On the Celtic Tree Calendar this is the Rowan Moon and a powerful time to give voice to the Elements.
Like the Sabbats, this is less about writing the ritual and more about what sets the ritual apart. For the Esbat title the page.
The Rowan moon rolls in at the end of Winter. Rowan is the tree of power, causing life and magic to flower. Possibly one of the most magical trees from the ancient lore of many cultures. When you halve a rowan berry in their center you will have a pentagram, like the apple. The Celts referred to this month as Luis.
As the New Moon is its
Dark phase preparing for growth so as an act of healing you are drawing
into yourself, like taking Vitamins to insure future well being. Do
workings related to improving yourself.
As a time for elemental work, feed your hearth with bits of Rowan, cast rowan berries in a stream or burn them in incense.
The Rowan Moon is associated with Brighid, the Celtic goddess of hearth
and home. Honored on at Imbolc, Brigid is a fire goddess
who offers protection to mothers and families, as well as watching over
the hearth-fires. This is a good time of year to perform initiations, or ascensions. The Rowan is associated with astral
travel, personal power, and success. A charm carved into a bit of a
Rowan twig will protect the wearer from harm. The Norsemen were known to
have used Rowan branches as rune stave's of protection. In some
countries, Rowan is planted in graveyards to prevent the dead from
lingering around too long.
Help at the Gateway
Mount a Rowan wand over your door or place Rowan Berries under your mat. To protect your home.
The flowers’ of Rowan have an energy leans more towards the Lunar nature of the Rowan. In fact you can use them as an adjunct to any recipe or spell that uses charging by moonlight as a part of its process. Unlike the Sun, the Moon can be seen both during the night and the day. Rowan flowers have this Lunar power in the sense of existing in multiple realms at once. If Rowan flowers are steeped in rain water, that water can be used to part the veils between the planes. It must be rain water that is gathered in a glass or glazed ceramic bowl, never metal or wood. Let it rain for at least 30 minutes before putting out the gathering bowl or the rain water will have too much dust, pollutants, and pollen in it. Rowan flower water can be used to scribe gates, to charge tools, to wash scrying mirrors and crystal balls, etc.
Goal #1 A comprehensive guide to a Traditional Book of Shadows.... Complete. Goal #2 Back to Basics, After more than 20 years I am revisiting the 101 books in order to see what I can learn now... Hind sight is 20x20... More later... Q&A?
Monday, December 30, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
"Imbolc is derived from the Gaelic word 'oimelc' which means 'ewes milk'."
February 1st, Marks the First Fire Festival of the the New Year, following both the standard solar calendar and the principal that Samhain is the Celtic New Year (On October 31st, with the year actually starting on November 1st). Shortest Day and Longest Night of the year. When works of magick or meditations to bring light back to the world take place."
Title the page, you can write it in English or Witches Alphabet. Spelling either Imbolc or Imbolg, is standard however the traditional of "Oimealg" can also be used. Whichever you prefer.
To start this page, draw a Candle.
We are not writing a Ritual, some things should be taught and not written down. But if you choose you can record a ritual after the rest.
For detailed information read here.
First and Foremost it is a feast and celebration
Make notes on your Altar, herbs you use. Deities.Incense recipe or Anointing oil.
For me the strongest connections to Imbolc are Cinnamon, Cedar, Dragon's Blood, and Dairies. But that won't be the same for everyone. Put some thought into it. Here is another post that is a great reference.
February 1st, Marks the First Fire Festival of the the New Year, following both the standard solar calendar and the principal that Samhain is the Celtic New Year (On October 31st, with the year actually starting on November 1st). Shortest Day and Longest Night of the year. When works of magick or meditations to bring light back to the world take place."
Title the page, you can write it in English or Witches Alphabet. Spelling either Imbolc or Imbolg, is standard however the traditional of "Oimealg" can also be used. Whichever you prefer.
To start this page, draw a Candle.
We are not writing a Ritual, some things should be taught and not written down. But if you choose you can record a ritual after the rest.
For detailed information read here.
First and Foremost it is a feast and celebration
Make notes on your Altar, herbs you use. Deities.Incense recipe or Anointing oil.
For me the strongest connections to Imbolc are Cinnamon, Cedar, Dragon's Blood, and Dairies. But that won't be the same for everyone. Put some thought into it. Here is another post that is a great reference.
Monday, December 16, 2013
January Full Moon
The Full Moon in January is also known as the Quiet Moon, like the New Moon this is a time for introspection. Save your energy, stop worrying about others and concentrate on yourself. That's right, if ever there were a time to be selfish this would be it.
The Quiet Moon is a time of protection and strength. While it is the first full Moon of the calendar year, in terms of nature it occurs in the middle of the cold winter season, a season of death and desolation. In these respects, the Quiet Moon can be seen as a time of both beginnings and endings. This is the time to start to consider what you want to plant and plan for the spring.
Being a full moon it is the time to banish or make right, which as it occurs 13 times in a year makes a little bit of variety important. So aside from your normal magick workings you may try something from a different tradition.
The Blot (pronounced Bloat)
Traditionally a practice of the winter solstice among the Asatru. But you may find similar practices among many other branches of Paganism. In its simplest form a blot is making a sacrifice to the Gods. In the old days this was done by feasting on an animal consecrated to the Gods and then slaughtered. As we are no longer farmers and our needs are simpler today, the most common blot is an offering of mead or other alcoholic beverage to the deities, the practice of making a plate for the Gods is also done.
As I am not Asatru in my family and circle we do a mead pass, accompanied with story telling in either the spring or deep winter.
The Quiet Moon is a time of protection and strength. While it is the first full Moon of the calendar year, in terms of nature it occurs in the middle of the cold winter season, a season of death and desolation. In these respects, the Quiet Moon can be seen as a time of both beginnings and endings. This is the time to start to consider what you want to plant and plan for the spring.
Being a full moon it is the time to banish or make right, which as it occurs 13 times in a year makes a little bit of variety important. So aside from your normal magick workings you may try something from a different tradition.
The Blot (pronounced Bloat)
Traditionally a practice of the winter solstice among the Asatru. But you may find similar practices among many other branches of Paganism. In its simplest form a blot is making a sacrifice to the Gods. In the old days this was done by feasting on an animal consecrated to the Gods and then slaughtered. As we are no longer farmers and our needs are simpler today, the most common blot is an offering of mead or other alcoholic beverage to the deities, the practice of making a plate for the Gods is also done.
As I am not Asatru in my family and circle we do a mead pass, accompanied with story telling in either the spring or deep winter.
Monday, December 9, 2013
January New Moon
A brief note, I am going through a personal trial and keeping my topics objective is difficult. Please take the information as you find it useful while composing your BoS.
The Moon of Birch is when decisions are made as to what spiritual seeds you will plant this year.
The Tree itself is one of the few trees native to Iceland with Runes of its own. Birch means protection, exorcism, purification and new beginnings, also cleansing of past and for vision quests. Through these aspects we learn a lot as the seasons start to lead towards that transition.
Summer is a fond memory and autumn’s splendor has turned dull brown and gray. The hardest part of winter lies ahead even though the days are lengthening with the promise of spring and renewal. But now it is winter. This is the time of year when many animals hibernate. For us, winter is the time for turning inward to take stock of our spiritual journey during the previous twelve months and to prepare for the year ahead so that we will emerge with spring’s life-force knowing where we have been and where we intend to travel. Now is the time to deepen your winter journey—your self-work. This night is the time to seek the place within you that is pure being, where you are both student and teacher. Learn to listen to your inner voice however it may reveal itself to you. It becomes easier to hear that voice as snow covers the ground and our world becomes a little quieter. Winter brings the power of silence. The light in our homes becomes a little softer as we may favor candles over electric bulbs on some evenings.
Power of Words
Take some time to write a few things that you want to give up on paper. Then on a separate piece write a goal or desire. Then go out doors and dig a hole about 9 inches. Place the first piece of paper in the hole and then light it on fire (what you are giving up). After it burns to Ashes, place a bulb (Tulip, Dahlia, Lilly etc) on the cooled ashes, then place your desire or goal paper in the hole with it. Cover it with soil, then snow if you have the stuff, (Bulbs actually need a hard freeze in order to grow).
"The night is dark, the world is still,
Seeds rest beneath snow-covered hills.
Waiting for spring, I turn within."
As the bulb grows to blossom and bloom the goal you set for yourself will too.
The Moon of Birch is when decisions are made as to what spiritual seeds you will plant this year.
The Tree itself is one of the few trees native to Iceland with Runes of its own. Birch means protection, exorcism, purification and new beginnings, also cleansing of past and for vision quests. Through these aspects we learn a lot as the seasons start to lead towards that transition.
Summer is a fond memory and autumn’s splendor has turned dull brown and gray. The hardest part of winter lies ahead even though the days are lengthening with the promise of spring and renewal. But now it is winter. This is the time of year when many animals hibernate. For us, winter is the time for turning inward to take stock of our spiritual journey during the previous twelve months and to prepare for the year ahead so that we will emerge with spring’s life-force knowing where we have been and where we intend to travel. Now is the time to deepen your winter journey—your self-work. This night is the time to seek the place within you that is pure being, where you are both student and teacher. Learn to listen to your inner voice however it may reveal itself to you. It becomes easier to hear that voice as snow covers the ground and our world becomes a little quieter. Winter brings the power of silence. The light in our homes becomes a little softer as we may favor candles over electric bulbs on some evenings.
Power of Words
Take some time to write a few things that you want to give up on paper. Then on a separate piece write a goal or desire. Then go out doors and dig a hole about 9 inches. Place the first piece of paper in the hole and then light it on fire (what you are giving up). After it burns to Ashes, place a bulb (Tulip, Dahlia, Lilly etc) on the cooled ashes, then place your desire or goal paper in the hole with it. Cover it with soil, then snow if you have the stuff, (Bulbs actually need a hard freeze in order to grow).
"The night is dark, the world is still,
Seeds rest beneath snow-covered hills.
Waiting for spring, I turn within."
As the bulb grows to blossom and bloom the goal you set for yourself will too.
Monday, December 2, 2013
December Full Moon
The Cold Moon: It is the time of rebirth.
The Full Moon seen in December represents the connection between the Moon's energy and the Earth. The Moon acts as the strongest source of light in this dark time, guiding us during the "night of the year". Soon the seeds sleeping peacefully in the frozen soil will awaken and begin to grow again. The time to plan for the coming year is now before this takes place. The stable energy of the Cold Moon can aid in manifesting the material items that may run low from the Harvest seasons. Use the energy of this moon to plan and organize for future seasons and recall that this is the season when the God will be reborn into the world. On the night of the Winter Solstice (December 21 or 22), the night is longer than it will be any other night of the year. It is also on this night that the God is born. This time reaffirms the adage that "It is always darkest just before the dawn."
Traditionally, this is the Moon where we perform the Drawing Down the Moon rite, if you are unfamiliar with it you can read about it in great detail here. Never undergo any sort of possession if you are practicing alone.
Re-consecrate your tools.
The simplest way to purify Wiccan tools is to bathe them in Moonlight. This will not only cleanse them, but recharge them as well.
Take them out at Dusk, bring them in at Dawn. When the sun is no longer in the sky. Keep it tucked away from daylight for the next day to allow the Moon's energy to sink in.
Imbue Water
Capturing the energy of the moon for later use can be immensely useful, not to mention a powerful way to add to spells for healing, protection and a myriad of personal rites. You can do this by simply placing a vessel of water in the light of the full moon for at least three hours according to modern Witchcraft. As tradition would have it place a piece of silver in the water to reflect the light of the moon, (Clean silver).
