I want to tell you that I skipped almost the whole chapter on Web Weaving. I have moved in the Pagan community and while I have no problems with people coming to me, I have seen too much back-stabbing and politics from the members of my local community to be willingly active in it.
The section on Divination was accurate, including how each Witch has a breakthrough moment with a specific divination tool. I was first exposed to Runes by a friends step-father, he seamed really interested in reading me the first time we met. I think it was in an effort to know his step daughter. I don't remember his name, but I remember he was drinking a can of budweiser and I pulled two runes.
Raido and Algiz.
He smiled and said that I was going to be good for Heather. That was it, no trouble getting permission for her to stay over, and not the bat of an eyelash if I stayed an extra night with them.
I picked up my Mom's tarot a bit after that, my readings are startlingly accurate but my true love is lithomancy. Working with crystals.
The rest of the book was about spell work and different approaches to it mixed with referance tables. I can't say that as a whole I did not enjoy reading it again. I think that what I am taking away this time is completely different. This back to basics expirment has been a success, some of my passion for my craft is coming back. And to my great pleasure a young lady asked me to teach her a few weeks back, and while I am not confident as to her level of commitment the idea of bridging into the role of mentor is thrilling. As I continue my own journey in back to basics I'll be paying attention to what I feel should be shared with my new student.
Onto my Next Read!
Goal #1 A comprehensive guide to a Traditional Book of Shadows.... Complete. Goal #2 Back to Basics, After more than 20 years I am revisiting the 101 books in order to see what I can learn now... Hind sight is 20x20... More later... Q&A?
Monday, June 29, 2015
Saturday, June 27, 2015
My Dedication
This is another scheduled post. Per Silver I should be recording notes on my Dedication as I have already committed to my path. You know that as you read this I am camping, and going through various rites both alone and among my coven.
Date: Today
Time: Mid-Afternoon
Moon: Last-Quarter
Astrological: Gemini
Purpose: Rebirth
Tools: Beer, Incense, Anointing Oil, Athame
Guardians: Fae
Deities: The Great Mother and Forest Lord
My Original Dedication
Date: May 1st 1995
Time: Midnight
Moon: New
Astrological: Taurus
Purpose: Present myself to the Gods
Tools: Standard Altar
Guardians: Fae
Deities: Airmed and Arawn
Date: Today
Time: Mid-Afternoon
Moon: Last-Quarter
Astrological: Gemini
Purpose: Rebirth
Tools: Beer, Incense, Anointing Oil, Athame
Guardians: Fae
Deities: The Great Mother and Forest Lord
My Original Dedication
Date: May 1st 1995
Time: Midnight
Moon: New
Astrological: Taurus
Purpose: Present myself to the Gods
Tools: Standard Altar
Guardians: Fae
Deities: Airmed and Arawn
Thursday, June 25, 2015
This was a pre-scheduled post. Even now I am outside the city and 10 miles away from cellular service. We left the valley early this morning and had camp set up this afternoon. I have set aside some time to meditate.
The Chapter after the one on tools and preparation is all about magickal record keeping and ritual preparation, all building up to a personal dedication. Per this blog, you already know that I am quite comfortable with my Book of Shadows.
However, while I am up at the Spring I've decided that aside from the rededication of the Coven that I am going to take the time to re-dedicate myself. Using what I know now I think that I will get more from the ritual than I did as a Teen. I know myself a lot better now than I did then.
Unlike then, my Rite won't be focussed on what I do and do not have, nor will it be introducing myself to the Gods.
I am going to be reborn, and I am going to claim my birthright among Witches as a Priestess.
The Chapter after the one on tools and preparation is all about magickal record keeping and ritual preparation, all building up to a personal dedication. Per this blog, you already know that I am quite comfortable with my Book of Shadows.
However, while I am up at the Spring I've decided that aside from the rededication of the Coven that I am going to take the time to re-dedicate myself. Using what I know now I think that I will get more from the ritual than I did as a Teen. I know myself a lot better now than I did then.
Unlike then, my Rite won't be focussed on what I do and do not have, nor will it be introducing myself to the Gods.
