Silver asked that we write down our quarter call for at least one direction.
"Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the North, rulers of strength and wisdom, I call you from your ancient Hearth to witness and to guard me in my art. By name I implore, Gnomes! Lend your might tonight!"
I don't use the same call for each circumstance, that is the call I would use if I performed a circle cast tonight. The next assignment as I use Watchtowers is to find or draw what they look like to me. Introduce myself to them in meditation then practice my new quarter call.
To me the Watchtower is a physical structure, like the rook in chess, or a medieval looking lighthouse. It is staffed by an individual spirit, the Guardian of the Watchtower is a spirit mentor or guardian that I have worked with in meditation and named to the task. This Guardian lights the Watch-fire and summons the actual elemental on my behalf. Which is why I have candles in the Quarters of my circle.
When each Watch-fire is lit, a wall travels to the next forming a wall along the outside of the circle.
Goal #1 A comprehensive guide to a Traditional Book of Shadows.... Complete. Goal #2 Back to Basics, After more than 20 years I am revisiting the 101 books in order to see what I can learn now... Hind sight is 20x20... More later... Q&A?
Monday, October 12, 2015
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Two for One
The last thing that Silver said to do was try using my salutes during my daily devotionals, which I already do, so I am skipping ahead. Selecting a Patron or Matron Deity was discussed in my last book post, and I hosted a shrouded supper last Samhain with plans to do the same this year.
So we come to setting goals. 10 for the next 6 months. This is hard for me, as there is a lot that I want to accomplish. And a lot of that I need help with, and not all my goals are spiritual.
So we come to setting goals. 10 for the next 6 months. This is hard for me, as there is a lot that I want to accomplish. And a lot of that I need help with, and not all my goals are spiritual.
- Get the squatter out of my Dads house.
- Clean up the house and property
- Fix any damage to the house
- Set up a Temple
- Finish my Spirit House project
- Make Libation Wine for a year of Sabbats and Esbats
- Clean and package the Salt from the last trip to the flats
- Make Smudge Sticks
- Prepare Sabbat specific incenses
- Make Beesom
Monday, October 5, 2015
I will admit that in the last couple months of missed posts, I decided to skip some of Silver's activities, performing specific salutes everyday for a month, performing a shrouded supper. All things that I have done, and as the supper is something we do at Samhain, I consider that to just be a suspended exercise.
But she did talk about Patron deity work. Which is to say the least, fascinating. I find that everyone has a different perception of the job performed by a Patron, or the result of a Patron relationship.
On my personal altar I like to keep the figures un-named and generic.
It allows me to keep my altar dressed at all times. But I feel then when I talk to the Lady she knows who I am communicating with. Each Sabbat has a different Patron deity, Silver mentioned that she selected a different God and Goddess for each initiation that she underwent, alluding to the belief that we have a different patron/matron for each stage of our lives. She also stated that the fountains and springs in her yard had yet different gods attached to them.
So I would like to purport that the gods as we know them are a lot like the Catholic Saints, which is what made it so easy for the church to amalgamate pagan beliefs.
"A patron saint or a patron hallow is a saint who in Roman Catholicism is regarded as the tutelary spirit or heavenly advocate of a nation, place, craft, activity, class, clan, family or person. Supposedly, patron saints, having already transcended to the metaphysical, are able to intercede effectively for the needs of their special charges."
If you lay claim to a God or Goddess and declare yourself to them, they should be at the core of most of your magick. This is a decision that you should take seriously, work your way up to a personal patron, choose one for your property, one for your home, one for your family and then one for you. This isn't the sort of relationship that you should walk into blindly, so do your research.
If I had the space I would have a different altar (set up and least) for each branch of my practice, my family traditional path, the Celtic Path and Faery Craft. But I don't, so what I have done is collect a series of artifacts and sorted them into smaller boxes, that I call spirit houses so that depending on my working I can dress my altar appropriately.
But she did talk about Patron deity work. Which is to say the least, fascinating. I find that everyone has a different perception of the job performed by a Patron, or the result of a Patron relationship.
On my personal altar I like to keep the figures un-named and generic.
It allows me to keep my altar dressed at all times. But I feel then when I talk to the Lady she knows who I am communicating with. Each Sabbat has a different Patron deity, Silver mentioned that she selected a different God and Goddess for each initiation that she underwent, alluding to the belief that we have a different patron/matron for each stage of our lives. She also stated that the fountains and springs in her yard had yet different gods attached to them.
So I would like to purport that the gods as we know them are a lot like the Catholic Saints, which is what made it so easy for the church to amalgamate pagan beliefs.
"A patron saint or a patron hallow is a saint who in Roman Catholicism is regarded as the tutelary spirit or heavenly advocate of a nation, place, craft, activity, class, clan, family or person. Supposedly, patron saints, having already transcended to the metaphysical, are able to intercede effectively for the needs of their special charges."
If you lay claim to a God or Goddess and declare yourself to them, they should be at the core of most of your magick. This is a decision that you should take seriously, work your way up to a personal patron, choose one for your property, one for your home, one for your family and then one for you. This isn't the sort of relationship that you should walk into blindly, so do your research.
If I had the space I would have a different altar (set up and least) for each branch of my practice, my family traditional path, the Celtic Path and Faery Craft. But I don't, so what I have done is collect a series of artifacts and sorted them into smaller boxes, that I call spirit houses so that depending on my working I can dress my altar appropriately.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
I have to say that in retrospect I am gaining a lot more from Silver while I review her work with mature eyes. I will argue with some of her exercises, I personally would not teach the same way. When she wrote out her Triggers assignment as one of physical gestures, this to me is a salute.
I have always stylized my movements and gestures after the etiquette of a knight. Not very feminine of me, when I visualize my motions I am usually holding an athame or a staff. To think of simple motions for empty hands. Its hard to describe as most of the actions and energy through visualization. And I'll be the first to admit that I am much more graceful in my own mind than in reality.
My gestures in reality my hand is tilted to the side, like a blade. The motion is dependent on my goals. More of a salute than a trigger.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
From the Heart
Silver wants me to write or memorize a ritual soliloquy that I can use faithfully in rituals. This is hard, most Pagan poems are simply too long for me to feel comfortable reciting them, and invariably I end up tripping over my words. Its easier to recite Shakespeare when I'm out with friends. So writing something like that, that I can memorize became my best option.
But I took time to come over Pinterest. I searched Google and Bing, and I pawed through my books. In the end it was already there. Words that I spoke during my dedication:
"I am the Breath of Life.
I am the Whisper of Death.
I am the Light in the Darkness.
I am a Child of the Old Gods...."
But I took time to come over Pinterest. I searched Google and Bing, and I pawed through my books. In the end it was already there. Words that I spoke during my dedication:
"I am the Breath of Life.
I am the Whisper of Death.
I am the Light in the Darkness.
I am a Child of the Old Gods...."