I was raised taking a bottle of spring water (mason jar originally later, a plastic bottle of spring water like Evian) placing it on an altar with no candles, placing a piece of (clean!) Quartz crystal in the water, or a silver coin (bacteria won't grow on silver but clean it anyway.)
Focus on the moonlight and charge it.
"Creature of water, Lady of Light! Power of all seen and unseen, and bless this Spring Water in the name of the divine goddess."
The Full Moon seen in December represents the connection between the Moon's energy and the Earth. The Moon acts as the strongest source of light in this dark time, guiding us during the "night of the year". Soon the seeds sleeping peacefully in the frozen soil will awaken and begin to grow again. The time to plan for the coming year is now before this takes place. The stable energy of the Cold Moon can aid in manifesting the material items that may run low from the Harvest seasons. Use the energy of this moon to plan and organize for future seasons and recall that this is the season when the God will be reborn into the world. On the night of the Winter Solstice (December 21 or 22), the night is longer than it will be any other night of the year. It is also on this night that the God is born. This time reaffirms the adage that "It is always darkest just before the dawn."
Traditionally, this is the Moon where we perform the Drawing Down the Moon rite, if you are unfamiliar with it you can read about it in great detail here. Never undergo any sort of possession if you are practicing alone.
Re-consecrate your tools.
The simplest way to purify Wiccan tools is to bathe them in Moonlight. This will not only cleanse them, but recharge them as well.
Take them out at Dusk, bring them in at Dawn. When the sun is no longer in the sky. Keep it tucked away from daylight for the next day to allow the Moon's energy to sink in.
Imbue Water
Capturing the energy of the moon for later use can be immensely useful, not to mention a powerful way to add to spells for healing, protection and a myriad of personal rites. You can do this by simply placing a vessel of water in the light of the full moon for at least three hours according to modern Witchcraft. As tradition would have it place a piece of silver in the water to reflect the light of the moon, (Clean silver).
I was raised taking a bottle of spring water (mason jar originally later, a plastic bottle of spring water like Evian) placing it on an altar with no candles, placing a piece of (clean!) Quartz crystal in the water, or a silver coin (bacteria won't grow on silver but clean it anyway.)
Focus on the moonlight and charge it.
"Creature of water, Lady of Light! Power of all seen and unseen, and bless this Spring Water in the name of the divine goddess."
Monday, November 25, 2013
December New Moon
The Reed Moon: A moon for Spiritual or Astral working.
I know that thus far I have not really discussed the Astral Plane with you, as in my opinion it is a very advanced field of study. However, for the purpose of this Blog, as well as your BoS, it needs to be highlighted.
You’re most likely familiar with the astral plane due to the concept of astral projection. The art of astral projection involve sending your consciousness elsewhere. It takes a lot of energy and concentration to do it, and it usually prefaced by meditation. Basically spellcasting on the astral plane is rather like doing the spell in your head, but with all the awareness and intention of performing the spell in the physical world.
The astral plane is a spiritual reflection of the material world. Technically, every time you physically perform a spell, you are also working on the astral level. A physical action in a spell is performed specifically for the equivalent and associated energy where it means on the astral plane. Once you have become adept at handling energies gathered in the physical world, then you might find yourself using fewer and fewer props and components. The web of energy, which connects everything, also extends to the astral level. It’s perfectly possible to do an entire spell on the astral plane, which is where most change occurs anyway, initiated by your symbolic actions on the physical plane. It take a lot of focus, and the establishing of a personal place of power on the astral plane.
This is really something that should be discussed with a Personal Mentor, if you don't have a mentor feel free to email me. CLICK HERE and remember to include a subject, any message without a subject will be systematically deleted. Please be patient I am often slow to get through my email.
*Reed Flute or Pan Pipes
Playing the Pipes is used to build energy, as it is building focus your mind inward, visualize a spinning orb of light, then from its center a shadow should begin to form as the power coalesces and takes the form of that which you need or desire. Once it has taken form release it into the world as you decrescendo your music. See it spin away from you and stop the music before speaking:
"As with all love I set you free, as I will it so mote it be."
I know that thus far I have not really discussed the Astral Plane with you, as in my opinion it is a very advanced field of study. However, for the purpose of this Blog, as well as your BoS, it needs to be highlighted.
You’re most likely familiar with the astral plane due to the concept of astral projection. The art of astral projection involve sending your consciousness elsewhere. It takes a lot of energy and concentration to do it, and it usually prefaced by meditation. Basically spellcasting on the astral plane is rather like doing the spell in your head, but with all the awareness and intention of performing the spell in the physical world.
The astral plane is a spiritual reflection of the material world. Technically, every time you physically perform a spell, you are also working on the astral level. A physical action in a spell is performed specifically for the equivalent and associated energy where it means on the astral plane. Once you have become adept at handling energies gathered in the physical world, then you might find yourself using fewer and fewer props and components. The web of energy, which connects everything, also extends to the astral level. It’s perfectly possible to do an entire spell on the astral plane, which is where most change occurs anyway, initiated by your symbolic actions on the physical plane. It take a lot of focus, and the establishing of a personal place of power on the astral plane.
This is really something that should be discussed with a Personal Mentor, if you don't have a mentor feel free to email me. CLICK HERE and remember to include a subject, any message without a subject will be systematically deleted. Please be patient I am often slow to get through my email.
*Reed Flute or Pan Pipes
Playing the Pipes is used to build energy, as it is building focus your mind inward, visualize a spinning orb of light, then from its center a shadow should begin to form as the power coalesces and takes the form of that which you need or desire. Once it has taken form release it into the world as you decrescendo your music. See it spin away from you and stop the music before speaking:
"As with all love I set you free, as I will it so mote it be."
Monday, November 18, 2013
"December 21st, Marks the Shortest Day and Longest Night of the year. When works of magick or meditations to bring light back to the world take place."
Title the page, you can write it in English or Witches Alphabet. Call it MidWinter, Winter Solstice or Yule. Whatever you prefer.
To start this page, draw Some Holly.
We are not writing a Ritual, some things should be taught and not written down. But if you choose you can record a ritual after the rest.
For detailed information read here.
First and Foremost it is a feast and celebration
Make notes on your Altar, herbs you use. Deities.Incense recipe or Anointing oil.
For me the strongest connections to Yule are Rosemary, Peppermint, Frankincense, Myrrh, Mistletoe and any hot spiced beverage. But that won't be the same for everyone. Put some thought into it. Here is another post that is a great reference.
Monday, November 11, 2013
November Full Moon
Actually called "The Dark/Descent Moon" This is a Time for Healing and Communication, or Healing relationships.
Like the Sabbats, this is less about writing the ritual and more about what sets the ritual apart. For the Esbat title the page.
We have entered the dark of the year. Days grow cold and nights long. The earth begins her winter’s rest. The Crone beckons: “Come into the darkness, explore what lies within.” November is a time that is betwixt and between. We have passed through the gateway of Samhain into the dark of the year, and we await the rebirth of light—the rebirth of the Lord at Yule. This moon, the Dark Moon gives us the opportunity to descend within ourselves and find the inner realm. It is through this inner place that we can connect with other realms.
As the Full Moon is its Final phase preparing for growth so as an act of healing you are banishing things from your life, like smoking... However, as the channels for communication are open it is a great time to mend fences in your personal life. If you have been looking for a good time to apologize to someone, then there is no time like the present.
Banishing Spells and Cleansing Rites.
Finding Resolutions
Performing this ritual during the Dark Moon will help you to clear the air from difficult circumstances and move on. To perform this ritual you will need:
*A Coffin Nail (or Two)
*A pen
*A Card
*A Blue Candle (or Two)
1. Write out your apology or what you are seeking to amend.
2. Drive the Coffin Nail(s) into the bottom of the candle(s).
3. Deliver the card (and other candle if you can) to the other party.
4. Return home and light your own candle, as it burns the Coffin Nail will aid in banishing the energy surrounding the conflict and help you mend the relationship.
Healing Incantation
*Chamomile and Peppermint Tea
Make your tea, however you like it, then in the light of the moon take a swallow. Recite your chant. Then drink the rest.
"May the light that shines from deep inside,
Flow ever out, and never hide.
May the shining light within my soul,
Heal me now, and make me whole..."
Like the Sabbats, this is less about writing the ritual and more about what sets the ritual apart. For the Esbat title the page.
We have entered the dark of the year. Days grow cold and nights long. The earth begins her winter’s rest. The Crone beckons: “Come into the darkness, explore what lies within.” November is a time that is betwixt and between. We have passed through the gateway of Samhain into the dark of the year, and we await the rebirth of light—the rebirth of the Lord at Yule. This moon, the Dark Moon gives us the opportunity to descend within ourselves and find the inner realm. It is through this inner place that we can connect with other realms.
As the Full Moon is its Final phase preparing for growth so as an act of healing you are banishing things from your life, like smoking... However, as the channels for communication are open it is a great time to mend fences in your personal life. If you have been looking for a good time to apologize to someone, then there is no time like the present.
Banishing Spells and Cleansing Rites.
Finding Resolutions
Performing this ritual during the Dark Moon will help you to clear the air from difficult circumstances and move on. To perform this ritual you will need:
*A Coffin Nail (or Two)
*A pen
*A Card
*A Blue Candle (or Two)
1. Write out your apology or what you are seeking to amend.
2. Drive the Coffin Nail(s) into the bottom of the candle(s).
3. Deliver the card (and other candle if you can) to the other party.
4. Return home and light your own candle, as it burns the Coffin Nail will aid in banishing the energy surrounding the conflict and help you mend the relationship.
Healing Incantation
*Chamomile and Peppermint Tea
Make your tea, however you like it, then in the light of the moon take a swallow. Recite your chant. Then drink the rest.
"May the light that shines from deep inside,
Flow ever out, and never hide.
May the shining light within my soul,
Heal me now, and make me whole..."
Monday, November 4, 2013
November New Moon
On the Celtic Tree Calendar this is the Ivy Moon; The Moon of Healing.
Like the Sabbats, this is less about writing the ritual and more about what sets the ritual apart. For the Esbat title the page.
The Ivy moon rolls in at the end of the harvest season. Ivy often lives on after its host plant has died -- a reminder to us that life goes on, in the endless cycle of life, death and rebirth. The Celts called this month Gort, pronounced go-ert.
As the New Moon is its Dark phase preparing for growth so as an act of healing you are drawing into yourself, like taking Vitamins to insure future well being. Do workings related to improving yourself.
Protection Spells and Home wards.
The plant teaches us that restrictions are necessary to help us hone our skills. During this month remember that your enemies are your teachers and that opposition is a blessing in disguise. Focus on magic that strengthens your resolve.
Facing Challenges
Performing this ritual during the Ivy Moon will help you to learn from difficult circumstances and move on. To perform this ritual you will need:
*A piece of paper
*A pen
*A white candle
*A fireproof dish
1. Write a list of the troubles that you are experiencing
2. Next to each one, write what you have gained from it, for example "It made me stronger".
3. Light the candle saying, "This flame represents my faith in the universe. I give thanks for the lessons I have learned."
4. Burn the paper and feel yourself grow stronger.
Ivy Incantation
*Ivy Leaf
*A Marker
Write on the leaf what it is you need, then either release the leaf into a strong wind or body of water, or burn it.
Like the Sabbats, this is less about writing the ritual and more about what sets the ritual apart. For the Esbat title the page.
The Ivy moon rolls in at the end of the harvest season. Ivy often lives on after its host plant has died -- a reminder to us that life goes on, in the endless cycle of life, death and rebirth. The Celts called this month Gort, pronounced go-ert.
As the New Moon is its Dark phase preparing for growth so as an act of healing you are drawing into yourself, like taking Vitamins to insure future well being. Do workings related to improving yourself.
Protection Spells and Home wards.
