dirty. However, this post does have a little bit of homework. I don't want to write your BoS for you after all, what would you learn?
To the Back! Of the Book that is.
You may have guessed that I am of the old school and have a natural tendency to want to make my writing hard for an outsider to muddle through.
You are not writing a book, however, you can put a major cheat sheet that encompasses most kinds of Magick. Do some reading on the Doctrine of Signatures it is very helpful and dives into some ancient magick.
The most important reference you can have is colors. Whats that? Your surprised? Let me share a secret with you. Knowing the color to correspond with your need will help you find the right herb or crystal, it won't help you so much with scent but of everything it is the broadest in scope and what I suggest you scribble on these back pages.
White - The Presence of All Colors: All Planets, All Genders, All Days, The God and Goddess, Spirit and Astral Work. In plants it boosts your Immune System and helps fight Cancer and improve Heart Health.
Instead of:
"Symbolize and reinforce the contact with pure spirit. Elemental spirits, Angels, Gods of wisdom, divination and prophecy. Purification and cleaning on all levels, contact with higher self and spiritual helpers, aura-healing, truth seeking, consecration, spiritual enlightenment, protection against negativity, breaking curses, exorcism, meditation, divination, inspiration, and clairvoyance. White can be a replacement for any other color."
You see my version is very generic, it give you the information to find what you need without holding your hand. That single sentence tells me everything that I NEED to know. Without question some of that is because of early exposure and my parents but the knowledge will come with time and that hint of mystery speaks volumes. I'll give you one more example and then send you out in the world to create your own list.
Yellow - Planet: Mercury, Gender: Male, Day: Wednesday. Commerce/Trade and Travel Dieties. Study, Intellect, Clarity and Presentation. Plants contain B-Vitamins, essential in Cellular Metabolism and Reproduction necessary in healing.
Sun-deities, solar energies, and masculine energy. Abundant self confidence, creativity, perfection, financial richess, success in investments, luxury, worldly power, magickal power, overcoming bad habits and addictions.
Deities of good luck and good fortune. Charm, kindness, encouragement, stimulation, optimism, success, abundance, prosperity, feast and celebration, achieving business goals, investments, success in legal matters.
Copper or Bronze
Love-goddesses, love and passion, positive relationships in love, friendship in business, career promotions, successful negotiations.
Elemental fire, deities of love, passion, sexuality and war. Courage, will-power, determination, speed, assertivity, aggression, masculinity, independence, physical strength, sports, competition, conflicts, health, sexual attraction and potency, love and passion, fertility.
Magnetism, the ability to attract or speed up results. Life purpose, life path.
Love-goddesses, softness and tenderness, romance, caring, nurturing, youth, peace, friendship, femininity, emotional love, emotional healing.
Elemental earth and elemental water. Nature and fertility deities, Mother goddesses. Nature, fertility, growth, rejuvenation, recovery, healing, harvest and abundance, prosperity, harmony, balance, peace, hope, home, plants and animals.
Changes, intellectual and intuitive insights, inventions and originality, renewal, brotherhood, humananity.
Elemental water and elemental air. Deities of the sea and sky, truth and wisdom. Peace and tranquility, calmness, truth, wisdom, justice, counsel, guidance, understanding and patience, loyalty and honor, sincerity, devotion, healing, femininity, prophetic dreams, protection during sleep, astral projection.
Elemental spirits, angels, and Gods of divination and prophecy. Psychic abilities, divination, counter-acting negativity and black magick, reversing curses, psychic healing, psychic power, inspiration, meditation, spirituality, spiritual power, astral projection, third eye.
Elemental earth, stability, grounding, conservation, protection of household, family and pets, healing animals, finding lost objects, buildings, material increase, to make relationships solid, to increase decisiveness and concentration, to attract help in financial crisis.
Neutralizing negative influences, putting a halt to action.
Moon-goddesses, female energy, cycles, rebirth, reincarnation, healing of hormonal imbalances, emotional stability, remove or neutralize negativity, intuition, dreams, psychic abilities and psychic workings.
Elemental earth, deities of the Underworld. Repel and banish evil and negativity, protection, breaking free from bad habits and addictions, deep meditation, opens up deep unconscious levels.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
To the Back! Of the Book that is.