I am going to be reborn, and I am going to claim my birthright among Witches as a Priestess.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
A Personal Note
Almost exactly a month ago, the chain that bore my pentacle at my throat snapped. It upset me, but the pentacle I wear hasn't been consecrated in a few years, almost ten, and tree of life that I have had on the same chain was never consecrated, I've had it almost three years. So I have them in a side pocket on my purse and have gone shopping for a chain.
I didn't find a chain. I found some other items that spoke to me. It was a lesson, my chain breaking was that moment that I knew I hadn't been paying attention to my faith and actions. It took me a few hours but the message sank in. I have done a lot of asking without giving, and while I claim to honor my Scottish heritage the Scots have little to do with how I practice aside from a connection to the Fae. I know things of the old ways because of my parents, ways that were practiced in the Highlands before the families crossed over to the states. I know the lore, but I don't honor it.
In my Back to Basics, I am on the search for more that the passion I once had for my craft. I am looking for myself. Who practiced the ways of the Clans. I am searching for my Robertson Red Tartan Shawl so it can again adorn me during rituals. I have bought a set of stones marked for the elements so that I may mark my circle and I have bought a Sgian-dubh to act as an Athame. Its not my intention to use them at all times. Maybe just at Samhain or other times of importance to my ancestors.
I didn't find a chain. I found some other items that spoke to me. It was a lesson, my chain breaking was that moment that I knew I hadn't been paying attention to my faith and actions. It took me a few hours but the message sank in. I have done a lot of asking without giving, and while I claim to honor my Scottish heritage the Scots have little to do with how I practice aside from a connection to the Fae. I know things of the old ways because of my parents, ways that were practiced in the Highlands before the families crossed over to the states. I know the lore, but I don't honor it.
In my Back to Basics, I am on the search for more that the passion I once had for my craft. I am looking for myself. Who practiced the ways of the Clans. I am searching for my Robertson Red Tartan Shawl so it can again adorn me during rituals. I have bought a set of stones marked for the elements so that I may mark my circle and I have bought a Sgian-dubh to act as an Athame. Its not my intention to use them at all times. Maybe just at Samhain or other times of importance to my ancestors.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Summer Solstice
This week, Thursday through Monday of next week I will be gone camping with my Coven. We have some great plans to rededicate ourselves, reconnect and re-consecrate ritual tools. Which was what the last chapter was all about.
Getting ready to dedicate to the path of Witchcraft.
I am already dedicated, but I am going to take some time off and try to capture what I have lost. More back to basics, a couple things that have been embraced by my Coven, we are all going to rededicate.
I plan on dragging along an old school paper journal and practicing my French. Just kidding, while I am taking along my journal some incense and some candles. My only ambition is to unplug and reconnect.
There is a place I am looking forward to being when I meditate and some Black Thorn that I can wild harvest as well as Juniper berries. I got to thinking that I haven't wild harvested resins or anything for incense in a while, since I was nineteen to be precise. So I may take a walk with that in mind.
I have some posts scheduled for my time away and will do a better update once I get back.
Getting ready to dedicate to the path of Witchcraft.
I am already dedicated, but I am going to take some time off and try to capture what I have lost. More back to basics, a couple things that have been embraced by my Coven, we are all going to rededicate.
I plan on dragging along an old school paper journal and practicing my French. Just kidding, while I am taking along my journal some incense and some candles. My only ambition is to unplug and reconnect.
There is a place I am looking forward to being when I meditate and some Black Thorn that I can wild harvest as well as Juniper berries. I got to thinking that I haven't wild harvested resins or anything for incense in a while, since I was nineteen to be precise. So I may take a walk with that in mind.
I have some posts scheduled for my time away and will do a better update once I get back.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Holy Water
I'll be camping next week. Silver pointed out that Spring water can be hard to find. This is true throughout most of the country. Where I am camping is Clover Springs, and the spring (where it bubbles up out of the ground) is actually located about twenty feet from where I'll be camping. As is customary for my Coven we walk over to the spring, leave an offering to the elemental there (we know there is one, we had a case many moons ago when someone investigating our Coven got on its bad side) once the offering is laid, we speak a blessing and collect a respectful amount of the water, usually about a quart to see us through the years rituals. On other trips we may collect smaller quantities to present to friends in the Pagan Community.