The plant teaches us that restrictions are necessary to help us hone our skills. During this month remember that your enemies are your teachers and that opposition is a blessing in disguise. Focus on magic that strengthens your resolve.
Facing Challenges
Performing this ritual during the Ivy Moon will help you to learn from difficult circumstances and move on. To perform this ritual you will need:
*A piece of paper
*A pen
*A white candle
*A fireproof dish
1. Write a list of the troubles that you are experiencing
2. Next to each one, write what you have gained from it, for example "It made me stronger".
3. Light the candle saying, "This flame represents my faith in the universe. I give thanks for the lessons I have learned."
4. Burn the paper and feel yourself grow stronger.
Ivy Incantation
*Ivy Leaf
*A Marker
Write on the leaf what it is you need, then either release the leaf into a strong wind or body of water, or burn it.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Working Front to Back until further notice.
"October 31st, Marks the Third Harvest of meat slaughtering all animals that would not be able to survive the harsh winter ahead and the Celtic New Year and is recognized as the start of the New Year by almost all Pagans, and has renown as the day when the veil between the worlds is thinnest."
Title the page, you can write it in English or Witches Alphabet. Call it All-Hallows-Eve, All Souls Night, Halloween or Samhain. Whatever you prefer.
To start this page, draw a Jack-O-Lantern.
We are not writing a Ritual, some things should be taught and not written down. But if you choose you can record a ritual after the rest.
For detailed information read here.
First and Foremost it is a feast and celebration
Make notes on your Altar, herbs you use. Deities.Incense recipe or Anointing oil.
For me the strongest connections to Samhain are Cranberry, Pomegranate, Pumpkin, Apples, Cinnamon, Corn and Pork. But that won't be the same for everyone. Put some thought into it. Here is another bloggers post that is a great reference.
"October 31st, Marks the Third Harvest of meat slaughtering all animals that would not be able to survive the harsh winter ahead and the Celtic New Year and is recognized as the start of the New Year by almost all Pagans, and has renown as the day when the veil between the worlds is thinnest."
Title the page, you can write it in English or Witches Alphabet. Call it All-Hallows-Eve, All Souls Night, Halloween or Samhain. Whatever you prefer.
To start this page, draw a Jack-O-Lantern.
We are not writing a Ritual, some things should be taught and not written down. But if you choose you can record a ritual after the rest.
For detailed information read here.
First and Foremost it is a feast and celebration
Make notes on your Altar, herbs you use. Deities.Incense recipe or Anointing oil.
For me the strongest connections to Samhain are Cranberry, Pomegranate, Pumpkin, Apples, Cinnamon, Corn and Pork. But that won't be the same for everyone. Put some thought into it. Here is another bloggers post that is a great reference.
Monday, October 21, 2013
This is a subject I mention, with some slight hesitation.
Rituals play important roles in both sacred and secular life. The way you prepare for your day is a ritual. The way you travel to work is a ritual. Holiday celebrations are rituals. Rituals serve as links between past, present, and future, providing a sense of order and continuity. Pagan rituals take you out of the mundane realm and bring you into the magical one. The steps of a ritual build energy and enable you to release it toward your goal.
A ritual is like a spiritual instruction book. Ritual participants express a desire or goal to the
universe. The environment, words, movements, and objects involved in the
ritual raise energy and direct it toward that desire or goal. In
effect, each participant becomes part of the Magick.
For me discussing it in great detail is approaching lines established by my Oath.
So here the first blank page following your name I ask that you diagram/draw the wheel of the year.
You have the option of explaining the diagram on the following page, but personally I leave out the explanation.
Now, this next bit is going to be spread over the next several weeks as it deals with a great many of the religious aspects of the Craft.
The Pagan calendar is often referred to as the "Wheel of the Year", emphasizing the cyclical nature of the world around us. A beautiful deference to the life cycle; Life, Death and Rebirth. As the wheel turns each Sabbat or holy day reflects in its celebration, some of the most essential aspects of life.
The Pagan Holidays are based on four Greater Sabbats and four Lesser Sabbats, alternating about six weeks apart. The Greater Sabbats are based on Pre-Christian Fire Festivals that were held in Europe on fixed days of the year. The four Lesser Sabbats are celebrated on the Equinoxes and Solstices.
Also coming into play is the celebration of the Esbats, or Lunar Festivals for the New and Full Moon all acting in concert to shape our faith.
Rituals play important roles in both sacred and secular life. The way you prepare for your day is a ritual. The way you travel to work is a ritual. Holiday celebrations are rituals. Rituals serve as links between past, present, and future, providing a sense of order and continuity. Pagan rituals take you out of the mundane realm and bring you into the magical one. The steps of a ritual build energy and enable you to release it toward your goal.
For me discussing it in great detail is approaching lines established by my Oath.
So here the first blank page following your name I ask that you diagram/draw the wheel of the year.
You have the option of explaining the diagram on the following page, but personally I leave out the explanation.
Now, this next bit is going to be spread over the next several weeks as it deals with a great many of the religious aspects of the Craft.
The Pagan calendar is often referred to as the "Wheel of the Year", emphasizing the cyclical nature of the world around us. A beautiful deference to the life cycle; Life, Death and Rebirth. As the wheel turns each Sabbat or holy day reflects in its celebration, some of the most essential aspects of life.
The Pagan Holidays are based on four Greater Sabbats and four Lesser Sabbats, alternating about six weeks apart. The Greater Sabbats are based on Pre-Christian Fire Festivals that were held in Europe on fixed days of the year. The four Lesser Sabbats are celebrated on the Equinoxes and Solstices.
Also coming into play is the celebration of the Esbats, or Lunar Festivals for the New and Full Moon all acting in concert to shape our faith.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Your Name
I know some of you may have been disappointed by last weeks small break, but we are picking up where we left off, still at the front.
By now you have your own name that you are using for craft work, on this page you are entrusting that name to your Book.
Using the Witches Alphabet.
Like a Priest standing before the Altar you are declaring yourself.
Writing Vertically near the spine of your BoS capture your craft name. On the page itself define your path. This can be as poetic or simple as you like.
"Witch of the Wood"
"Keeper of secrets, observer of the ancient ways. I give myself to the old Gods."
By now you have your own name that you are using for craft work, on this page you are entrusting that name to your Book.
Using the Witches Alphabet.
Like a Priest standing before the Altar you are declaring yourself.
Writing Vertically near the spine of your BoS capture your craft name. On the page itself define your path. This can be as poetic or simple as you like.
"Witch of the Wood"
"Keeper of secrets, observer of the ancient ways. I give myself to the old Gods."
Monday, October 7, 2013
Still at the fore, I wanted to take a moment of your time. As we enter October we can feel the changes in the natural world as the world cools and the trees become dormant leaves are falling and night comes earlier than even it did last week, life becomes more fragile and people start withdrawing because of Cold and Flu season. This is the evidence we see in the natural world that the Veil between the worlds is becoming thinner we are much closer to the other-world, to death than we would otherwise be during warmer months.
I know I haven't called out the Sabbats in this Blog yet, and I have not been unintentionally remiss. While it’s important to honor the ebb and flow of seasonal patterns so that you can adapt yourself to these shifts its not the focus of this blog today (might tough on everyday spirituality later). However, when you try to keep the same pace year round, you stop noticing subtleties, and patterns that make your life rich. One event seems to blur into the next.
We are coming up on the most vital and beloved Sabbats for Witches, Samhain the Celtic New Year it is a magical season and very important to re-establish your connection with the spiritual world while grounding yourself with the sensation of the physical world. This is a very fortuitous time, magically for what I had planned. This entry will be very ritualized. Go back to that post I made in May/June on the Ritual and get yourself ready, pour libations: either wine, apple juice or chamomile tea work lovely.
Braid together Rosemary and White Sage and smudge your BoS and yourself, ground your energy into its pages. Make an offering and relax while the smoke dissipates.
I know, not much for you to do, but vital just the same.
I know I haven't called out the Sabbats in this Blog yet, and I have not been unintentionally remiss. While it’s important to honor the ebb and flow of seasonal patterns so that you can adapt yourself to these shifts its not the focus of this blog today (might tough on everyday spirituality later). However, when you try to keep the same pace year round, you stop noticing subtleties, and patterns that make your life rich. One event seems to blur into the next.
We are coming up on the most vital and beloved Sabbats for Witches, Samhain the Celtic New Year it is a magical season and very important to re-establish your connection with the spiritual world while grounding yourself with the sensation of the physical world. This is a very fortuitous time, magically for what I had planned. This entry will be very ritualized. Go back to that post I made in May/June on the Ritual and get yourself ready, pour libations: either wine, apple juice or chamomile tea work lovely.
Braid together Rosemary and White Sage and smudge your BoS and yourself, ground your energy into its pages. Make an offering and relax while the smoke dissipates.
I know, not much for you to do, but vital just the same.
Monday, September 30, 2013
The Circle
Back to the Front!
Remember a few months ago I told you that your Book of Shadows is a reflection of sacred space?
You have the Pillars, your Deity, Tool. Now the Circle which is pretty self-explanatory, but I'll continue anyway.
A Magick circle is a place where a Witch does works Magick and celebrates the Sabbat.
The reason we form a circle, rather than a triangle or square, is because all energy moves in a circular manner, a spiral: just look at a DNA strand. A circle also symbolizes infinity, for it has neither a beginning nor an ending. We also live within the eternal circle of life--the cycles of the seasons, the Moon, the Sun, the tides, and the heavens moving above us. Working within a circle helps our psyches attune to the natural rhythms of divine energy that animate and regulate the order of the natural world. In circles, everyone is equal. No one is above the others. The shape of the circle also places each individual within view of everyone else. This creates an immediate intimacy, connection, and sense of community. And finally, the physical shape of a circle facilitates the movement of energy. It distributes energy equally throughout the practitioners.
The form of the circle is not always one and the same; rarely do two Witches find success using an identical visualization; also each Tradition has its own trappings and teachings. It is according to the order of the Spirits that are to be called, their places, times, days and hours. However, across cultures and traditions the purpose of the Circle stays the same.
Don't bother with detailing the how to, some things you should be taught and not read.
If you use a specific chant or evocation write it in. I prefer some variation of the Witches Rune.
Remember a few months ago I told you that your Book of Shadows is a reflection of sacred space?
You have the Pillars, your Deity, Tool. Now the Circle which is pretty self-explanatory, but I'll continue anyway.
A Magick circle is a place where a Witch does works Magick and celebrates the Sabbat.
The reason we form a circle, rather than a triangle or square, is because all energy moves in a circular manner, a spiral: just look at a DNA strand. A circle also symbolizes infinity, for it has neither a beginning nor an ending. We also live within the eternal circle of life--the cycles of the seasons, the Moon, the Sun, the tides, and the heavens moving above us. Working within a circle helps our psyches attune to the natural rhythms of divine energy that animate and regulate the order of the natural world. In circles, everyone is equal. No one is above the others. The shape of the circle also places each individual within view of everyone else. This creates an immediate intimacy, connection, and sense of community. And finally, the physical shape of a circle facilitates the movement of energy. It distributes energy equally throughout the practitioners.
The form of the circle is not always one and the same; rarely do two Witches find success using an identical visualization; also each Tradition has its own trappings and teachings. It is according to the order of the Spirits that are to be called, their places, times, days and hours. However, across cultures and traditions the purpose of the Circle stays the same.
- The circle becomes a container to hold your energy. As you raise energy, the circle will contain all the energy until you are ready to release it and direct it.
- Some people believe the circle is also a way to keep out any negative energy; it's a form of protection. These people believe there are negative spirits and entities lurking about, and Witches don't want them coming in and messing with their magick.
- When a Witch is first learning to do magick, having a circle helps keep the magick pure. If there is no circle, the magick becomes diluted with all the other energies in the air, and it loses some of it's effect.