Monday, August 17, 2015
Triggers and Salutes
Silver asked that I write a full ritual featuring my favorite comedian, honestly I don't have a favorite comedian. This lesson was to help you learn how to relax when things don't go perfectly. For my best friends 15th birthday, her mom got a bunch of us together performed what by now is probably a famous ritual. The Chocolate Ritual was hilariously fun, and I would recommend it for just the purpose Silver had in mind.
This is a Gif of the Circle Cast spell, Time of Legend. It gives me +25% to all attack spells.
I Blade myself and its the Athame.
I can summon Minions in lieu of the elements, or trap my opponents.
A friend and I once recited an entire ritual while running a dungeon.
This is a Gif of the Circle Cast spell, Time of Legend. It gives me +25% to all attack spells.
I Blade myself and its the Athame.
I can summon Minions in lieu of the elements, or trap my opponents.
A friend and I once recited an entire ritual while running a dungeon.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Ancestral Sacred Space
Moving on in our little adventure Stirring that Magick Cauldron at long last. Having constructed my own space I feel charged for the discussion of the people of the past who constructed the sacred space that we so admire now. If the work we put into our much smaller endeavors deserves respect, the great sites of those who came before us deserve everything that we have to give.
While Silver discusses leaving offerings and meditations, which are great. These things all depend on you knowing where these sacred places can be found. Some places are well documented by historians and archaeologists like Stonehenge or New Grange. Places well known because they were baptized in blood like Little Big Horn, The Alamo, Gettysburg, and Auschwitz. Then you have places that are documented but not well known, sacred sites that have been used going back almost forever. My example is Danger Cave in Utah, I have lived in Utah for a grand total of almost 15 years, the first time I heard of Danger Cave was two weeks ago; if you look it up you will find that there is archaeological evidence that Danger Cave has been used as a gathering place by early man for thousands of years. Danger Cave is considered by natives to be a place of power. Now if I were a cartographer I would take a stab at mapping my lay lines, but I'm not.
Following my reading of this section, I had a few memories from documentaries, where coins left at Bath and Stonehenge were lodged into rocks, these offerings were placed with little respect, and the historians credit them with causing some serious damage and aiding erosion at these sacred sites. So I ask you my friends, when coming and going from these sites please be respectful, kick up a little dirt and bury your offering, toss it in a well or stream, hang it from a tree branch.
It is a personal practice of mine to fill a small travel cosmetics container with dirt from these sites and leave my offerings in place of the dirt. The dirt that I take stays in the small container and after my pilgrimage is completed it comes home to my altar.
Meditating at these sites is an uncommon luxury. So I prepare for the trip, usually weaving a friendship bracelet, witches ladder or selecting an item to bring with me. I do my meditations before I go so that I don't spend half my trip looking for a cooperative corner.
It is a personal practice of mine to fill a small travel cosmetics container with dirt from these sites and leave my offerings in place of the dirt. The dirt that I take stays in the small container and after my pilgrimage is completed it comes home to my altar.
Meditating at these sites is an uncommon luxury. So I prepare for the trip, usually weaving a friendship bracelet, witches ladder or selecting an item to bring with me. I do my meditations before I go so that I don't spend half my trip looking for a cooperative corner.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
The Completed Altar
My outdoor sacred space was completed in time for the Blue Moon on the 31st, and what little work has been done there has had a "presence" about it. You have the Altar, on either side of it is a pair of Tiki Torches, on the wall are sun and moon plaque style bird feeders (offering dishes). Then on the laundry post we have a cast iron bird bath (a sunflower with a bird perched on it) that we coated with heat resistant black paint and hung to act as a censor, then a sun-moon-star wind chime, on the main post secured with a nine knot charm (witches ladder) is a broom from a craft store, then the pentacle-triple goddess knot-Solomon's seal chime, and the final chime is a unicursal hexagram.
You'll see that there is no statuary on the altar, no dishes and no crystals. This is to allow the altar to be dressed as needed, and to protect our ritual items from wild-life and weather. This is also because until the 5th of this month I have been abstaining from using my tools.
This post is in the wake of some personal circumstances that have made it difficult for me to be productive about much of anything, and unfortunately this restriction is impacting my personal studies.
I also want to stress the amount of work involved in the construction of or creation of items to be used in magick. The effort involved is an offering to the Gods and in fact acts as fuel for all work that is performed when making use of the area.
You'll see that there is no statuary on the altar, no dishes and no crystals. This is to allow the altar to be dressed as needed, and to protect our ritual items from wild-life and weather. This is also because until the 5th of this month I have been abstaining from using my tools.
This post is in the wake of some personal circumstances that have made it difficult for me to be productive about much of anything, and unfortunately this restriction is impacting my personal studies.
I also want to stress the amount of work involved in the construction of or creation of items to be used in magick. The effort involved is an offering to the Gods and in fact acts as fuel for all work that is performed when making use of the area.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Pics I Promised
Okay so the hard work is done. The ground has been consecrated and is ready for the Altar.
Any time that you are working Magick the first thing you do is get everything that you might need, in one location. I didn't need all that much, but to prevent having to run back and forth I grabbed my entire arcane spice rack (not the whole collection).
For me those items are in the Photo.
Everything that I used. No Athame, no Wand. The spice rack holds most of my spell stuff, non-edible herbs, sea-salt that kind of thing. The Jar in back is my Exorcism Powder, then to the right is my water cruet (remember my camping trip? Thats right, spring water), then on the left is the Witches Bottle that I made before.
Here on the right you see my sea salt and spring water. I placed them on the ground where the Altar will go for this picture.
The water has already been consecrated, and I used a seven day spell to bless the Salt. So they are ready to go. Now for my Sea Salt I use salt that was ritually harvested and prepared by my Coven from the Bonneville Salt Flats. The water was taken with an offering of Ginger to the Spring Elemental and a silver coin and later consecrated in the light of the full moon.
The Advantage of having coarse salt in a spice jar, I was able to gently spread it across the soil of the old flower bed, without causing problems for the rest of the yard.
Then using the cruet I made three passes over the garden leaving a wave pattern on the soil.
You can see some of the salt and water under the Exorcism Powder pictured to the left, Which I was quite liberal in coating the entire bed with.
Throughout this process I kept a focus on visualizations, because these works are more than just "Going through the Motions." For me the imagery is the most important part. I use clearing the fog to visualize whats happening, and sometimes little sparks like you would get from a child's sparkler wand.
Again I was quite liberal I used more than half the jar.
Under my spade you can see the Exorcism Powder in the rust colored dust on top of the earth. I was almost literally bathed in its spicy aroma as I dug the hole for the Witches Bottle.
This process can be either tedious or grounding, I suggest that you focus on the feel of the earth around you. Take advantage and make this as spiritual an endeavor as you can.
The scents from the Exorcism Powder help.
Once the hole is complete I placed the jar in the hole, this picture shows the Graveyard Dirt, a branch of Russian Sage and on top of the jar is a wad of hair from my brush.
Graveyard Dirt to call on my Ancestors and protective spirits, Hair to tie it all to me and Sage to bring wisdom and dispel any unwanted influences.
The all went into the hole a prayer was uttered and then the hole was refilled.