Now Silver has a recipe for Holy Water that she suggests that we record, it's not the same recipe I use:
Holy Water
To be performed at midnight on the full moon (or whenever the moon is at its zenith in the night sky).
Now Silver has a recipe for Holy Water that she suggests that we record, it's not the same recipe I use:
Holy Water
To be performed at midnight on the full moon (or whenever the moon is at its zenith in the night sky).
- 1 Tsp Rose-Water (Optional)
- 3 tbsp Sea-Salt
- 1 Small bowl Spring Water (1/2 to 1 Cup)
- 1 Clean glass bowl
- A Small compact mirror (I would use a flat mirror candle dish or a black mirror)
- 1 Clean glass storage container (I suggest one with a stopper not a cork, like a Cruet
used to serve salad dressings)
Clean the bowl and the container with boiling water, then set your altar.
Circle Cast and any other Esbat stuff.
Taking the Goddess Position (seen below) Say:
"In the cloak of the midnight hour I call upon the Ancient Power. I seek the presence of the Lady and the Lord, to bless this water that I shall pour."
Take a moment to feel the energy stirring then add the rosewater (if you chose to use it) and hold the bowl aloft in the moonlight saying:
"In my hands I hold the essence of the Gods. I hereby cleanse and consecrate this water, to Divinity, that it may be used in positive acts only and aid me in my works."
Rinse and Repeat with the Salt. Add three small pinches of salt to the water. (You will salt it during later rituals also).
Stirring deosil.
Either use the mirror to reflect the moonlight onto the water or place the container on the mirrors surface.
"This liquid now serves the Lord and Lady, it is free from any negativity, in any time, in any space."
"In my hands I hold the essence of the Gods. I hereby cleanse and consecrate this water, to Divinity, that it may be used in positive acts only and aid me in my works."
Rinse and Repeat with the Salt. Add three small pinches of salt to the water. (You will salt it during later rituals also).
Stirring deosil.
Either use the mirror to reflect the moonlight onto the water or place the container on the mirrors surface.
"This liquid now serves the Lord and Lady, it is free from any negativity, in any time, in any space."
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
My Witches Cabinet
This Chapter didn't have any home work for me, just advise on tools and spell components.
I would like to Note that anything can have a magick purpose, a few years back my best friend bought me a case of latch sealing jars (24 jars), each holds about 2 ounces. I set out to fill each jar with some non-herbal spell ingredient. I have Cemetary dirt, Crossroads dirt, seashells and sea glass, coffin nails, sea salt, black salt and blue salt (personal invention). I also have Ashes from the bale fire, tiny quartz crystal points, other assorted crystals, copper, silver and some other things that I cant remember at the moment.
By limiting the quantity of what you have you will need less storage space. Don't collect ten years worth of every herb on the market these things have a shelf-life. Keep a six pack of your favorite bottled beer around but don't stock more, this gives you enough libations for a couple months. If you don't do alcohol recently the option has come available to by a six pack of sparkling cider.
Don't file bankruptcy to afford something that you can make yourself, there are always people out there who just want to take advantage.
I would like to Note that anything can have a magick purpose, a few years back my best friend bought me a case of latch sealing jars (24 jars), each holds about 2 ounces. I set out to fill each jar with some non-herbal spell ingredient. I have Cemetary dirt, Crossroads dirt, seashells and sea glass, coffin nails, sea salt, black salt and blue salt (personal invention). I also have Ashes from the bale fire, tiny quartz crystal points, other assorted crystals, copper, silver and some other things that I cant remember at the moment.
By limiting the quantity of what you have you will need less storage space. Don't collect ten years worth of every herb on the market these things have a shelf-life. Keep a six pack of your favorite bottled beer around but don't stock more, this gives you enough libations for a couple months. If you don't do alcohol recently the option has come available to by a six pack of sparkling cider.
Don't file bankruptcy to afford something that you can make yourself, there are always people out there who just want to take advantage.
Monday, June 15, 2015
My Altar
What kind of Altar do you prefer?