- Circles can alter your state of consciousness. When you cast a circle, you shift your consciousness from being distracted by ordinary, everyday matters to perceiving extraordinary reality, or the presence of divinity. When you are inside a circle, you can feel the magick all around you. This state of consciousness will help the spell-work done within the circle. Finally, a circle becomes a Witches temple, a sacred space. When you believe this, it teaches you that the temple exists within each of us, and is everywhere around us.
Don't bother with detailing the how to, some things you should be taught and not read.
If you use a specific chant or evocation write it in. I prefer some variation of the Witches Rune.
"I call the Earth to bind my spell.
Air to speed it well.
Bright as Fire shall it glow.
Deep as tide of Water flow."
Air to speed it well.
Bright as Fire shall it glow.
Deep as tide of Water flow."
Monday, September 23, 2013
The Shield
Still in the back, working forward from divination.
The Shield is another Seal. For me it is an important part of visualization when I am preparing to scry. This won't be the case with everything, but it is tied closely with my Magical lineage. Celtic myth tells us the Tuatha De Dannan employed their magick to shield themselves from earthly strife and chose to reside in the spiritual realm, or Faery kingdoms of Ireland. Giving birth to "The Veil Between the Worlds."
To mark the veil I use a simple visualization:
I stated before that this would be a Traditional Book of Shadows, and I am aware that the symbol to the left does not feel particularly old world. I am just illustrating that you don't have to copy me verbatim. To me this sort of top side view of a Pyramid works perfectly as my shield, each corner starting at the top and moving deosil represents Above, Below and Within; the top point representing Self or the other side.
For others this is the more Traditional view and use for a Triquetra or Triple-Goddess knot. It has graceful lines that flow into each other representing tripartite division of the world into the realms of Land, Sea and Sky.
I'll tell you why this is important. Having a set symbol that you can associate with the Veil, like a Shield that you can evoke or banish makes for a multiplicity of uses. Protection spells, warding yourself with Divining and acting as a ritual guardian, even when tearing down someone else's defenses.
The Veil is an etheric shield that is draped across our energy bodies, as well as between the world of life and the spirit realm. The Veil clouds, distorts, and hides, yet when used to best advantage, the Veil can provide insight, protection, and concealment.
At the top of the page write either "Shield" or "Veil" in the Witches Alphabet, and then mark the center of the page with the symbol of your choice. Take up most of the page, at least two thirds, then either beneath it or above it, or on the page facing it, write a simple invocation along the lines of:
"Shield me and all that belongs to me. Bless my work and my endeavors. Protect and keep me safe forever From every hex and negative thought, From every place that harm is wrought, From every evil that’s allowed, Protect me, Guard me now."
Then between the pages press a single leaf of English Ivy.
The Shield is another Seal. For me it is an important part of visualization when I am preparing to scry. This won't be the case with everything, but it is tied closely with my Magical lineage. Celtic myth tells us the Tuatha De Dannan employed their magick to shield themselves from earthly strife and chose to reside in the spiritual realm, or Faery kingdoms of Ireland. Giving birth to "The Veil Between the Worlds."
To mark the veil I use a simple visualization:
I stated before that this would be a Traditional Book of Shadows, and I am aware that the symbol to the left does not feel particularly old world. I am just illustrating that you don't have to copy me verbatim. To me this sort of top side view of a Pyramid works perfectly as my shield, each corner starting at the top and moving deosil represents Above, Below and Within; the top point representing Self or the other side.
For others this is the more Traditional view and use for a Triquetra or Triple-Goddess knot. It has graceful lines that flow into each other representing tripartite division of the world into the realms of Land, Sea and Sky.
I'll tell you why this is important. Having a set symbol that you can associate with the Veil, like a Shield that you can evoke or banish makes for a multiplicity of uses. Protection spells, warding yourself with Divining and acting as a ritual guardian, even when tearing down someone else's defenses.
The Veil is an etheric shield that is draped across our energy bodies, as well as between the world of life and the spirit realm. The Veil clouds, distorts, and hides, yet when used to best advantage, the Veil can provide insight, protection, and concealment.
At the top of the page write either "Shield" or "Veil" in the Witches Alphabet, and then mark the center of the page with the symbol of your choice. Take up most of the page, at least two thirds, then either beneath it or above it, or on the page facing it, write a simple invocation along the lines of:
"Shield me and all that belongs to me. Bless my work and my endeavors. Protect and keep me safe forever From every hex and negative thought, From every place that harm is wrought, From every evil that’s allowed, Protect me, Guard me now."
Then between the pages press a single leaf of English Ivy.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Divination V: Something Extra
Still in the back of your BoS.
Not for the meek, this little page (or two) is not so much for info on a Tool as on that little extra that has been left out of a lot of books. Divination while an ancient practice is more than just sitting in a dark room staring at odd things in order to pick out the symbols you want to interpret.
Some of us just don't relax easily, or cant enter the required state of being. In that case there is a Potion you can use to help.
You will need a storage container, an Amber or Cobalt Jar or Tea tin's are preferable to this jar you will add:
This is great to prepare in advance for Samhain.
As always be vigilant for your personal health and allergies. If you are on any heart or sleeping medications or special treatment by a doctor, talk to them before using any herbal treatments or blends.
Not for the meek, this little page (or two) is not so much for info on a Tool as on that little extra that has been left out of a lot of books. Divination while an ancient practice is more than just sitting in a dark room staring at odd things in order to pick out the symbols you want to interpret.
Some of us just don't relax easily, or cant enter the required state of being. In that case there is a Potion you can use to help.
You will need a storage container, an Amber or Cobalt Jar or Tea tin's are preferable to this jar you will add:
- 4 Tbsp White Tea
- 1 Tbsp Orange Peal
- 1 Tbsp Rosehips
- 1 Tbsp Mugwort
- 1 Tsp Eyebright
- 1 Tsp Mistletoe (Not the berries)
- 1 Tsp Valerian Root
This is great to prepare in advance for Samhain.
As always be vigilant for your personal health and allergies. If you are on any heart or sleeping medications or special treatment by a doctor, talk to them before using any herbal treatments or blends.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Divination IV: Scrying
Still on the back pages.
By now you may have noticed that Divination is a truly limitless topic, but this is your final page writing on it.
Scrying is the divination method that many would be Seer's aspire to, (also called seeing or peeping) it is the practice of looking into a translucent ball or other material with the belief that things can be seen, such as spiritual visions, and less often for purposes of divination. The most common media used are reflective, translucent, or luminescent substances such as crystals, stones, glass, mirrors, water, fire, or smoke. Scrying has been used in many cultures in the belief that it can divine the past, present, or future. The visions that come when one stares into the media are thought to come from one's subconscious and imagination, though in the past they were thought to come from gods, spirits, devils, the psychic mind, depending on the culture and practice.
Although scrying is most commonly done with a crystal ball, it may also be performed using any smooth surface such as, highly polished wood, a bowl of liquid, a pond, a mirror, or a crystal.
What you are going to record is your process. Just like before. I know that my writing has become more general/instructional, but as you know that all this is for your book of shadows and that you should be keeping it simple.
Turn out the lights. Light only a candle, position it to cast its light on your surface without casting its reflection. Then light your incense of choice or a potpourri.
Hold in your mind what you are looking for or who you want to see. And rub the surface with Mugwort.
Then allow your eyes to lose focus, blink if you must, but don't stare at your Ball or Mirror, more past it, in your minds eye a fog should fill it, and you will be looking through the fog.
By now you may have noticed that Divination is a truly limitless topic, but this is your final page writing on it.
Scrying is the divination method that many would be Seer's aspire to, (also called seeing or peeping) it is the practice of looking into a translucent ball or other material with the belief that things can be seen, such as spiritual visions, and less often for purposes of divination. The most common media used are reflective, translucent, or luminescent substances such as crystals, stones, glass, mirrors, water, fire, or smoke. Scrying has been used in many cultures in the belief that it can divine the past, present, or future. The visions that come when one stares into the media are thought to come from one's subconscious and imagination, though in the past they were thought to come from gods, spirits, devils, the psychic mind, depending on the culture and practice.
Although scrying is most commonly done with a crystal ball, it may also be performed using any smooth surface such as, highly polished wood, a bowl of liquid, a pond, a mirror, or a crystal.
What you are going to record is your process. Just like before. I know that my writing has become more general/instructional, but as you know that all this is for your book of shadows and that you should be keeping it simple.
Hold in your mind what you are looking for or who you want to see. And rub the surface with Mugwort.
Then allow your eyes to lose focus, blink if you must, but don't stare at your Ball or Mirror, more past it, in your minds eye a fog should fill it, and you will be looking through the fog.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Divination III: Tarot
Still in the back, this section will take likely two to three pages, that simply put given modern popularity of Tarot reading, can not be excluded.
Now, Tarot is a topic for which dozens of books have been written and there is a lot of tradition, so much so that I know that I am not going to include all of it here, you will need to do your own
Please note, that there is no need to copy what I say verbatim. This is an abstract of what I know. Take what you need and leave the rest.
I want to emphasize that the Tarot is not just a divination tool, but excellent for use in Sympathetic Magick. One of the first spells I ever witnesses my father working, he used a Tarot Card to represent his will and another to represent the person.
Important Traditions In Tarot:
Major Arcana
Considered the most important group of cards in the tarot. To some, they represent universal archetypes. To others, they represent the spiritual quest of enlightenment.
They are magickal and special and yet they also represent our everyday lives and experiences. There are many aspects to the Major Arcana and it would be wrong to classify them from just one perspective.
The Suits
The purpose of the Tarot card suits is to categorize four major areas of life. The underlying thought here is that we are each quite different, yet all of us are ultimately the same, and undergo similar life experiences on our journey. Each suit has an elemental affinity, as well as a Royal Family.
Pentacles/Coins (Diamonds) - Elemental Earth. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Domestic and Financial Issues. Planet Venus.
Wands/Rods/Staves (Clubs) - Elemental Fire (I argue Air). Aries, Leo, Sagittarius (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra). Creativity, Action, Passion (Thought, Challenge, Observation). Planet Mars (Mercury).
Cups/Chalices/Goblets (Hearts) - Elemental Water. Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. Love, Emotion, Empathy. Planet Neptune.
Swords/Blades/Athames (Spades) - Elemental Air (I argue Fire). Aquarius, Gemini, Libra (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). Thought, Challenge, Observation. Planet Mercury (Mars).
The way you spread the cards is quite important - each spread yields differing information. The Celtic Cross is quite a good broad based spread, which will give a good deal of info on a specific situation.
There are other layouts that do things like give you a year view, or an astrological perspective or whatever. Some spreads answer specific questions better than others.
The Celtic Cross is a very popular spread, 10 cards used in an intermediate reading, most card readers keep with a simple 3 cards.
Past, Present and Future. Spreads will take the position of the card and the card itself into account when reading.
If the King of Pentacles is in your past, It refers to an older man who had control over you at home or work. Your boss, maybe your father. All spreads start in the past and are read towards the outcome.
Now, Tarot is a topic for which dozens of books have been written and there is a lot of tradition, so much so that I know that I am not going to include all of it here, you will need to do your own
Please note, that there is no need to copy what I say verbatim. This is an abstract of what I know. Take what you need and leave the rest.
I want to emphasize that the Tarot is not just a divination tool, but excellent for use in Sympathetic Magick. One of the first spells I ever witnesses my father working, he used a Tarot Card to represent his will and another to represent the person.