I placed the large flat stone over the filled hole, and I hit the whole area with another liberal share of Exorcism Powder.
Now everything is ready for the construction of the altar itself!
Any time that you are working Magick the first thing you do is get everything that you might need, in one location. I didn't need all that much, but to prevent having to run back and forth I grabbed my entire arcane spice rack (not the whole collection).
For me those items are in the Photo.
Everything that I used. No Athame, no Wand. The spice rack holds most of my spell stuff, non-edible herbs, sea-salt that kind of thing. The Jar in back is my Exorcism Powder, then to the right is my water cruet (remember my camping trip? Thats right, spring water), then on the left is the Witches Bottle that I made before.
Here on the right you see my sea salt and spring water. I placed them on the ground where the Altar will go for this picture.
The water has already been consecrated, and I used a seven day spell to bless the Salt. So they are ready to go. Now for my Sea Salt I use salt that was ritually harvested and prepared by my Coven from the Bonneville Salt Flats. The water was taken with an offering of Ginger to the Spring Elemental and a silver coin and later consecrated in the light of the full moon.
The Advantage of having coarse salt in a spice jar, I was able to gently spread it across the soil of the old flower bed, without causing problems for the rest of the yard.
Then using the cruet I made three passes over the garden leaving a wave pattern on the soil.
You can see some of the salt and water under the Exorcism Powder pictured to the left, Which I was quite liberal in coating the entire bed with.
Throughout this process I kept a focus on visualizations, because these works are more than just "Going through the Motions." For me the imagery is the most important part. I use clearing the fog to visualize whats happening, and sometimes little sparks like you would get from a child's sparkler wand.
Again I was quite liberal I used more than half the jar.
Under my spade you can see the Exorcism Powder in the rust colored dust on top of the earth. I was almost literally bathed in its spicy aroma as I dug the hole for the Witches Bottle.
This process can be either tedious or grounding, I suggest that you focus on the feel of the earth around you. Take advantage and make this as spiritual an endeavor as you can.
The scents from the Exorcism Powder help.
Once the hole is complete I placed the jar in the hole, this picture shows the Graveyard Dirt, a branch of Russian Sage and on top of the jar is a wad of hair from my brush.
Graveyard Dirt to call on my Ancestors and protective spirits, Hair to tie it all to me and Sage to bring wisdom and dispel any unwanted influences.
The all went into the hole a prayer was uttered and then the hole was refilled.
I placed the large flat stone over the filled hole, and I hit the whole area with another liberal share of Exorcism Powder.
Now everything is ready for the construction of the altar itself!
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
I owe you
Its been a few days since I posted, this is one of those times when real life has had me running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have only been able to spare a few stolen moments for meditation, and while the land is prepared I haven't been able to start construction on the actual Altar, though I am determined to have it up and ready for use in time to be consecrated on the Blue Moon, the same time I consecrate my wand.
Tonight I am burying the Jar.
Though I am torn, I had wanted to place a stone on the Altar's surface to represent a Hearth Stone, I had found a perfect stone for the job its flat and could easily serve as the altar itself. But I have been thinking that it would add another layer to have my Hearth Stone be the foundation of the Altar instead of its surface, that way even as the altar grows and changes the stone will stay.
I will post pictures.
Things to place in the hole along with the jar, a personal item, some graveyard dirt and the wishbone of a chicken, turkey or game hen.
Detailed post to come.
Tonight I am burying the Jar.
Though I am torn, I had wanted to place a stone on the Altar's surface to represent a Hearth Stone, I had found a perfect stone for the job its flat and could easily serve as the altar itself. But I have been thinking that it would add another layer to have my Hearth Stone be the foundation of the Altar instead of its surface, that way even as the altar grows and changes the stone will stay.
I will post pictures.
Things to place in the hole along with the jar, a personal item, some graveyard dirt and the wishbone of a chicken, turkey or game hen.
Detailed post to come.
Friday, July 17, 2015
The Place
I want you to know that I chose today for this work because yesterday was the New Moon and it is a time of Growth.
This is the space I'll be setting up the altar. A "West Facing Wall" which means my Altar will face the East. The Maple tree growing out of the flower bed, will help shelter it and appropriate ornaments can be hung from the old laundry line post: a swinging censor for incense, we have a pentacle wind chime etc. The altar will be to the left of the laundry post cum Stang and above the altar we have two wall plaque style bird feeders that are sun and moon which we will mount to the wall and lattice. It'll work well as this bed gets too much sun for most plants to grow.
You already know that I have made a Witches Bottle for this endeavor. Its not in the ground yet, as of today it still sits on my Altar in my room.
Consecrating the ground is step one. For that I will use Blessed/Holy Water and Exorcism Powder from my own recipe.
(wood ash not ash wood)
Brick Dust
three of the above, and combine two ounces of each in a large jar.
Shake it vigorously while focusing a white light into it. Set it out
in the light of the full moon to charge. When using it place a small
amount in the palm of your hand and blow it out across the area that
needs to be consecrated, or use the powder to mark the boundary of
your ritual space.
After dusting the area I will sprinkle my blessed Spring Water throughout the whole flower bed, before Salting it and pouring it out in the shape of a crescent moon in the grass before the area that will have my Altar. Just as Silver did in her book.
Now I dig and bury the Jar. Any excess dirt will be saved for the purpose of sanctifying other areas later.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
My Witches Bottle
Jar I chose to use once held salted caramel ice cream topping, I
cleaned it out and removed the label. Now with jar work for me I
usually build on the protective properties and I'm still going to do
that to some extent. While calling on powers to aid me in my magick.
Into the Jar goes:
Coffin Nail: because
the dead are seen as powerful and able to help intervene in magical
spells -- this is based on spiritual practices where one's ancestors
are seen as being able to intervene with the gods on your behalf.
I use a Genuine Coffin Nail. My time living in Pennsylvania gave me
access to quite a few, I have a stash of about 25, so I am frugal
with them and only use them in important works of Magick. There are
other ways to charge a nail for your use, but you want it to be a
genuine Iron nail. Not steel or another alloy.
Pennies: Each penny gets marked, I have scratched on its surface with
the coffin nail the alchemical symbol for each of the elements. As
face coins they are used to call guardians to your space, watchers or
messengers to act on your behalf.
Quartz Crystal: This is the battery, the element of spirit that
houses all power and conducts your intentions. As Quartz is able to
tap into energies of the universe.
Seashell: Life came from the sea, associated with the West and the
Underworld passage from life into death. To me this is calling on the
creation energy of Celtic myth, calling on the Ninth Wave.
Stone: Common garden variety pebble. Because to the Scots when a
pledge was made while holding a stone it became more solid. “Set in
Leaf: Psychic
visions and dreams, repels negativity and evil.
Cinnamon Sticks: Used to sanctify a place or Object.
Roses: Love, friendship, luck, protection, psychic power and divination.
Anise: Protection, purification, awareness, joy. The Star shape
carries power by itself.
Rosemary: Improve memory, sleep, purification, youth, love, power, healing, protection, intellectual.