I love sacred space, inside or outside, on a wall or on a table. I will create such a space whenever I have the opportunity and I will buy almost anything that speaks to me. I try to use things that I already have, but if I need something specific I will make it if I can, if not I will hunt until I find it.
Where would you place your altar?
I feel that every room should have one, and outdoor places are already sacred but I have always wanted to set up an outdoor temple.
What will you use for altar cloths?
I make them myself, with few exceptions, I will find cloth, hem it then stitch beads along the edge or overlay the cloth with tulle or lace. I always add a personal touch.
What type of illumination will you work by?
Sun, Moon, Stars, Candles and Campfires. Oil lamps or electricity whatever does the job at that moment.
What tools or representation of Deities will you have?
This is a hard question. I would like to one day have an altar of entirely items that I have hand crafted. I tend to exclude metal from my altar when possible because of my work with the Fae,so its possible for me. One day.
I am in the process of collecting the items used for a Scottish altar kit, so that I can better honor my ancestors and study the path so loved by my father. I would also like to collect the items needed for something more Norse to honor my Germanic and Viking ancestors from the Belgium side of my Mom's family, as well as the Swedish side of my Dad's family. The Scotts get priority because both my mother and my father have a Scottish heritage.
I love sacred space, inside or outside, on a wall or on a table. I will create such a space whenever I have the opportunity and I will buy almost anything that speaks to me. I try to use things that I already have, but if I need something specific I will make it if I can, if not I will hunt until I find it.
Where would you place your altar?
I feel that every room should have one, and outdoor places are already sacred but I have always wanted to set up an outdoor temple.
What will you use for altar cloths?
I make them myself, with few exceptions, I will find cloth, hem it then stitch beads along the edge or overlay the cloth with tulle or lace. I always add a personal touch.
What type of illumination will you work by?
Sun, Moon, Stars, Candles and Campfires. Oil lamps or electricity whatever does the job at that moment.
What tools or representation of Deities will you have?
This is a hard question. I would like to one day have an altar of entirely items that I have hand crafted. I tend to exclude metal from my altar when possible because of my work with the Fae,so its possible for me. One day.
I am in the process of collecting the items used for a Scottish altar kit, so that I can better honor my ancestors and study the path so loved by my father. I would also like to collect the items needed for something more Norse to honor my Germanic and Viking ancestors from the Belgium side of my Mom's family, as well as the Swedish side of my Dad's family. The Scotts get priority because both my mother and my father have a Scottish heritage.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
My ideal Sacred Space
Silver suggested that I take a page in my notebook and draft what my ideal space would be, any alterations I would make to the space I have.
In an ideal world I would be able to move into an estate with a tall perimeter wall, where I could plant a grove of sacred trees and have an outdoor space. But I would be happy with a temple room, 10 feet by 10 feet with a closet that I can modify for storage. I would paint the walls a pearl grey like a stormy sky mottled with azure blue like the mists between the worlds. I would want all electrical lighting in the room to be indirect, and with a dimming function, because there or times when you need real light. The window would be opaque or frosted glass.
Ornaments of crystals, prisms, chimes and tea-light lanterns would hang from the ceiling.
Elemental altars in each cardinal direction with Numen statuary. My main altar would be constructed for each need, the center of the room empty.
In an ideal world I would be able to move into an estate with a tall perimeter wall, where I could plant a grove of sacred trees and have an outdoor space. But I would be happy with a temple room, 10 feet by 10 feet with a closet that I can modify for storage. I would paint the walls a pearl grey like a stormy sky mottled with azure blue like the mists between the worlds. I would want all electrical lighting in the room to be indirect, and with a dimming function, because there or times when you need real light. The window would be opaque or frosted glass.
Ornaments of crystals, prisms, chimes and tea-light lanterns would hang from the ceiling.
Elemental altars in each cardinal direction with Numen statuary. My main altar would be constructed for each need, the center of the room empty.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Sacred Space
This is one of those topics that I can easily go on and on about, not just altar creation, but temple creation and outdoor sacred space.