Important Traditions In Tarot:
- Your first deck should be a gift: My father bought me my first deck, after buying my mother one he saw how I kept handling them in the store, I was thirteen and he bought me The Unicorn Tarot.. Now as an adult I am out of my Unicorn phase and those cards are still my best deck. With the recent surge on the internet that scoffs this tradition as a silly superstition, which I find upsetting as a lot of my religion is built on 'Silly Superstitions'. Let me give you some background. Tarot emerged in France during the mid-15th century, where it was used as a game at court... However, at that time you were either making your own, or had them gifted to you. Magickally this creates a sort of karmic debt, showing you that not everything is done for gain, but for most people, etiquette dictates that you treat a gift with care and respect which helps you develop a relationship with the cards.
- The cards can and should only be touched by the tarot reader. Now as a caveat the one having them read does have to shuffle them. This tradition is stating that you shouldn't 'lend' your cards for someone else to do a
reading. Cards collect your energy, creating a bond over time and making them easier for you to connect with. Which is why two identical decks may be read in completely different ways, or why the reader may not to use a deck with the same art if it is replacing another deck. (Vague I know; example my friend had the Dragon Tarot, a card got torn, she replaced the deck... couldn't read the knew deck.).
Major Arcana
Considered the most important group of cards in the tarot. To some, they represent universal archetypes. To others, they represent the spiritual quest of enlightenment.
They are magickal and special and yet they also represent our everyday lives and experiences. There are many aspects to the Major Arcana and it would be wrong to classify them from just one perspective.
The Suits
The purpose of the Tarot card suits is to categorize four major areas of life. The underlying thought here is that we are each quite different, yet all of us are ultimately the same, and undergo similar life experiences on our journey. Each suit has an elemental affinity, as well as a Royal Family.
Pentacles/Coins (Diamonds) - Elemental Earth. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Domestic and Financial Issues. Planet Venus.
Wands/Rods/Staves (Clubs) - Elemental Fire (I argue Air). Aries, Leo, Sagittarius (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra). Creativity, Action, Passion (Thought, Challenge, Observation). Planet Mars (Mercury).
Cups/Chalices/Goblets (Hearts) - Elemental Water. Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. Love, Emotion, Empathy. Planet Neptune.
Swords/Blades/Athames (Spades) - Elemental Air (I argue Fire). Aquarius, Gemini, Libra (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). Thought, Challenge, Observation. Planet Mercury (Mars).
There are other layouts that do things like give you a year view, or an astrological perspective or whatever. Some spreads answer specific questions better than others.
The Celtic Cross is a very popular spread, 10 cards used in an intermediate reading, most card readers keep with a simple 3 cards.
Past, Present and Future. Spreads will take the position of the card and the card itself into account when reading.
If the King of Pentacles is in your past, It refers to an older man who had control over you at home or work. Your boss, maybe your father. All spreads start in the past and are read towards the outcome.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Divination Part II: Dowsing Rods
Still in the back. We are summarizing the oldest known form of Divination today. Exciting I know. Touched on with Pendulums, the Use of Rods is actually the oldest for of Divination recorded.
Not so common as most other methods of Divination, but people, even those outside of the Occult community know what Dowsing is, it has been used even in the modern world to find lost objects or fresh water.
Dowsing Rods have been used for divination for centuries. Although there is evidence suggesting that dowsing was in use 8,000 years ago, the first historically recorded evidence of the use of dowsing dates back to 16th Century Germany. Dowsing rods were included in ceremonial magick rituals.
While not a part of every pagan household again the history earns this special form of divination an honorable mention. While explaining the "How" Aspect is a little subjective, I'll leave it to you to research the general information is:
Traditionally, the most common divining rod was a Y-shaped branch from a tree or bush. Some dowsers prefer branches from particular trees; hazel twigs in Europe and witch-hazel in the United States were commonly chosen. Some dowsers prefer the branches to be freshly cut. I will admit that I have no idea as to how these branches would be interpreted, as my limited exposure has been to the more modern method.
Many dowsers today use a pair of simple L-shaped metal rods; some even use bent wire coat hangers. One rod is held in each hand, with the short part of the L held upright, and the long part pointing forward. Some dowsers claim best success with rods made of particular metals, such as brass. These rods move freely within the users grip, only crossing when the object is found or objective is reached.
Dowsing Rods have a well known use in finding spirits.
Not so common as most other methods of Divination, but people, even those outside of the Occult community know what Dowsing is, it has been used even in the modern world to find lost objects or fresh water.
Dowsing Rods have been used for divination for centuries. Although there is evidence suggesting that dowsing was in use 8,000 years ago, the first historically recorded evidence of the use of dowsing dates back to 16th Century Germany. Dowsing rods were included in ceremonial magick rituals.
While not a part of every pagan household again the history earns this special form of divination an honorable mention. While explaining the "How" Aspect is a little subjective, I'll leave it to you to research the general information is:
Traditionally, the most common divining rod was a Y-shaped branch from a tree or bush. Some dowsers prefer branches from particular trees; hazel twigs in Europe and witch-hazel in the United States were commonly chosen. Some dowsers prefer the branches to be freshly cut. I will admit that I have no idea as to how these branches would be interpreted, as my limited exposure has been to the more modern method.
Many dowsers today use a pair of simple L-shaped metal rods; some even use bent wire coat hangers. One rod is held in each hand, with the short part of the L held upright, and the long part pointing forward. Some dowsers claim best success with rods made of particular metals, such as brass. These rods move freely within the users grip, only crossing when the object is found or objective is reached.
Dowsing Rods have a well known use in finding spirits.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Divination Part I: Pendulums
Moving to the back pages again.
While not every Witch reads Tarot, most believe in divination.
Divination is at the heart of Old Magick, and has a place at the very least as an honorable mention in your Book of Shadows. If Divination is your true love then please consider keeping a Divination Journal.
Divination, or seeking insights from supernatural sources, has been practiced worldwide since ancient times through several methods; one of those secrets in the human psyche that no-one can explain why it perseveres, other than... that it works. Despite religious persecution and scientific questioning, many forms of divination have survived through the centuries. They remain popular as tools for determining the future, and as spiritual resources.
So there are at least two methods that you should record before even looking at Tarot.
Every Witch should Have a Pendulum
A pendulum is one of the simplest and easiest forms of divination. It's a simple matter of Yes/No questions being asked and answered, or they can me used on a map to determine a location. Although you can purchase pendulums commercially, ranging from about $15 - $60, it's not hard to make one of your own. Typically, most people use a crystal or stone, but you can use any object that's got a bit of weight to it.
Take your time before you start writing. As with a lot of things what you write you need to write as though you are writing for someone else. This is information that you could be passing on to a student and information that we may take for granted as self explanatory isn't always.
With this particular item including pictures are simple, and the most effective explanation.
You can use a pendulum to dowse for just about anything, from buried treasure to the best spot to drill a well. You can dowse an area to find a lost object. You can dowse a house or apartment to see if it's right for you. Or dowse the land to determine the best place to build a home, business, shrine, garden, etc.
You can even dowse a map. This technique is great if you're thinking about taking a trip or looking for a new place to live. Hold the pendulum over a map of an area that interests you and ask, “Is this the place?” If the response is no, try another area. Keep at it until the pendulum says yes, this can be a practice in patience.
Include a simple map and instructions on how to key a pendulum to know what a Yes is.. (Usually done by asking a question you already know the answer to.) and what No is.. (Again asking a question you know the answer to, like 'is my hair red.')
Each persons energies are different, so the answers may not match the map shown.
To utilize a Pendulum....
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
While not every Witch reads Tarot, most believe in divination.
Divination is at the heart of Old Magick, and has a place at the very least as an honorable mention in your Book of Shadows. If Divination is your true love then please consider keeping a Divination Journal.
Divination, or seeking insights from supernatural sources, has been practiced worldwide since ancient times through several methods; one of those secrets in the human psyche that no-one can explain why it perseveres, other than... that it works. Despite religious persecution and scientific questioning, many forms of divination have survived through the centuries. They remain popular as tools for determining the future, and as spiritual resources.
So there are at least two methods that you should record before even looking at Tarot.
Every Witch should Have a Pendulum
A pendulum is one of the simplest and easiest forms of divination. It's a simple matter of Yes/No questions being asked and answered, or they can me used on a map to determine a location. Although you can purchase pendulums commercially, ranging from about $15 - $60, it's not hard to make one of your own. Typically, most people use a crystal or stone, but you can use any object that's got a bit of weight to it.
Take your time before you start writing. As with a lot of things what you write you need to write as though you are writing for someone else. This is information that you could be passing on to a student and information that we may take for granted as self explanatory isn't always.
With this particular item including pictures are simple, and the most effective explanation.
You can use a pendulum to dowse for just about anything, from buried treasure to the best spot to drill a well. You can dowse an area to find a lost object. You can dowse a house or apartment to see if it's right for you. Or dowse the land to determine the best place to build a home, business, shrine, garden, etc.
You can even dowse a map. This technique is great if you're thinking about taking a trip or looking for a new place to live. Hold the pendulum over a map of an area that interests you and ask, “Is this the place?” If the response is no, try another area. Keep at it until the pendulum says yes, this can be a practice in patience.
Include a simple map and instructions on how to key a pendulum to know what a Yes is.. (Usually done by asking a question you already know the answer to.) and what No is.. (Again asking a question you know the answer to, like 'is my hair red.')
Each persons energies are different, so the answers may not match the map shown.
To utilize a Pendulum....
- Place your map, either a real land map or a question map/mat.
- Hold the pendulum with the chain positioned lightly between over the ring finger of your power hand and wrapped back up around your middle finger to be caught between your thumb and index.
- Dangle it over the surface until it stops swinging and is still.
- Ask your question.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Your Tool
This is again back to those front pages.This particular entry may take up two or more pages.
I know you are probably confused.
"Which Tool?" You ask me?
With the plethora of Tools used in Witchcraft today, that many of us collect, decorate and then consecrate... before promptly stowing them away and only pulling them out for that one spell a decade.
You see for all the Tools available to us, we don't really need them all, we certainly can't use all of them at once. But we do develop a relationship, and connect to one, it becomes our favorite, our Go-To Tool.
This is where you are going to record about it. Most reach for their Athame, but my tool of choice is the Stang.
Draw it, if you can, but do not take up the whole page. You need to be able to fill in information.
At the top of the page you may choose to Name it in the Witches Alphabet: Example "Staff of Worlds".
Description: This tool is often used interchangeably with your Ritual Staff. More Shamanic in history than ceremonial the Stang embodies each realm of existence and acts as a direct tie between you and the World Tree in meditations and astral work.
Crafting: Crafted of length of Ash collected at Solstice and stripped of its bark, laid flat to allow the wood to age and cure until Imbolc when we entered into the first creation ritual... (Wood used, how the wood was harvested, special ceremonial aspects..)
Element: Air (You will disagree with me)
Symbolism: The Tree of Life
Uses: A Ritual Weapon, designed for the purpose of Hedgecrossing
Details: How it was crafted and what went into it, type of wood etc..
Meditation: Specific visualizations or Meditations entered in to with the aid of the tool.
Rites: This would be a special consecration process, if it had one different from your other Tools.
Now, you may choose to write up information on more than one tool. If you want to, feel free. But part of the magick and mystery comes from your own connection to the things that you record.
I know you are probably confused.
"Which Tool?" You ask me?
With the plethora of Tools used in Witchcraft today, that many of us collect, decorate and then consecrate... before promptly stowing them away and only pulling them out for that one spell a decade.
You see for all the Tools available to us, we don't really need them all, we certainly can't use all of them at once. But we do develop a relationship, and connect to one, it becomes our favorite, our Go-To Tool.
This is where you are going to record about it. Most reach for their Athame, but my tool of choice is the Stang.

At the top of the page you may choose to Name it in the Witches Alphabet: Example "Staff of Worlds".