A very protective herb, healing, good weather, courage, exorcism.
Power, success, love, money matters.
Money, healing, strength, augment power, luck, travel.
Symbolic of Wealth, Social status, influence and power. It also can
be used as a way to protect against impaired judgment or bring about
courage when needed.
Inscribed with purpose: Runes used Kenaz, Isa, Mannaz, Berkano and
As a side note, I did start to grab my athame in order to channel energy into it. But remembering the effort to go 30 days without I just put more effort into my visualizations. It was different, something I haven't done in a very long time.
Monday, July 13, 2015
On the 9th things started to fall apart within my family. My Dad's care was being provided by my older brother who has grossly dropped the ball, so even though I have three other brothers his care falls back on me because everyone else is out of state. This snafu has required that I take a leave of absence from work to straighten things out with my Dad. I hope to have more time to write, but if I do miss a post or two I hope that you all can try to be understanding.
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Sacred Space: The Witches Bottle
I believe in working from the ground up, since I have found the place I plan on starting with a simple land dedication. Something to call to the Power of the world around us. The Witches Bottle has been used for a thousand years if not longer to protect families and land, or banish illness. Why not craft one as a token to the earth, something to act as a battery to fuel future acts of magick and lend to the sanctity of the space.
Dig the hole.
No salt will go into this jar as I am not out to dispel anything, just cultivating the energy that can be raised through ritual.
Star Anise
3 Pennies
Quartz Crystal
Ideally the ingredients would be added while the jar was in a constant state of movement, deosil, spin the jar as you add things or pass it around a circle and everyone add things.
Bury the jar.
Dig the hole.
No salt will go into this jar as I am not out to dispel anything, just cultivating the energy that can be raised through ritual.
Star Anise
3 Pennies
Quartz Crystal
Ideally the ingredients would be added while the jar was in a constant state of movement, deosil, spin the jar as you add things or pass it around a circle and everyone add things.
Bury the jar.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Conjuring Sacred Space
Sacred space is one of my favorite topics: altars, stone circles or temples. Several posts back I shared a video on erecting a personal altar, so this challenge to erect a permanent shrine is titillating. Last time I read To Stir a Magick Cauldron I had to dumb it down and go for a walk. Dad, my brothers and I were living in a tiny hole in the wall ghetto appartment. We couldn't even plant a garden so an outdoor space wasn't even negotiable. Now I am currently in the haunted bedroom at the Covenstead, while I don't own the property I am certain that no one here will be offended.
In this time that for me is one of simplicity, no tools, and daily devotionals. What better project could I have than constructing an outdoor temple?
There is a wall off the back side of the house, it connects to the patio with an east facing wall, and a flowerbed that we have had bad luck cultivating.
In this time that for me is one of simplicity, no tools, and daily devotionals. What better project could I have than constructing an outdoor temple?
There is a wall off the back side of the house, it connects to the patio with an east facing wall, and a flowerbed that we have had bad luck cultivating.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Harmony without Harm
"Magick follows the path of least resistance" Like wind and water magick flows.
"Everyone is a seeker." Thats to say that you are always on a path towards something.
Being a witch is about more that reading a few books and buying some trinkets, you have to live the faith, you have to practice. This isn't spellwork per say. Its about practicing gratitude, little things like blessing your meals, smudging your home and leaving offerings to the Fae.
Now Silver writes about Daily Devotionals. I should write a few and practice them daily for thirty days and then stop for a week to analyze how I feel.
I have decided that I'll write one, in tune with my Faery Faith and practice in twice a day, during the twilight hours of Dawn and Dusk. Given the time of most of my posts, if your observant you will have picked up on the fact that I'm nocturnal Dawn is around the time I go to bed (during the summer) and dusk is during my second break at work (or lunch during the winter)
"Above, Below, Within and Without. In this time between I give my day to the gods, my night to the fae and ask that gentle guidance be sent my way."
I will make an effort to record the affects in future posts.
"Everyone is a seeker." Thats to say that you are always on a path towards something.
Being a witch is about more that reading a few books and buying some trinkets, you have to live the faith, you have to practice. This isn't spellwork per say. Its about practicing gratitude, little things like blessing your meals, smudging your home and leaving offerings to the Fae.
Now Silver writes about Daily Devotionals. I should write a few and practice them daily for thirty days and then stop for a week to analyze how I feel.
I have decided that I'll write one, in tune with my Faery Faith and practice in twice a day, during the twilight hours of Dawn and Dusk. Given the time of most of my posts, if your observant you will have picked up on the fact that I'm nocturnal Dawn is around the time I go to bed (during the summer) and dusk is during my second break at work (or lunch during the winter)
"Above, Below, Within and Without. In this time between I give my day to the gods, my night to the fae and ask that gentle guidance be sent my way."
I will make an effort to record the affects in future posts.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Conjuring your Courage
"You are the foundation of your religious practices and your magick." These are powerful and affirming words. Giving the reader complete control over the path that they choose. I'm saving that sentence for that very reason. Words have power, and the right words can change a persons destiny.
Silver highlighted the importance of spirituallity and touched base on the tools that accompany organized religion. The challenge was to put away all the tools for a month and work without them. Then record my experiences. While I have a very nice collection of tools, a lot of them were damaged or lost sometime in the course of two moves across country in as many years.
I started this challenge to myself with the decission to take things slowly and step by step rebuild myself. From the day of my rededication I have the Hawthorn Branch, pealed free of bark and thorns at the full moon, and consecrated in the Lady's silver light. No other tools were used. At the New Moon on the 16th I will begin to dress the wand, to be charged in the light of the Blue Moon on July 31st. Until this cycle completes I will work without tools.
I'll try to posts update notes with my posts here on what my observations are.
Silver highlighted the importance of spirituallity and touched base on the tools that accompany organized religion. The challenge was to put away all the tools for a month and work without them. Then record my experiences. While I have a very nice collection of tools, a lot of them were damaged or lost sometime in the course of two moves across country in as many years.
I started this challenge to myself with the decission to take things slowly and step by step rebuild myself. From the day of my rededication I have the Hawthorn Branch, pealed free of bark and thorns at the full moon, and consecrated in the Lady's silver light. No other tools were used. At the New Moon on the 16th I will begin to dress the wand, to be charged in the light of the Blue Moon on July 31st. Until this cycle completes I will work without tools.
I'll try to posts update notes with my posts here on what my observations are.
Friday, July 3, 2015
Book 2: To Stir a Magick Cauldron
With only a little thought I have decided to continue reading Silver's debut series. But I will admit, as a young reader I did not take away as much from this second book as I did To Ride a Silver Broomstick. I am older now and looking at her words with different eyes, I hope to figure out more about my current direction.
I normally skip the preface and introductions, that are just there to set the pace and tone. I read it this time, the word "Nemeton" tends to catch my eye. Its a lot like the glimpse of the most dramatic form of magick the world gives to us. What it would be if we all had a special effects department.
Most of us hold an image in our minds, watch for signs actual physical manifestations are few and far between. The gifted will see more, some have a way of seeing things on a different vibrational plain. Now those who can see are often limited to a specific spectrum outside of the one we occupy.