I have had an altar since I was eleven years old, it was on top of my dresser until my Mom sent me to live with my Dad, in Dad's house he gave me a book case, my brothers each had one as well, it was ours and we didn't touch each others space. We also had a fire-safe box. So My altar became the top shelf, the second shelf was my Pagan books, a bottle of white sand and a bottle of black sand, then the third shelf was lined with jars of herbs, and the home of my crystal garden, the bottom shelf was where I kept my recreational reading (fantasy books) and my lock box, which held my Athame and a few other odds and ends.
I moved out on my own and my altar moved to the top of my six foot long french regency style chest of drawers, with a shelf hung on the wall above for things I didn't want to risk the cat getting into. Then I moved back home, to Dad's basement, and I claimed a set of shelves that were built in and set up a quick altar.
Dad and I had a falling out about a year later and I moved out again, from then my altar spent a year or two boxed up and erected as needed. I got my Permanent altar set up again in a wardrobe situated centrally in my York, PA row house, with basement access when I needed privacy.
Two years later Dad had a heart attack and I was forced to move back to Utah, my supplies were boxed for a month until I could sort things well enough to set up an Altar. I filmed it and shared it on youtube.
Its been almost a year since I set up this altar, I found a crystal chalice at a thrift store for .75 cents so the dollar store number is in my cabinet, I have also purchased another stand for my water dish so that the height between it and my Abalone smudge dish was more balanced. To the left of the cubby hangs a hand crafted clay goddess, to the right hangs a dirk.
I have had an altar since I was eleven years old, it was on top of my dresser until my Mom sent me to live with my Dad, in Dad's house he gave me a book case, my brothers each had one as well, it was ours and we didn't touch each others space. We also had a fire-safe box. So My altar became the top shelf, the second shelf was my Pagan books, a bottle of white sand and a bottle of black sand, then the third shelf was lined with jars of herbs, and the home of my crystal garden, the bottom shelf was where I kept my recreational reading (fantasy books) and my lock box, which held my Athame and a few other odds and ends.
I moved out on my own and my altar moved to the top of my six foot long french regency style chest of drawers, with a shelf hung on the wall above for things I didn't want to risk the cat getting into. Then I moved back home, to Dad's basement, and I claimed a set of shelves that were built in and set up a quick altar.
Dad and I had a falling out about a year later and I moved out again, from then my altar spent a year or two boxed up and erected as needed. I got my Permanent altar set up again in a wardrobe situated centrally in my York, PA row house, with basement access when I needed privacy.
Two years later Dad had a heart attack and I was forced to move back to Utah, my supplies were boxed for a month until I could sort things well enough to set up an Altar. I filmed it and shared it on youtube.
Its been almost a year since I set up this altar, I found a crystal chalice at a thrift store for .75 cents so the dollar store number is in my cabinet, I have also purchased another stand for my water dish so that the height between it and my Abalone smudge dish was more balanced. To the left of the cubby hangs a hand crafted clay goddess, to the right hangs a dirk.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Meditation, thought forms and dreams.
I read this chapter with its techniques, advice anecdotes with the jaded perception of the lucid dreamer. I have never lacked confidence and meditation or even guided visualization have been part of my life so long that its hard to gauge the value of what I just read.
Self help and verbal affirmations don't do much for me.
Point in case, this Blog. Journalling is something that I take very seriously. My very Christian sister-in-law has kept a dream diary since she was in middle school, and swears by the practice. But every time that I try, I end up writing down one or two dreams a month. I take the time to reflect on my dreams, but in the end I only write down the ones with an obvious message. Those dreams I can count on one hand.
My entire life I have always been able to control my dreams, I credit this for why I don't have nightmares, but I have never actively laid down with the intent of hedgecrossing in my sleep.
I will have to try.
Self help and verbal affirmations don't do much for me.
Point in case, this Blog. Journalling is something that I take very seriously. My very Christian sister-in-law has kept a dream diary since she was in middle school, and swears by the practice. But every time that I try, I end up writing down one or two dreams a month. I take the time to reflect on my dreams, but in the end I only write down the ones with an obvious message. Those dreams I can count on one hand.
My entire life I have always been able to control my dreams, I credit this for why I don't have nightmares, but I have never actively laid down with the intent of hedgecrossing in my sleep.
I will have to try.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Naming Continued...