You may have guessed that I am of the old school and have a natural tendency to want to make my writing hard for an outsider to muddle through.
You are not writing a book, however, you can put a major cheat sheet that encompasses most kinds of Magick. Do some reading on the Doctrine of Signatures it is very helpful and dives into some ancient magick.
The most important reference you can have is colors. Whats that? Your surprised? Let me share a secret with you. Knowing the color to correspond with your need will help you find the right herb or crystal, it won't help you so much with scent but of everything it is the broadest in scope and what I suggest you scribble on these back pages.
White - The Presence of All Colors: All Planets, All Genders, All Days, The God and Goddess, Spirit and Astral Work. In plants it boosts your Immune System and helps fight Cancer and improve Heart Health.
Instead of:
"Symbolize and reinforce the contact with pure spirit. Elemental spirits, Angels, Gods of wisdom, divination and prophecy. Purification and cleaning on all levels, contact with higher self and spiritual helpers, aura-healing, truth seeking, consecration, spiritual enlightenment, protection against negativity, breaking curses, exorcism, meditation, divination, inspiration, and clairvoyance. White can be a replacement for any other color."
You see my version is very generic, it give you the information to find what you need without holding your hand. That single sentence tells me everything that I NEED to know. Without question some of that is because of early exposure and my parents but the knowledge will come with time and that hint of mystery speaks volumes. I'll give you one more example and then send you out in the world to create your own list.
Yellow - Planet: Mercury, Gender: Male, Day: Wednesday. Commerce/Trade and Travel Dieties. Study, Intellect, Clarity and Presentation. Plants contain B-Vitamins, essential in Cellular Metabolism and Reproduction necessary in healing.
Sun-deities, solar energies, and masculine energy. Abundant self confidence, creativity, perfection, financial richess, success in investments, luxury, worldly power, magickal power, overcoming bad habits and addictions.
Deities of good luck and good fortune. Charm, kindness, encouragement, stimulation, optimism, success, abundance, prosperity, feast and celebration, achieving business goals, investments, success in legal matters.
Copper or Bronze
Love-goddesses, love and passion, positive relationships in love, friendship in business, career promotions, successful negotiations.
Elemental fire, deities of love, passion, sexuality and war. Courage, will-power, determination, speed, assertivity, aggression, masculinity, independence, physical strength, sports, competition, conflicts, health, sexual attraction and potency, love and passion, fertility.
Magnetism, the ability to attract or speed up results. Life purpose, life path.
Love-goddesses, softness and tenderness, romance, caring, nurturing, youth, peace, friendship, femininity, emotional love, emotional healing.
Elemental earth and elemental water. Nature and fertility deities, Mother goddesses. Nature, fertility, growth, rejuvenation, recovery, healing, harvest and abundance, prosperity, harmony, balance, peace, hope, home, plants and animals.
Changes, intellectual and intuitive insights, inventions and originality, renewal, brotherhood, humananity.
Elemental water and elemental air. Deities of the sea and sky, truth and wisdom. Peace and tranquility, calmness, truth, wisdom, justice, counsel, guidance, understanding and patience, loyalty and honor, sincerity, devotion, healing, femininity, prophetic dreams, protection during sleep, astral projection.
Elemental spirits, angels, and Gods of divination and prophecy. Psychic abilities, divination, counter-acting negativity and black magick, reversing curses, psychic healing, psychic power, inspiration, meditation, spirituality, spiritual power, astral projection, third eye.
Elemental earth, stability, grounding, conservation, protection of household, family and pets, healing animals, finding lost objects, buildings, material increase, to make relationships solid, to increase decisiveness and concentration, to attract help in financial crisis.
Neutralizing negative influences, putting a halt to action.
Moon-goddesses, female energy, cycles, rebirth, reincarnation, healing of hormonal imbalances, emotional stability, remove or neutralize negativity, intuition, dreams, psychic abilities and psychic workings.
Elemental earth, deities of the Underworld. Repel and banish evil and negativity, protection, breaking free from bad habits and addictions, deep meditation, opens up deep unconscious levels.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
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