As for myself, I have been able to see Faeries for as far back as I can remember. As I have gotten older they have become shy, they aren't everywhere anymore, but they are there when I call. Like family.
To Stir a Magick Cauldron is about the Magick of Conjuration. Allegedly. It doesn't meet my definition of the word but we'll keep an open mind and if you want to play along grab your copy of buy a new one, then post a link to your own blog below!
I normally skip the preface and introductions, that are just there to set the pace and tone. I read it this time, the word "Nemeton" tends to catch my eye. Its a lot like the glimpse of the most dramatic form of magick the world gives to us. What it would be if we all had a special effects department.
Most of us hold an image in our minds, watch for signs actual physical manifestations are few and far between. The gifted will see more, some have a way of seeing things on a different vibrational plain. Now those who can see are often limited to a specific spectrum outside of the one we occupy.
As for myself, I have been able to see Faeries for as far back as I can remember. As I have gotten older they have become shy, they aren't everywhere anymore, but they are there when I call. Like family.
To Stir a Magick Cauldron is about the Magick of Conjuration. Allegedly. It doesn't meet my definition of the word but we'll keep an open mind and if you want to play along grab your copy of buy a new one, then post a link to your own blog below!
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
While I was gone..
While I was up at the spring Camping, I took the time to dedicate myself, as one new to the craft I performed the ritual naked of tools and lightly garbed as the campsite is a public one, cleansed myself in the water and on a sandbar shaded by a Hawthorn tree I presented myself to the Lord and Lady. Claiming my birthright and drawing in the power of my craft and reconnecting with the Fae.
I brought home some dirt from my ritual site, a handful of pebbles from the spring, some hawthorn thorns and a bough to shape into a new wand, a gift from the Lady and the Lord or from the Fae following my spiritual rebirth.
This gift of the Hawthorn carries a few meanings to me, my Celtic heritage places a lot of value in trees and stones. All things of the natural world.
Magickal properties of Hawthorn:
The tree essence cleanses the heart of negativity and stimulates love and forgiveness.
The Hawthorn is the tree most representative of the struggles the Christian Church had
in suppressing pagan beliefs and celebrations. Hawthorn is respected as a tree of enchantment under the protection of the faery realms. It guards wells and springs. Its beautiful flowers are said to help prayers reach heaven. If you sit under a Hawthorn on May 1st you are liable to be whisked away for good to the faery underworld. The blooms of the hawthorn are used in spells for fertility, happiness, and good luck in fishing. To take a blossoming hawthorn branch inside one's house will cause their mother to die. Wands made of this wood are of great power. The blossoms are highly erotic to men.
Hawthorn can be used for protection, love and marriage spells.
I brought home some dirt from my ritual site, a handful of pebbles from the spring, some hawthorn thorns and a bough to shape into a new wand, a gift from the Lady and the Lord or from the Fae following my spiritual rebirth.
This gift of the Hawthorn carries a few meanings to me, my Celtic heritage places a lot of value in trees and stones. All things of the natural world.
Magickal properties of Hawthorn:
The tree essence cleanses the heart of negativity and stimulates love and forgiveness.
The Hawthorn is the tree most representative of the struggles the Christian Church had
in suppressing pagan beliefs and celebrations. Hawthorn is respected as a tree of enchantment under the protection of the faery realms. It guards wells and springs. Its beautiful flowers are said to help prayers reach heaven. If you sit under a Hawthorn on May 1st you are liable to be whisked away for good to the faery underworld. The blooms of the hawthorn are used in spells for fertility, happiness, and good luck in fishing. To take a blossoming hawthorn branch inside one's house will cause their mother to die. Wands made of this wood are of great power. The blossoms are highly erotic to men.
Hawthorn can be used for protection, love and marriage spells.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Home Again!
I want to tell you that I skipped almost the whole chapter on Web Weaving. I have moved in the Pagan community and while I have no problems with people coming to me, I have seen too much back-stabbing and politics from the members of my local community to be willingly active in it.
The section on Divination was accurate, including how each Witch has a breakthrough moment with a specific divination tool. I was first exposed to Runes by a friends step-father, he seamed really interested in reading me the first time we met. I think it was in an effort to know his step daughter. I don't remember his name, but I remember he was drinking a can of budweiser and I pulled two runes.
Raido and Algiz.
He smiled and said that I was going to be good for Heather. That was it, no trouble getting permission for her to stay over, and not the bat of an eyelash if I stayed an extra night with them.
I picked up my Mom's tarot a bit after that, my readings are startlingly accurate but my true love is lithomancy. Working with crystals.
The rest of the book was about spell work and different approaches to it mixed with referance tables. I can't say that as a whole I did not enjoy reading it again. I think that what I am taking away this time is completely different. This back to basics expirment has been a success, some of my passion for my craft is coming back. And to my great pleasure a young lady asked me to teach her a few weeks back, and while I am not confident as to her level of commitment the idea of bridging into the role of mentor is thrilling. As I continue my own journey in back to basics I'll be paying attention to what I feel should be shared with my new student.
Onto my Next Read!
The section on Divination was accurate, including how each Witch has a breakthrough moment with a specific divination tool. I was first exposed to Runes by a friends step-father, he seamed really interested in reading me the first time we met. I think it was in an effort to know his step daughter. I don't remember his name, but I remember he was drinking a can of budweiser and I pulled two runes.
Raido and Algiz.
He smiled and said that I was going to be good for Heather. That was it, no trouble getting permission for her to stay over, and not the bat of an eyelash if I stayed an extra night with them.
I picked up my Mom's tarot a bit after that, my readings are startlingly accurate but my true love is lithomancy. Working with crystals.
The rest of the book was about spell work and different approaches to it mixed with referance tables. I can't say that as a whole I did not enjoy reading it again. I think that what I am taking away this time is completely different. This back to basics expirment has been a success, some of my passion for my craft is coming back. And to my great pleasure a young lady asked me to teach her a few weeks back, and while I am not confident as to her level of commitment the idea of bridging into the role of mentor is thrilling. As I continue my own journey in back to basics I'll be paying attention to what I feel should be shared with my new student.
Onto my Next Read!
Saturday, June 27, 2015
My Dedication
This is another scheduled post. Per Silver I should be recording notes on my Dedication as I have already committed to my path. You know that as you read this I am camping, and going through various rites both alone and among my coven.
Date: Today
Time: Mid-Afternoon
Moon: Last-Quarter
Astrological: Gemini
Purpose: Rebirth
Tools: Beer, Incense, Anointing Oil, Athame
Guardians: Fae
Deities: The Great Mother and Forest Lord
My Original Dedication
Date: May 1st 1995
Time: Midnight
Moon: New
Astrological: Taurus
Purpose: Present myself to the Gods
Tools: Standard Altar
Guardians: Fae
Deities: Airmed and Arawn
Date: Today
Time: Mid-Afternoon
Moon: Last-Quarter
Astrological: Gemini
Purpose: Rebirth
Tools: Beer, Incense, Anointing Oil, Athame
Guardians: Fae
Deities: The Great Mother and Forest Lord
My Original Dedication
Date: May 1st 1995
Time: Midnight
Moon: New
Astrological: Taurus
Purpose: Present myself to the Gods
Tools: Standard Altar
Guardians: Fae
Deities: Airmed and Arawn
Thursday, June 25, 2015
This was a pre-scheduled post. Even now I am outside the city and 10 miles away from cellular service. We left the valley early this morning and had camp set up this afternoon. I have set aside some time to meditate.