In many paths Numerology is used to alter the spelling of a potential name until it matches your birth number. Some people place a great deal more faith in numbers and their connection to the universe than others, and while Numerology is not something that I have studied in depth I have used it to give a slight difference in how the public see's my Craft name and how I see it. Allowing my name to sound like Echo but in my BoS and when I do magick for myself I spell it differently and it has a different visualization.
Here are the tables that I find most helpful:
Here are the tables that I find most helpful:
My Birth Name: Piper Laurie Robertson - 79759/1 313995/3 962598765/4
I have the choice of taking each name at its individual value or adding them all together. My Birth number becomes an 8, this is simplified as some might take into account that I was born on 05/04/1982, it was a Tuesday, but as I am not changing the day I was born, its an 8. I can use as many letters as I want, string as many words together as I want in order to match that number. Or I can take this grand opportunity of rebirth and pick a number that catches the energy that I want to embody.
Friday, June 5, 2015
My Magickal Name
I have honored my Magickal Name for many years, Echo. To me the Whisper in the Wind. A reflection of power born from many places. This year marks its Twentieth year as my 'Nom de Arcane' as of a month and a day ago.
In my Back to Basics, I hadn't planned on changing that. Because I love my name, it is part of who I am and how I identify. But maybe it is time to grow.
When I was young I was an extreme introvert, regular conversation was difficult. I was never shy, but I was quiet, listened and created my own worlds.
Today I will take the lead, calmly assert myself when necessary. I express easy pleasure and my excitement when I learn something new is quite tangible.
I am something of an apothecary, all earth magick comes to me instinctively. Herbs and Crystals, working root magick, casting runes and the physical side of magick has an old world gypsy like appeal to me that I revel in. I collect jars and all manner of bottles and baubles. I use this knowledge for more than just healing and spellwork, I apply it to the everyday.
Things that have changed: In the past I would have hesitated to craft runes or altar tiles, I wouldn't have thought to work with clay to form my own god or goddess. My personal artistic ability is questionable. Now I do these things for the pleasure and connection I feel, knowing that even if they are not pretty they can serve as an offering to the gods.
My name should embody the following Strengths: Intelligence, Confidence, Courage, Change and Creativity.
This name should have the qualities of: The Otherworld, a Mountain Forest. Ley Lines. Twilight. Immortality.
In my Back to Basics, I hadn't planned on changing that. Because I love my name, it is part of who I am and how I identify. But maybe it is time to grow.
When I was young I was an extreme introvert, regular conversation was difficult. I was never shy, but I was quiet, listened and created my own worlds.
Today I will take the lead, calmly assert myself when necessary. I express easy pleasure and my excitement when I learn something new is quite tangible.
I am something of an apothecary, all earth magick comes to me instinctively. Herbs and Crystals, working root magick, casting runes and the physical side of magick has an old world gypsy like appeal to me that I revel in. I collect jars and all manner of bottles and baubles. I use this knowledge for more than just healing and spellwork, I apply it to the everyday.
Things that have changed: In the past I would have hesitated to craft runes or altar tiles, I wouldn't have thought to work with clay to form my own god or goddess. My personal artistic ability is questionable. Now I do these things for the pleasure and connection I feel, knowing that even if they are not pretty they can serve as an offering to the gods.
My name should embody the following Strengths: Intelligence, Confidence, Courage, Change and Creativity.
This name should have the qualities of: The Otherworld, a Mountain Forest. Ley Lines. Twilight. Immortality.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Building Shadows: What's in a Name?
This is something of a soft spot with me. By birth my name is Piper Laurie Robertson. I have a story behind my name that I was told multiple times as I was growing up. As a kid and teen, I was the only Piper a lot of people had ever met, I heard "That's such a cute name" more times than I can count. Since I was a young adult my name slowly started becoming more vogue, the movie Robots hit the theater "My name is Piper it rhymes with Vyper! Hsss!" Greeted me from friends and strangers alike for almost a year, then Charmed hit the airwaves and I got "Like that girl from Charmed?" or "You're a Charmed One then." Power of three jokes followed and only got worse after people found out that I'm a Witch. People started naming dogs Piper and felt the need to tell me all about it.