Description: This tool is often used interchangeably with your Ritual Staff. More Shamanic in history than ceremonial the Stang embodies each realm of existence and acts as a direct tie between you and the World Tree in meditations and astral work.
Crafting: Crafted of length of Ash collected at Solstice and stripped of its bark, laid flat to allow the wood to age and cure until Imbolc when we entered into the first creation ritual... (Wood used, how the wood was harvested, special ceremonial aspects..)
Element: Air (You will disagree with me)
Symbolism: The Tree of Life
Uses: A Ritual Weapon, designed for the purpose of Hedgecrossing
Details: How it was crafted and what went into it, type of wood etc..
Meditation: Specific visualizations or Meditations entered in to with the aid of the tool.
Rites: This would be a special consecration process, if it had one different from your other Tools.
Now, you may choose to write up information on more than one tool. If you want to, feel free. But part of the magick and mystery comes from your own connection to the things that you record.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Now I stated before that you can leave most reference material out and save it for your Book of Mirrors, but you should have something quick and dirty. However, this post does have a little bit of homework. I don't want to write your BoS for you after all, what would you learn?
To the Back! Of the Book that is.
You may have guessed that I am of the old school and have a natural tendency to want to make my writing hard for an outsider to muddle through.
You are not writing a book, however, you can put a major cheat sheet that encompasses most kinds of Magick. Do some reading on the Doctrine of Signatures it is very helpful and dives into some ancient magick.
The most important reference you can have is colors. Whats that? Your surprised? Let me share a secret with you. Knowing the color to correspond with your need will help you find the right herb or crystal, it won't help you so much with scent but of everything it is the broadest in scope and what I suggest you scribble on these back pages.
White - The Presence of All Colors: All Planets, All Genders, All Days, The God and Goddess, Spirit and Astral Work. In plants it boosts your Immune System and helps fight Cancer and improve Heart Health.
Instead of:
"Symbolize and reinforce the contact with pure spirit. Elemental spirits, Angels, Gods of wisdom, divination and prophecy. Purification and cleaning on all levels, contact with higher self and spiritual helpers, aura-healing, truth seeking, consecration, spiritual enlightenment, protection against negativity, breaking curses, exorcism, meditation, divination, inspiration, and clairvoyance. White can be a replacement for any other color."
You see my version is very generic, it give you the information to find what you need without holding your hand. That single sentence tells me everything that I NEED to know. Without question some of that is because of early exposure and my parents but the knowledge will come with time and that hint of mystery speaks volumes. I'll give you one more example and then send you out in the world to create your own list.
Yellow - Planet: Mercury, Gender: Male, Day: Wednesday. Commerce/Trade and Travel Dieties. Study, Intellect, Clarity and Presentation. Plants contain B-Vitamins, essential in Cellular Metabolism and Reproduction necessary in healing.
Sun-deities, solar energies, and masculine energy. Abundant self confidence, creativity, perfection, financial richess, success in investments, luxury, worldly power, magickal power, overcoming bad habits and addictions.
Deities of good luck and good fortune. Charm, kindness, encouragement, stimulation, optimism, success, abundance, prosperity, feast and celebration, achieving business goals, investments, success in legal matters.
Copper or Bronze
Love-goddesses, love and passion, positive relationships in love, friendship in business, career promotions, successful negotiations.
Elemental fire, deities of love, passion, sexuality and war. Courage, will-power, determination, speed, assertivity, aggression, masculinity, independence, physical strength, sports, competition, conflicts, health, sexual attraction and potency, love and passion, fertility.
Magnetism, the ability to attract or speed up results. Life purpose, life path.
Love-goddesses, softness and tenderness, romance, caring, nurturing, youth, peace, friendship, femininity, emotional love, emotional healing.
Elemental earth and elemental water. Nature and fertility deities, Mother goddesses. Nature, fertility, growth, rejuvenation, recovery, healing, harvest and abundance, prosperity, harmony, balance, peace, hope, home, plants and animals.
Changes, intellectual and intuitive insights, inventions and originality, renewal, brotherhood, humananity.
Elemental water and elemental air. Deities of the sea and sky, truth and wisdom. Peace and tranquility, calmness, truth, wisdom, justice, counsel, guidance, understanding and patience, loyalty and honor, sincerity, devotion, healing, femininity, prophetic dreams, protection during sleep, astral projection.
Elemental spirits, angels, and Gods of divination and prophecy. Psychic abilities, divination, counter-acting negativity and black magick, reversing curses, psychic healing, psychic power, inspiration, meditation, spirituality, spiritual power, astral projection, third eye.
Elemental earth, stability, grounding, conservation, protection of household, family and pets, healing animals, finding lost objects, buildings, material increase, to make relationships solid, to increase decisiveness and concentration, to attract help in financial crisis.
Neutralizing negative influences, putting a halt to action.
Moon-goddesses, female energy, cycles, rebirth, reincarnation, healing of hormonal imbalances, emotional stability, remove or neutralize negativity, intuition, dreams, psychic abilities and psychic workings.
Elemental earth, deities of the Underworld. Repel and banish evil and negativity, protection, breaking free from bad habits and addictions, deep meditation, opens up deep unconscious levels.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
To the Back! Of the Book that is.
You may have guessed that I am of the old school and have a natural tendency to want to make my writing hard for an outsider to muddle through.
You are not writing a book, however, you can put a major cheat sheet that encompasses most kinds of Magick. Do some reading on the Doctrine of Signatures it is very helpful and dives into some ancient magick.
The most important reference you can have is colors. Whats that? Your surprised? Let me share a secret with you. Knowing the color to correspond with your need will help you find the right herb or crystal, it won't help you so much with scent but of everything it is the broadest in scope and what I suggest you scribble on these back pages.
White - The Presence of All Colors: All Planets, All Genders, All Days, The God and Goddess, Spirit and Astral Work. In plants it boosts your Immune System and helps fight Cancer and improve Heart Health.
Instead of:
"Symbolize and reinforce the contact with pure spirit. Elemental spirits, Angels, Gods of wisdom, divination and prophecy. Purification and cleaning on all levels, contact with higher self and spiritual helpers, aura-healing, truth seeking, consecration, spiritual enlightenment, protection against negativity, breaking curses, exorcism, meditation, divination, inspiration, and clairvoyance. White can be a replacement for any other color."
You see my version is very generic, it give you the information to find what you need without holding your hand. That single sentence tells me everything that I NEED to know. Without question some of that is because of early exposure and my parents but the knowledge will come with time and that hint of mystery speaks volumes. I'll give you one more example and then send you out in the world to create your own list.
Yellow - Planet: Mercury, Gender: Male, Day: Wednesday. Commerce/Trade and Travel Dieties. Study, Intellect, Clarity and Presentation. Plants contain B-Vitamins, essential in Cellular Metabolism and Reproduction necessary in healing.
Sun-deities, solar energies, and masculine energy. Abundant self confidence, creativity, perfection, financial richess, success in investments, luxury, worldly power, magickal power, overcoming bad habits and addictions.
Deities of good luck and good fortune. Charm, kindness, encouragement, stimulation, optimism, success, abundance, prosperity, feast and celebration, achieving business goals, investments, success in legal matters.
Copper or Bronze
Love-goddesses, love and passion, positive relationships in love, friendship in business, career promotions, successful negotiations.
Elemental fire, deities of love, passion, sexuality and war. Courage, will-power, determination, speed, assertivity, aggression, masculinity, independence, physical strength, sports, competition, conflicts, health, sexual attraction and potency, love and passion, fertility.
Magnetism, the ability to attract or speed up results. Life purpose, life path.
Love-goddesses, softness and tenderness, romance, caring, nurturing, youth, peace, friendship, femininity, emotional love, emotional healing.
Elemental earth and elemental water. Nature and fertility deities, Mother goddesses. Nature, fertility, growth, rejuvenation, recovery, healing, harvest and abundance, prosperity, harmony, balance, peace, hope, home, plants and animals.
Changes, intellectual and intuitive insights, inventions and originality, renewal, brotherhood, humananity.
Elemental water and elemental air. Deities of the sea and sky, truth and wisdom. Peace and tranquility, calmness, truth, wisdom, justice, counsel, guidance, understanding and patience, loyalty and honor, sincerity, devotion, healing, femininity, prophetic dreams, protection during sleep, astral projection.
Elemental spirits, angels, and Gods of divination and prophecy. Psychic abilities, divination, counter-acting negativity and black magick, reversing curses, psychic healing, psychic power, inspiration, meditation, spirituality, spiritual power, astral projection, third eye.
Elemental earth, stability, grounding, conservation, protection of household, family and pets, healing animals, finding lost objects, buildings, material increase, to make relationships solid, to increase decisiveness and concentration, to attract help in financial crisis.
Neutralizing negative influences, putting a halt to action.
Moon-goddesses, female energy, cycles, rebirth, reincarnation, healing of hormonal imbalances, emotional stability, remove or neutralize negativity, intuition, dreams, psychic abilities and psychic workings.
Elemental earth, deities of the Underworld. Repel and banish evil and negativity, protection, breaking free from bad habits and addictions, deep meditation, opens up deep unconscious levels.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Lunar Lore
Don't let your Book of Shadows lose momentum, keep the energy rolling through its pages. I try not to keep any individual section too heavy.
Timing is pretty important, we have done a lot to over complicate things. Take the next page and break down Lunar timing.
The New Moon
Don't be afraid of the Dark, embrace it. Many believe that the New Moon should be taken as a time of rest. However, the new moon is a useful period for growth, for starting new ventures, new beginnings. Also love and romance, health or job hunting. It is a great time of increasing Magick and Rebirth. The best time to plant gardens and trim your hair.
Now this might not be a good example (I wrote it quickly), but you could use poetry:
Lady of the Night
Spinning like the gamblers coin
Dark then light and dark again.
As the dark orb rises
Sparks dance in minds and hearts
Inspiration, growth and renewal.
Waxing poetic in the sky
Life springs, all grows
Hair and Herb and Hope.
Swelling, Silver is the Mother
Birthing her light into the world
As the tides reaching the land.
Waning and pulling like a bowstring
Launching power like arrows
Repelling the unwanted.
It is possible to mince your words and still capture the intent.
You'll want to capture, New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon and Waning Moon.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
Timing is pretty important, we have done a lot to over complicate things. Take the next page and break down Lunar timing.
The New Moon
Don't be afraid of the Dark, embrace it. Many believe that the New Moon should be taken as a time of rest. However, the new moon is a useful period for growth, for starting new ventures, new beginnings. Also love and romance, health or job hunting. It is a great time of increasing Magick and Rebirth. The best time to plant gardens and trim your hair.
Now this might not be a good example (I wrote it quickly), but you could use poetry:
Lady of the Night
Spinning like the gamblers coin
Dark then light and dark again.
As the dark orb rises
Sparks dance in minds and hearts
Inspiration, growth and renewal.
Waxing poetic in the sky
Life springs, all grows
Hair and Herb and Hope.
Swelling, Silver is the Mother
Birthing her light into the world
As the tides reaching the land.
Waning and pulling like a bowstring
Launching power like arrows
Repelling the unwanted.
It is possible to mince your words and still capture the intent.
You'll want to capture, New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon and Waning Moon.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Tradition 2: The God
While we have a Goddess we are not Monotheistic, our path is one of balance. Directly opposite the Goddess.
As I stated last week. I do not personally call upon the Gods often. So I will leave giving your iconic duo a face up to you. You need to fill in some information, please do not take this post at face value, research your God:
Great Father
Name: If you are working with a specific God.
Myth: (Such as Mercury, Messanger of the Gods.)
Incense: (Recipe if Applicable) Benzoin
Color: Gold
Tree: Oak
Flower: Iris (The root looks phallic)
Preferred Offering: A Personal Possession (Ring, Crystal, Coin or Blade)
"Ancient God of the forest deeps,
Master of beast and Sun;
Here where the world is hushed and sleeps
Now that the day is done.