The Chapter after the one on tools and preparation is all about magickal record keeping and ritual preparation, all building up to a personal dedication. Per this blog, you already know that I am quite comfortable with my Book of Shadows.
However, while I am up at the Spring I've decided that aside from the rededication of the Coven that I am going to take the time to re-dedicate myself. Using what I know now I think that I will get more from the ritual than I did as a Teen. I know myself a lot better now than I did then.
Unlike then, my Rite won't be focussed on what I do and do not have, nor will it be introducing myself to the Gods.
I am going to be reborn, and I am going to claim my birthright among Witches as a Priestess.
The Chapter after the one on tools and preparation is all about magickal record keeping and ritual preparation, all building up to a personal dedication. Per this blog, you already know that I am quite comfortable with my Book of Shadows.
However, while I am up at the Spring I've decided that aside from the rededication of the Coven that I am going to take the time to re-dedicate myself. Using what I know now I think that I will get more from the ritual than I did as a Teen. I know myself a lot better now than I did then.
Unlike then, my Rite won't be focussed on what I do and do not have, nor will it be introducing myself to the Gods.
I am going to be reborn, and I am going to claim my birthright among Witches as a Priestess.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
A Personal Note
Almost exactly a month ago, the chain that bore my pentacle at my throat snapped. It upset me, but the pentacle I wear hasn't been consecrated in a few years, almost ten, and tree of life that I have had on the same chain was never consecrated, I've had it almost three years. So I have them in a side pocket on my purse and have gone shopping for a chain.
I didn't find a chain. I found some other items that spoke to me. It was a lesson, my chain breaking was that moment that I knew I hadn't been paying attention to my faith and actions. It took me a few hours but the message sank in. I have done a lot of asking without giving, and while I claim to honor my Scottish heritage the Scots have little to do with how I practice aside from a connection to the Fae. I know things of the old ways because of my parents, ways that were practiced in the Highlands before the families crossed over to the states. I know the lore, but I don't honor it.
In my Back to Basics, I am on the search for more that the passion I once had for my craft. I am looking for myself. Who practiced the ways of the Clans. I am searching for my Robertson Red Tartan Shawl so it can again adorn me during rituals. I have bought a set of stones marked for the elements so that I may mark my circle and I have bought a Sgian-dubh to act as an Athame. Its not my intention to use them at all times. Maybe just at Samhain or other times of importance to my ancestors.
I didn't find a chain. I found some other items that spoke to me. It was a lesson, my chain breaking was that moment that I knew I hadn't been paying attention to my faith and actions. It took me a few hours but the message sank in. I have done a lot of asking without giving, and while I claim to honor my Scottish heritage the Scots have little to do with how I practice aside from a connection to the Fae. I know things of the old ways because of my parents, ways that were practiced in the Highlands before the families crossed over to the states. I know the lore, but I don't honor it.
In my Back to Basics, I am on the search for more that the passion I once had for my craft. I am looking for myself. Who practiced the ways of the Clans. I am searching for my Robertson Red Tartan Shawl so it can again adorn me during rituals. I have bought a set of stones marked for the elements so that I may mark my circle and I have bought a Sgian-dubh to act as an Athame. Its not my intention to use them at all times. Maybe just at Samhain or other times of importance to my ancestors.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Summer Solstice
This week, Thursday through Monday of next week I will be gone camping with my Coven. We have some great plans to rededicate ourselves, reconnect and re-consecrate ritual tools. Which was what the last chapter was all about.
Getting ready to dedicate to the path of Witchcraft.
I am already dedicated, but I am going to take some time off and try to capture what I have lost. More back to basics, a couple things that have been embraced by my Coven, we are all going to rededicate.
I plan on dragging along an old school paper journal and practicing my French. Just kidding, while I am taking along my journal some incense and some candles. My only ambition is to unplug and reconnect.
There is a place I am looking forward to being when I meditate and some Black Thorn that I can wild harvest as well as Juniper berries. I got to thinking that I haven't wild harvested resins or anything for incense in a while, since I was nineteen to be precise. So I may take a walk with that in mind.
I have some posts scheduled for my time away and will do a better update once I get back.
Getting ready to dedicate to the path of Witchcraft.
I am already dedicated, but I am going to take some time off and try to capture what I have lost. More back to basics, a couple things that have been embraced by my Coven, we are all going to rededicate.
I plan on dragging along an old school paper journal and practicing my French. Just kidding, while I am taking along my journal some incense and some candles. My only ambition is to unplug and reconnect.
There is a place I am looking forward to being when I meditate and some Black Thorn that I can wild harvest as well as Juniper berries. I got to thinking that I haven't wild harvested resins or anything for incense in a while, since I was nineteen to be precise. So I may take a walk with that in mind.
I have some posts scheduled for my time away and will do a better update once I get back.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Holy Water
I'll be camping next week. Silver pointed out that Spring water can be hard to find. This is true throughout most of the country. Where I am camping is Clover Springs, and the spring (where it bubbles up out of the ground) is actually located about twenty feet from where I'll be camping. As is customary for my Coven we walk over to the spring, leave an offering to the elemental there (we know there is one, we had a case many moons ago when someone investigating our Coven got on its bad side) once the offering is laid, we speak a blessing and collect a respectful amount of the water, usually about a quart to see us through the years rituals. On other trips we may collect smaller quantities to present to friends in the Pagan Community.
Now Silver has a recipe for Holy Water that she suggests that we record, it's not the same recipe I use:
Holy Water
To be performed at midnight on the full moon (or whenever the moon is at its zenith in the night sky).
Now Silver has a recipe for Holy Water that she suggests that we record, it's not the same recipe I use:
Holy Water
To be performed at midnight on the full moon (or whenever the moon is at its zenith in the night sky).
- 1 Tsp Rose-Water (Optional)
- 3 tbsp Sea-Salt
- 1 Small bowl Spring Water (1/2 to 1 Cup)
- 1 Clean glass bowl
- A Small compact mirror (I would use a flat mirror candle dish or a black mirror)
- 1 Clean glass storage container (I suggest one with a stopper not a cork, like a Cruet
used to serve salad dressings)
Clean the bowl and the container with boiling water, then set your altar.
Circle Cast and any other Esbat stuff.
Taking the Goddess Position (seen below) Say:
"In the cloak of the midnight hour I call upon the Ancient Power. I seek the presence of the Lady and the Lord, to bless this water that I shall pour."