I laughed politely, but it set my teeth on edge. I had always been like Tigger; the only one. Let me tell you: Its not flattering to name a dog after someone. Don't expect a complete stranger to be flattered by it. My Mom named her Jack-Russel/Miniature Pinscher Roxie, mom's sister's name is Roxanne. Do you think my Aunt was flattered? A year ago I found out that my uncle Timm had a miniature australian shepherd named Pipper (pronounced Piper) and my disgust must have been palpable,
At work I had a coworker tell me that she had always associated my name with sluts, then tell me that she didn't think I was slut like at all.
Some people aren't as possessive about their names as I am. My older brother Ian has a four year old daughter that he talked his wife into naming Pepper, because she would have been named Piper. My brother gets it. But that's because my parents made sure that we all knew where we came from and why our names were chosen. And they have become a part of how we identify with the world, even if the rest of the world has a type casted into other roles.
This identity also lends to the Power that a true name can hold over a person. This power lends to why those in the Craft often take Magickal names. To protect themselves and their families not just from persecution, but from Magick.
Silver writes that the new name represents the rebirth into a new life, the no limits, no preconceived notions world of magick. And it may be just that, but it is so much more.
The name I have used publically since I dedicated originally is Echo, since I have used that same name in Coven Initiations. I have another name that is only known to me and my Guides in the Otherworld.
I laughed politely, but it set my teeth on edge. I had always been like Tigger; the only one. Let me tell you: Its not flattering to name a dog after someone. Don't expect a complete stranger to be flattered by it. My Mom named her Jack-Russel/Miniature Pinscher Roxie, mom's sister's name is Roxanne. Do you think my Aunt was flattered? A year ago I found out that my uncle Timm had a miniature australian shepherd named Pipper (pronounced Piper) and my disgust must have been palpable,
At work I had a coworker tell me that she had always associated my name with sluts, then tell me that she didn't think I was slut like at all.
Some people aren't as possessive about their names as I am. My older brother Ian has a four year old daughter that he talked his wife into naming Pepper, because she would have been named Piper. My brother gets it. But that's because my parents made sure that we all knew where we came from and why our names were chosen. And they have become a part of how we identify with the world, even if the rest of the world has a type casted into other roles.
This identity also lends to the Power that a true name can hold over a person. This power lends to why those in the Craft often take Magickal names. To protect themselves and their families not just from persecution, but from Magick.
Silver writes that the new name represents the rebirth into a new life, the no limits, no preconceived notions world of magick. And it may be just that, but it is so much more.
The name I have used publically since I dedicated originally is Echo, since I have used that same name in Coven Initiations. I have another name that is only known to me and my Guides in the Otherworld.
Monday, June 1, 2015
Triple Goddess
While Silver didn't ask for anything in my notebook about the Triplicity or our Gods and Goddess I wanted to toss a quick note at my readers.
I find that all women have multiple aspects and different roles to fill as they progress through life, as the wheel of the year reflects that same progression and repetition among the Gods I don't think that this was an ancient practice.
I think that the idea of a Triple Goddess is part of Pagan reconstructionism. The ancient Celts did things in threes, everything could be attached to one of the three realms of physical, mental or spiritual. Sea, Land or Air. That's why in the modern age going back further than your great grandparents. "Bad news comes in threes." or "Death comes in threes." My grandmother always said that when you when things turned south you had to wait for the third thing to break, get ruined, or lost before you could expect it to start getting better.
Take the time to research the Goddesses on your own, as a Priest or Priestess its your privilege to know them.
I find that all women have multiple aspects and different roles to fill as they progress through life, as the wheel of the year reflects that same progression and repetition among the Gods I don't think that this was an ancient practice.
I think that the idea of a Triple Goddess is part of Pagan reconstructionism. The ancient Celts did things in threes, everything could be attached to one of the three realms of physical, mental or spiritual. Sea, Land or Air. That's why in the modern age going back further than your great grandparents. "Bad news comes in threes." or "Death comes in threes." My grandmother always said that when you when things turned south you had to wait for the third thing to break, get ruined, or lost before you could expect it to start getting better.
Take the time to research the Goddesses on your own, as a Priest or Priestess its your privilege to know them.
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