I call You in the ancient way
Hear me pray and send Your force down. "
As I stated last week. I do not personally call upon the Gods often. So I will leave giving your iconic duo a face up to you. You need to fill in some information, please do not take this post at face value, research your God:
Great Father
Name: If you are working with a specific God.
Myth: (Such as Mercury, Messanger of the Gods.)
Incense: (Recipe if Applicable) Benzoin
Color: Gold
Tree: Oak
Flower: Iris (The root looks phallic)
Preferred Offering: A Personal Possession (Ring, Crystal, Coin or Blade)
"Ancient God of the forest deeps,
Master of beast and Sun;
Here where the world is hushed and sleeps
Now that the day is done.
I call You in the ancient way
Hear me pray and send Your force down. "
Monday, July 15, 2013
Tradition 1: The Goddess
I don't know how much of this I have discussed, but your Book of Shadows is a reflection of your Shadow Self. It is a Sacred Artifact. The way we are laying it out is much like you would design a Temple.
Still working at the front of your BoS. After you have finished with your section on The Pillars (The Elements) we are metaphorically stepping into a Temple, and at the center of the Temple you will always find the Gods.
Every path has their Pantheon, their Mount Olympus if you will. If you do not have a path or lineage within the Craft these next two pages can stay generic "Great Mother" and "Great Father" images. And if you are at all artistic please draw them how you see them, if not the Gods saw fit to provide us with the Internet, find something you like.
Now I do not personally call upon the Gods often. So I will leave giving your iconic duo a face up to you. You need to fill in some information, please do not take this post at face value, research your Goddess:
Great Mother
Name: If you are working with a specific Goddess.
Myth: (Such as The Birth of Venus, Aphrodite and the Clam.. Not in detail, just a source.)
Incense: (Recipe if Applicable) Ylang-Ylang
Color: Silver
Tree: Elder
Flower: Lotus and Tulip
Preferred Offering: Egg
"Oh Goddess Mother
You are the mystery of Night
Your radiant shine is the Day
Infinite realms cascade within You..
I open myself to your Glory!"
Still working at the front of your BoS. After you have finished with your section on The Pillars (The Elements) we are metaphorically stepping into a Temple, and at the center of the Temple you will always find the Gods.
Every path has their Pantheon, their Mount Olympus if you will. If you do not have a path or lineage within the Craft these next two pages can stay generic "Great Mother" and "Great Father" images. And if you are at all artistic please draw them how you see them, if not the Gods saw fit to provide us with the Internet, find something you like.
Now I do not personally call upon the Gods often. So I will leave giving your iconic duo a face up to you. You need to fill in some information, please do not take this post at face value, research your Goddess:
Great Mother
Name: If you are working with a specific Goddess.
Myth: (Such as The Birth of Venus, Aphrodite and the Clam.. Not in detail, just a source.)
Incense: (Recipe if Applicable) Ylang-Ylang
Color: Silver
Tree: Elder
Flower: Lotus and Tulip
Preferred Offering: Egg
"Oh Goddess Mother
You are the mystery of Night
Your radiant shine is the Day
Infinite realms cascade within You..
I open myself to your Glory!"
Monday, July 8, 2013
The Pillars
For this section we are going back to the Front pages. I will customarily leave the page immediately opposite my Blessing blank, but this is mostly for aesthetics, and because I have a ridiculous idea that I will one day be a good enough artist to draw a Green-Man there.
On the next Page or two pages that are facing each other. We are going to record the Pillars and by this I mean the Pillars of Witchcraft. These are the anchor points of any Temple, if you don't know what they are then you either need a new mentor or I have a list of books you can read.
If you do not know, they are (stolen from the above link):
To Know: One values knowledge as everything learned is only a part of a larger puzzle. This includes knowledge and understanding of the gods and goddesses and not just by "book learning", but through personal experience; thus it means use. This pillar corresponds to the element of Air, which represents reason, intellect, intuition and wisdom.
To Dare: Be willing to take risks, not go in blindly and without thought. To approach a task boldly, be willing to face mysteries to investigate and experience as well as embrace the mysteries that surround one. This pillar corresponds with the element of Water, which represents courage, emotions and one's heart.
To Will: A deep and heartfelt belief, "If you do not believe you can succeed, you will not succeed". But one should not shy away from opposition of beliefs, but understand and believe what is in your heart. This pillar corresponds to the element of Fire, which represents discipline, one's skills, concentration and drive.
To be Silent: Magick is a gift, thus one should not "brag" or "threaten" others concerning the use of magic. Further magic will lose its potency when spoken aloud to others after the spell or incantation has been preformed. This pillar corresponds with the element of Earth, which represents cleansing and grounding of one's mind.
You don't need much room, this is important because these are principals of the Craft, but also discrete information on how each element ties to your magick. There is no hurry, by all means get your thoughts in order before setting pen to paper on this one.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
On the next Page or two pages that are facing each other. We are going to record the Pillars and by this I mean the Pillars of Witchcraft. These are the anchor points of any Temple, if you don't know what they are then you either need a new mentor or I have a list of books you can read.
If you do not know, they are (stolen from the above link):
To Know: One values knowledge as everything learned is only a part of a larger puzzle. This includes knowledge and understanding of the gods and goddesses and not just by "book learning", but through personal experience; thus it means use. This pillar corresponds to the element of Air, which represents reason, intellect, intuition and wisdom.
To Dare: Be willing to take risks, not go in blindly and without thought. To approach a task boldly, be willing to face mysteries to investigate and experience as well as embrace the mysteries that surround one. This pillar corresponds with the element of Water, which represents courage, emotions and one's heart.
To Will: A deep and heartfelt belief, "If you do not believe you can succeed, you will not succeed". But one should not shy away from opposition of beliefs, but understand and believe what is in your heart. This pillar corresponds to the element of Fire, which represents discipline, one's skills, concentration and drive.
To be Silent: Magick is a gift, thus one should not "brag" or "threaten" others concerning the use of magic. Further magic will lose its potency when spoken aloud to others after the spell or incantation has been preformed. This pillar corresponds with the element of Earth, which represents cleansing and grounding of one's mind.
You don't need much room, this is important because these are principals of the Craft, but also discrete information on how each element ties to your magick. There is no hurry, by all means get your thoughts in order before setting pen to paper on this one.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
Monday, July 1, 2013
The Seal
Traditionally, each point of the Pentagram would be marked with a Glyph. I do not follow that path but using the Glyphs is your decision, starting at the top-left and moving deosil: if you want to use alternate or specially created Sigils here is a great site that will give you some instructions.
First is the Waxing Crescent.
Full at the Apex
Then Waning Crescent
Bottom Right Should have a Goddess Symbol
Bottom Left Should have a God Symbol
At the Center should be your personal Sigil. This is unique to you, something only you should know.
Alternately as the Moon is the Goddess's symbol you can replace her symbol in the Bottom Right with your own.
Now what this does is bind the books contents, and make it effectively Sacred Space or an Altar by its self, the only tool that you will ever need, after you have finished learning your path of course.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Vows and Honor
A quick disclaimer, I was taught that by alternating between the front and back of the book it better captures the power of my workings, I apologize in advance if I confuse you.
You had a chance over the last week to sort out if you were the sort who could take an Oath of Secrecy to protect your contemporaries, again not protecting any specific secrets just acknowledging that Jim's secret is not Jane's secret to tell. If you are, wonderful! If you aren't then you sorted out for yourself where you draw that line in the sand. If you have done both the kudos!
Now this is one of those Ritual Entries, so settle in and light your candle.
On the last page (front facing) turn to the back of the book and on the last FRONT FACING page if you cannot accept the Oath, clearly right your personal code of honor.
Pick up again with the Binding Rune.
If you would gladly pledge yourself then in the Witches Alphabet writing top to bottom on the left margin the word "Oathbound" and reverse it writing "Oathbound" from bottom to top on the right margin. As above so below.
Mark the very center of the page with the Creation Rune "Isa". Then speak your vow, if you have a mentor they can witness it for you or tell you what words should be spoken. It should resemble:
"As a child of the old gods, I stand before you that I be named _______ your brother/sister. On this day and in this hour I call upon the sacred power, that all may know our family has grown and that this child of the gods would give honor above life, let it be known, and witnessed!"
You are going to make your own Binding Rune, but this is special, its not a pairing of two actual runes, you are going to cross Isa with your own blood. So prick your finger and allow a good amount of blood to pool before rolling it across the top of Isa.
When this is done you should feel something descend on you like curious eyes for a moment before dissipating.
If you have written out your personal code as well as plan on taking the Oath, you may record your code on the page that faces your Oath page.
You had a chance over the last week to sort out if you were the sort who could take an Oath of Secrecy to protect your contemporaries, again not protecting any specific secrets just acknowledging that Jim's secret is not Jane's secret to tell. If you are, wonderful! If you aren't then you sorted out for yourself where you draw that line in the sand. If you have done both the kudos!
Now this is one of those Ritual Entries, so settle in and light your candle.
On the last page (front facing) turn to the back of the book and on the last FRONT FACING page if you cannot accept the Oath, clearly right your personal code of honor.
Pick up again with the Binding Rune.
If you would gladly pledge yourself then in the Witches Alphabet writing top to bottom on the left margin the word "Oathbound" and reverse it writing "Oathbound" from bottom to top on the right margin. As above so below.
Mark the very center of the page with the Creation Rune "Isa". Then speak your vow, if you have a mentor they can witness it for you or tell you what words should be spoken. It should resemble:
"As a child of the old gods, I stand before you that I be named _______ your brother/sister. On this day and in this hour I call upon the sacred power, that all may know our family has grown and that this child of the gods would give honor above life, let it be known, and witnessed!"
You are going to make your own Binding Rune, but this is special, its not a pairing of two actual runes, you are going to cross Isa with your own blood. So prick your finger and allow a good amount of blood to pool before rolling it across the top of Isa.
When this is done you should feel something descend on you like curious eyes for a moment before dissipating.
If you have written out your personal code as well as plan on taking the Oath, you may record your code on the page that faces your Oath page.
Monday, June 17, 2013
The Oath
This is a subject that makes many modern Pagans uncomfortable, and I would like to point out, per my original post, I am not Wiccan.
The Oath of Secrecy, a true blood oath came about out of necessity. When anything not approved of by the Church was the work of Satan, and people were brutally persecuted. While I would like to tell you that all is bright and beautiful and that we can put all that behind us; "Those who do not learn from the past are destined to repeat it."
In most cases, you will not be swearing fealty by blood, or binding secret mysteries of your tradition(s) in it most simplified form this Oath (leaving out the ritual and details because of Vows I have taken) is your word, a sincere pledge and blood bond that you will never betray the identity of another in the Faith, that they identify themselves is a choice for they alone to make.
The Oath is in fact married to our Craft Names, intended to obscure our Religious lives from the mundane world. Because the truth of it is that just because I have decided to be open in my faith does not mean that my best friend, love interest or siblings feel the same way.
Have you taken any such Oath? Are you willing to protect the identities of those you stand in Circle with? Would you be willing to take such an Oath?
Think about it, and whether or not, if not do some serious thinking about where you draw the line in a personal code and we'll chat more next week.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
The Oath of Secrecy, a true blood oath came about out of necessity. When anything not approved of by the Church was the work of Satan, and people were brutally persecuted. While I would like to tell you that all is bright and beautiful and that we can put all that behind us; "Those who do not learn from the past are destined to repeat it."
In most cases, you will not be swearing fealty by blood, or binding secret mysteries of your tradition(s) in it most simplified form this Oath (leaving out the ritual and details because of Vows I have taken) is your word, a sincere pledge and blood bond that you will never betray the identity of another in the Faith, that they identify themselves is a choice for they alone to make.