Take a moment to feel the energy stirring then add the rosewater (if you chose to use it) and hold the bowl aloft in the moonlight saying:
"In my hands I hold the essence of the Gods. I hereby cleanse and consecrate this water, to Divinity, that it may be used in positive acts only and aid me in my works."
Rinse and Repeat with the Salt. Add three small pinches of salt to the water. (You will salt it during later rituals also).
Stirring deosil.
Either use the mirror to reflect the moonlight onto the water or place the container on the mirrors surface.
"This liquid now serves the Lord and Lady, it is free from any negativity, in any time, in any space."
"In my hands I hold the essence of the Gods. I hereby cleanse and consecrate this water, to Divinity, that it may be used in positive acts only and aid me in my works."
Rinse and Repeat with the Salt. Add three small pinches of salt to the water. (You will salt it during later rituals also).
Stirring deosil.
Either use the mirror to reflect the moonlight onto the water or place the container on the mirrors surface.
"This liquid now serves the Lord and Lady, it is free from any negativity, in any time, in any space."
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
My Witches Cabinet
This Chapter didn't have any home work for me, just advise on tools and spell components.
I would like to Note that anything can have a magick purpose, a few years back my best friend bought me a case of latch sealing jars (24 jars), each holds about 2 ounces. I set out to fill each jar with some non-herbal spell ingredient. I have Cemetary dirt, Crossroads dirt, seashells and sea glass, coffin nails, sea salt, black salt and blue salt (personal invention). I also have Ashes from the bale fire, tiny quartz crystal points, other assorted crystals, copper, silver and some other things that I cant remember at the moment.
By limiting the quantity of what you have you will need less storage space. Don't collect ten years worth of every herb on the market these things have a shelf-life. Keep a six pack of your favorite bottled beer around but don't stock more, this gives you enough libations for a couple months. If you don't do alcohol recently the option has come available to by a six pack of sparkling cider.
Don't file bankruptcy to afford something that you can make yourself, there are always people out there who just want to take advantage.
I would like to Note that anything can have a magick purpose, a few years back my best friend bought me a case of latch sealing jars (24 jars), each holds about 2 ounces. I set out to fill each jar with some non-herbal spell ingredient. I have Cemetary dirt, Crossroads dirt, seashells and sea glass, coffin nails, sea salt, black salt and blue salt (personal invention). I also have Ashes from the bale fire, tiny quartz crystal points, other assorted crystals, copper, silver and some other things that I cant remember at the moment.
By limiting the quantity of what you have you will need less storage space. Don't collect ten years worth of every herb on the market these things have a shelf-life. Keep a six pack of your favorite bottled beer around but don't stock more, this gives you enough libations for a couple months. If you don't do alcohol recently the option has come available to by a six pack of sparkling cider.
Don't file bankruptcy to afford something that you can make yourself, there are always people out there who just want to take advantage.
Monday, June 15, 2015
My Altar
What kind of Altar do you prefer?
I love sacred space, inside or outside, on a wall or on a table. I will create such a space whenever I have the opportunity and I will buy almost anything that speaks to me. I try to use things that I already have, but if I need something specific I will make it if I can, if not I will hunt until I find it.
Where would you place your altar?
I feel that every room should have one, and outdoor places are already sacred but I have always wanted to set up an outdoor temple.
What will you use for altar cloths?
I make them myself, with few exceptions, I will find cloth, hem it then stitch beads along the edge or overlay the cloth with tulle or lace. I always add a personal touch.
What type of illumination will you work by?
Sun, Moon, Stars, Candles and Campfires. Oil lamps or electricity whatever does the job at that moment.
What tools or representation of Deities will you have?
This is a hard question. I would like to one day have an altar of entirely items that I have hand crafted. I tend to exclude metal from my altar when possible because of my work with the Fae,so its possible for me. One day.
I am in the process of collecting the items used for a Scottish altar kit, so that I can better honor my ancestors and study the path so loved by my father. I would also like to collect the items needed for something more Norse to honor my Germanic and Viking ancestors from the Belgium side of my Mom's family, as well as the Swedish side of my Dad's family. The Scotts get priority because both my mother and my father have a Scottish heritage.
I love sacred space, inside or outside, on a wall or on a table. I will create such a space whenever I have the opportunity and I will buy almost anything that speaks to me. I try to use things that I already have, but if I need something specific I will make it if I can, if not I will hunt until I find it.
Where would you place your altar?
I feel that every room should have one, and outdoor places are already sacred but I have always wanted to set up an outdoor temple.
What will you use for altar cloths?
I make them myself, with few exceptions, I will find cloth, hem it then stitch beads along the edge or overlay the cloth with tulle or lace. I always add a personal touch.
What type of illumination will you work by?
Sun, Moon, Stars, Candles and Campfires. Oil lamps or electricity whatever does the job at that moment.
What tools or representation of Deities will you have?
This is a hard question. I would like to one day have an altar of entirely items that I have hand crafted. I tend to exclude metal from my altar when possible because of my work with the Fae,so its possible for me. One day.
I am in the process of collecting the items used for a Scottish altar kit, so that I can better honor my ancestors and study the path so loved by my father. I would also like to collect the items needed for something more Norse to honor my Germanic and Viking ancestors from the Belgium side of my Mom's family, as well as the Swedish side of my Dad's family. The Scotts get priority because both my mother and my father have a Scottish heritage.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
My ideal Sacred Space
Silver suggested that I take a page in my notebook and draft what my ideal space would be, any alterations I would make to the space I have.
In an ideal world I would be able to move into an estate with a tall perimeter wall, where I could plant a grove of sacred trees and have an outdoor space. But I would be happy with a temple room, 10 feet by 10 feet with a closet that I can modify for storage. I would paint the walls a pearl grey like a stormy sky mottled with azure blue like the mists between the worlds. I would want all electrical lighting in the room to be indirect, and with a dimming function, because there or times when you need real light. The window would be opaque or frosted glass.
Ornaments of crystals, prisms, chimes and tea-light lanterns would hang from the ceiling.
Elemental altars in each cardinal direction with Numen statuary. My main altar would be constructed for each need, the center of the room empty.
In an ideal world I would be able to move into an estate with a tall perimeter wall, where I could plant a grove of sacred trees and have an outdoor space. But I would be happy with a temple room, 10 feet by 10 feet with a closet that I can modify for storage. I would paint the walls a pearl grey like a stormy sky mottled with azure blue like the mists between the worlds. I would want all electrical lighting in the room to be indirect, and with a dimming function, because there or times when you need real light. The window would be opaque or frosted glass.
Ornaments of crystals, prisms, chimes and tea-light lanterns would hang from the ceiling.
Elemental altars in each cardinal direction with Numen statuary. My main altar would be constructed for each need, the center of the room empty.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Sacred Space
This is one of those topics that I can easily go on and on about, not just altar creation, but temple creation and outdoor sacred space.