The Oath is in fact married to our Craft Names, intended to obscure our Religious lives from the mundane world. Because the truth of it is that just because I have decided to be open in my faith does not mean that my best friend, love interest or siblings feel the same way.
Have you taken any such Oath? Are you willing to protect the identities of those you stand in Circle with? Would you be willing to take such an Oath?
Think about it, and whether or not, if not do some serious thinking about where you draw the line in a personal code and we'll chat more next week.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
Monday, June 10, 2013
The Blessing
This is a simple Rite to be performed when you are alone. Timing is a personal preference. You can look up all the right correspondences, but what really matters is how much you can put into it personally, if getting everything together for 3am on the New Moon, with a purple altar cloth on a stormy night and you are stressing way too much it is all for nothing, if you can't be at 100% it is better to do sunrise or noon or your birthday.
Prepare a Book Blessing
Keep it simple, stick to your normal pre-ritual routine and set your altar.
Altar Cloth, White Candle, Incense, Book and Pen. Music if you want it.
This does not require a full circle cast. Just a Cone of Power.
Normal Tool Consecration Visualization. Pass it through the Incense, light the candle and dedicate your BoS, then open the book and in the Witches Alphabet on the very first page, scribe your BoS's name and Say:
"Keeper of Knowledge, Lore and Magick; Book of Shadows, I name you _________"
Then raise your hands to the sky and you can say a blessing or modify this blessing over your Book of Shadows:
"In the realm of magick -this book- (or Books Name) shall reside.
No one but the chosen shall see what's inside.
If breath be to Air as passion to Fire,
Let harm come to none, this is my desire.
If life be to Earth as Water to emotions,
This book be filled with magickal potions.
May the Gods protect it, keep it from harm,
And upon it bestow power, magick, and charm.
No one without wisdom shall peer at its pages,
Or the knowledge inside handed down through the ages.
This book be it mine, it harbors no fears.
The knowledge obtained through blood, sweat, and tears,
My Magick's my passion, the spirit's my guide.
The book may she bless it with spiritual light.
And let only her children read of its rite.
That this is my will, so mote it be."
Modified From "The Complete Idiot's Guide To Wicca and Witchcraft"
by Denise Zimmermann and Katherine A. Gleason
Now Invert your Cone and focus all that energy into your BoS.
Write a more personalized blessing or command, a sort of instruction for your BoS to follow on the next page, along the lines of a classic evocation. Simplicity, I cannot stress it enough, keep it brief and poetic, it doesn't need to go on for pages.
Sit still for a moment and Ground any remaining energy.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
Prepare a Book Blessing
Keep it simple, stick to your normal pre-ritual routine and set your altar.
Altar Cloth, White Candle, Incense, Book and Pen. Music if you want it.
This does not require a full circle cast. Just a Cone of Power.
Normal Tool Consecration Visualization. Pass it through the Incense, light the candle and dedicate your BoS, then open the book and in the Witches Alphabet on the very first page, scribe your BoS's name and Say:
"Keeper of Knowledge, Lore and Magick; Book of Shadows, I name you _________"
Then raise your hands to the sky and you can say a blessing or modify this blessing over your Book of Shadows:
"In the realm of magick -this book- (or Books Name) shall reside.
No one but the chosen shall see what's inside.
If breath be to Air as passion to Fire,
Let harm come to none, this is my desire.
If life be to Earth as Water to emotions,
This book be filled with magickal potions.
May the Gods protect it, keep it from harm,
And upon it bestow power, magick, and charm.
No one without wisdom shall peer at its pages,
Or the knowledge inside handed down through the ages.
This book be it mine, it harbors no fears.
The knowledge obtained through blood, sweat, and tears,
My Magick's my passion, the spirit's my guide.
The book may she bless it with spiritual light.
And let only her children read of its rite.
That this is my will, so mote it be."
Modified From "The Complete Idiot's Guide To Wicca and Witchcraft"
by Denise Zimmermann and Katherine A. Gleason
Now Invert your Cone and focus all that energy into your BoS.
Write a more personalized blessing or command, a sort of instruction for your BoS to follow on the next page, along the lines of a classic evocation. Simplicity, I cannot stress it enough, keep it brief and poetic, it doesn't need to go on for pages.
Sit still for a moment and Ground any remaining energy.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
Monday, June 3, 2013
What is in a Name?
Could you imagine a world of "Hey you!"? To be honest I wouldn't want to. Now your tools are just like people, your Athame is different from mine, even as my Book of Shadows is very different from yours. It needs a name.
Take some time. You could just call it "Lady Fluffy-Butts Book" nothing against that, its what many, many Pagans do. However, it is my opinion that, that sort of name subjugates. Your Tools are your partners, your allies; they are not your servants or slaves.
Take a few moments, roughly three minutes and quickly write down everything that you want your BoS to be. You should be able to sort it out into a few sentences. Once you have done that slowly pair it down to a single word or three. You can then use that word or Phrase to name your BoS, the name will work like a Power word or Invocation by itself. The more simple it is the better.
You know that this is your Book of Shadows, so adding that to the name is superfluous.
Take some time. You could just call it "Lady Fluffy-Butts Book" nothing against that, its what many, many Pagans do. However, it is my opinion that, that sort of name subjugates. Your Tools are your partners, your allies; they are not your servants or slaves.
Take a few moments, roughly three minutes and quickly write down everything that you want your BoS to be. You should be able to sort it out into a few sentences. Once you have done that slowly pair it down to a single word or three. You can then use that word or Phrase to name your BoS, the name will work like a Power word or Invocation by itself. The more simple it is the better.
You know that this is your Book of Shadows, so adding that to the name is superfluous.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Now every single entry does not need to be accompanied by candles and incense. It is best to keep a white un-scented candle (the 7-Day candle I had you buy) for those entries that do however need a little ceremony. Sandalwood incense is also a good go to for the BoS, its simple, evocative and easy to come by.
Rituals in there simplest form are just a series of actions repeated, like saying grace over a meal.
If you can afford to you should get a book holder/stand for your Book of Shadows so that it can be held apart but for now a shelf works.
Standing on Ceremony
Prepare your work area, desk or table. It should be draped with cloth and set with your white candle. Fetch your BoS, and sit down at your work area.
Kiss the spine of the book and whisper:
(You can change this to suit your needs)
"Ancient Spirits, With your permission,
I draw from you the blessings of enlightenment.
That I may bring clarity to my decisions.
I draw from you the blessings of intuition
That I might attune better with my Gods,
the cycles of nature and the cycles of life.
I draw from you the blessings of courage
That I face that which threatens and triumph.
I draw from you the blessing of strength;
That I have resolve to stand and survive any challenge."
Place the BoS before you and using your pen as you might a wand, draw an invoking pentagram in the air above it and light the candle. Be cautious if the candle does not stay lit, you may be, being scryed or not alone, the spirits may be telling you that this is not the time for your work. Try to light it again, if it will not stay lit, put your work away.
If it does stay lit, then finish what you started.
After you are done, close the book, and using your pen again draw a banishing pentagram in the air over it and whisper:
"I have drawn many blessing from you and leave you to rest with my offerings. So Mote it Be."
Again kiss the binding.
Snuff the Candle.
Clean up after yourself.
Make an appropriate Offering at your Altar.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
Rituals in there simplest form are just a series of actions repeated, like saying grace over a meal.
If you can afford to you should get a book holder/stand for your Book of Shadows so that it can be held apart but for now a shelf works.
Standing on Ceremony
Prepare your work area, desk or table. It should be draped with cloth and set with your white candle. Fetch your BoS, and sit down at your work area.
Kiss the spine of the book and whisper:
(You can change this to suit your needs)
"Ancient Spirits, With your permission,
I draw from you the blessings of enlightenment.
That I may bring clarity to my decisions.
I draw from you the blessings of intuition
That I might attune better with my Gods,
the cycles of nature and the cycles of life.
I draw from you the blessings of courage
That I face that which threatens and triumph.
I draw from you the blessing of strength;
That I have resolve to stand and survive any challenge."
Place the BoS before you and using your pen as you might a wand, draw an invoking pentagram in the air above it and light the candle. Be cautious if the candle does not stay lit, you may be, being scryed or not alone, the spirits may be telling you that this is not the time for your work. Try to light it again, if it will not stay lit, put your work away.
If it does stay lit, then finish what you started.
After you are done, close the book, and using your pen again draw a banishing pentagram in the air over it and whisper:
"I have drawn many blessing from you and leave you to rest with my offerings. So Mote it Be."
Again kiss the binding.
Snuff the Candle.
Clean up after yourself.
Make an appropriate Offering at your Altar.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
Monday, May 20, 2013
I want you to forget about tabs and chapters.
You don't need an index, and you don't have to worry when you need something you will know where it is. You can save organization and references and citations for your Book of Mirrors.. Shadows work like the inside of your own mind.
It should feel very out of order to an outsider, another step in the code, is deception. You are misleading anyone who might open the book.
That is to say, it will feel right to you, but not others.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
You don't need an index, and you don't have to worry when you need something you will know where it is. You can save organization and references and citations for your Book of Mirrors.. Shadows work like the inside of your own mind.
It should feel very out of order to an outsider, another step in the code, is deception. You are misleading anyone who might open the book.
That is to say, it will feel right to you, but not others.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
Monday, May 13, 2013
The Language
Saturday was my 31st birthday, so please forgive me that this entry is a little brief.
While not traditional to all paths The Witches Alphabet is a code that has a delicious old world feel to it and actually does give your work a special energy.
While not traditional to all paths The Witches Alphabet is a code that has a delicious old world feel to it and actually does give your work a special energy.
The last character in the chart works I lieu of a period. I personally never use the Alphabet to write whole sentences, usually just power words. You don't need to memorize them, if you don't know the letters but know the words it gives them more power in capturing your intent.
If you would like to contact me personally for
Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed
in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may
see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Our faith is one built on an ancient foundation, firelight and smoke. Not one single person alive today knows the true history of Pagan Religions. As an oral tradition much has been lost, but what survives, what has survived the longest is Art.
The earliest form of art, which has survived, is often referred to as "Cave Art." It has been found around the world from Europe, Australia, Africa, and China, as well as other places. This type of art typically depicted animals, but also included humans, weapons, crude maps, and symbols. Some of which have carried over into the Pagan reconstructionist movement. Often used as a sort of metaphysical shorthand.
Use pictures in your BoS, it will give it life.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
The earliest form of art, which has survived, is often referred to as "Cave Art." It has been found around the world from Europe, Australia, Africa, and China, as well as other places. This type of art typically depicted animals, but also included humans, weapons, crude maps, and symbols. Some of which have carried over into the Pagan reconstructionist movement. Often used as a sort of metaphysical shorthand.
Use pictures in your BoS, it will give it life.
If you would like to contact me personally for Q&A you can always comment or for private consult my email is listed in my business card, please note that I work at my own pace and you may see your answer in a blog post rather than a responding email.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Step One; Go shopping.
The Book. Get a Blank Journal
, or if you are crafty you can get
loose Parchment
and bind it yourself, or follow these steps and insert them
into an existing BoS.
The Book. Get a Blank Journal
- White 7-Day Candle
- Sandalwood Incense (the good stuff)
- Anointing Oil
- Lancet Device
This is a little machine you load an ultra fine needle in so that it can be spring loaded. Critical if you have a problem pricking your own finger.
- A Pen, Gerald Gardner called the "Pen of Art" and kept one special for the use of writing in his BoS. I recommend Felt Tip because it looks old world on paper without dripping or smudging the way fountain pens do.
- A Book Mark, for obvious reasons.
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