I have had an altar since I was eleven years old, it was on top of my dresser until my Mom sent me to live with my Dad, in Dad's house he gave me a book case, my brothers each had one as well, it was ours and we didn't touch each others space. We also had a fire-safe box. So My altar became the top shelf, the second shelf was my Pagan books, a bottle of white sand and a bottle of black sand, then the third shelf was lined with jars of herbs, and the home of my crystal garden, the bottom shelf was where I kept my recreational reading (fantasy books) and my lock box, which held my Athame and a few other odds and ends.
I moved out on my own and my altar moved to the top of my six foot long french regency style chest of drawers, with a shelf hung on the wall above for things I didn't want to risk the cat getting into. Then I moved back home, to Dad's basement, and I claimed a set of shelves that were built in and set up a quick altar.
Dad and I had a falling out about a year later and I moved out again, from then my altar spent a year or two boxed up and erected as needed. I got my Permanent altar set up again in a wardrobe situated centrally in my York, PA row house, with basement access when I needed privacy.
Two years later Dad had a heart attack and I was forced to move back to Utah, my supplies were boxed for a month until I could sort things well enough to set up an Altar. I filmed it and shared it on youtube.
Its been almost a year since I set up this altar, I found a crystal chalice at a thrift store for .75 cents so the dollar store number is in my cabinet, I have also purchased another stand for my water dish so that the height between it and my Abalone smudge dish was more balanced. To the left of the cubby hangs a hand crafted clay goddess, to the right hangs a dirk.
I have had an altar since I was eleven years old, it was on top of my dresser until my Mom sent me to live with my Dad, in Dad's house he gave me a book case, my brothers each had one as well, it was ours and we didn't touch each others space. We also had a fire-safe box. So My altar became the top shelf, the second shelf was my Pagan books, a bottle of white sand and a bottle of black sand, then the third shelf was lined with jars of herbs, and the home of my crystal garden, the bottom shelf was where I kept my recreational reading (fantasy books) and my lock box, which held my Athame and a few other odds and ends.
I moved out on my own and my altar moved to the top of my six foot long french regency style chest of drawers, with a shelf hung on the wall above for things I didn't want to risk the cat getting into. Then I moved back home, to Dad's basement, and I claimed a set of shelves that were built in and set up a quick altar.
Dad and I had a falling out about a year later and I moved out again, from then my altar spent a year or two boxed up and erected as needed. I got my Permanent altar set up again in a wardrobe situated centrally in my York, PA row house, with basement access when I needed privacy.
Two years later Dad had a heart attack and I was forced to move back to Utah, my supplies were boxed for a month until I could sort things well enough to set up an Altar. I filmed it and shared it on youtube.
Its been almost a year since I set up this altar, I found a crystal chalice at a thrift store for .75 cents so the dollar store number is in my cabinet, I have also purchased another stand for my water dish so that the height between it and my Abalone smudge dish was more balanced. To the left of the cubby hangs a hand crafted clay goddess, to the right hangs a dirk.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Meditation, thought forms and dreams.
I read this chapter with its techniques, advice anecdotes with the jaded perception of the lucid dreamer. I have never lacked confidence and meditation or even guided visualization have been part of my life so long that its hard to gauge the value of what I just read.
Self help and verbal affirmations don't do much for me.
Point in case, this Blog. Journalling is something that I take very seriously. My very Christian sister-in-law has kept a dream diary since she was in middle school, and swears by the practice. But every time that I try, I end up writing down one or two dreams a month. I take the time to reflect on my dreams, but in the end I only write down the ones with an obvious message. Those dreams I can count on one hand.
My entire life I have always been able to control my dreams, I credit this for why I don't have nightmares, but I have never actively laid down with the intent of hedgecrossing in my sleep.
I will have to try.
Self help and verbal affirmations don't do much for me.
Point in case, this Blog. Journalling is something that I take very seriously. My very Christian sister-in-law has kept a dream diary since she was in middle school, and swears by the practice. But every time that I try, I end up writing down one or two dreams a month. I take the time to reflect on my dreams, but in the end I only write down the ones with an obvious message. Those dreams I can count on one hand.
My entire life I have always been able to control my dreams, I credit this for why I don't have nightmares, but I have never actively laid down with the intent of hedgecrossing in my sleep.
I will have to try.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Naming Continued...
In many paths Numerology is used to alter the spelling of a potential name until it matches your birth number. Some people place a great deal more faith in numbers and their connection to the universe than others, and while Numerology is not something that I have studied in depth I have used it to give a slight difference in how the public see's my Craft name and how I see it. Allowing my name to sound like Echo but in my BoS and when I do magick for myself I spell it differently and it has a different visualization.
Here are the tables that I find most helpful:
Here are the tables that I find most helpful:
My Birth Name: Piper Laurie Robertson - 79759/1 313995/3 962598765/4
I have the choice of taking each name at its individual value or adding them all together. My Birth number becomes an 8, this is simplified as some might take into account that I was born on 05/04/1982, it was a Tuesday, but as I am not changing the day I was born, its an 8. I can use as many letters as I want, string as many words together as I want in order to match that number. Or I can take this grand opportunity of rebirth and pick a number that catches the energy that I want to embody.
Friday, June 5, 2015
My Magickal Name
I have honored my Magickal Name for many years, Echo. To me the Whisper in the Wind. A reflection of power born from many places. This year marks its Twentieth year as my 'Nom de Arcane' as of a month and a day ago.
In my Back to Basics, I hadn't planned on changing that. Because I love my name, it is part of who I am and how I identify. But maybe it is time to grow.
When I was young I was an extreme introvert, regular conversation was difficult. I was never shy, but I was quiet, listened and created my own worlds.
Today I will take the lead, calmly assert myself when necessary. I express easy pleasure and my excitement when I learn something new is quite tangible.
I am something of an apothecary, all earth magick comes to me instinctively. Herbs and Crystals, working root magick, casting runes and the physical side of magick has an old world gypsy like appeal to me that I revel in. I collect jars and all manner of bottles and baubles. I use this knowledge for more than just healing and spellwork, I apply it to the everyday.
Things that have changed: In the past I would have hesitated to craft runes or altar tiles, I wouldn't have thought to work with clay to form my own god or goddess. My personal artistic ability is questionable. Now I do these things for the pleasure and connection I feel, knowing that even if they are not pretty they can serve as an offering to the gods.
My name should embody the following Strengths: Intelligence, Confidence, Courage, Change and Creativity.
This name should have the qualities of: The Otherworld, a Mountain Forest. Ley Lines. Twilight. Immortality.
In my Back to Basics, I hadn't planned on changing that. Because I love my name, it is part of who I am and how I identify. But maybe it is time to grow.
When I was young I was an extreme introvert, regular conversation was difficult. I was never shy, but I was quiet, listened and created my own worlds.
Today I will take the lead, calmly assert myself when necessary. I express easy pleasure and my excitement when I learn something new is quite tangible.
I am something of an apothecary, all earth magick comes to me instinctively. Herbs and Crystals, working root magick, casting runes and the physical side of magick has an old world gypsy like appeal to me that I revel in. I collect jars and all manner of bottles and baubles. I use this knowledge for more than just healing and spellwork, I apply it to the everyday.
Things that have changed: In the past I would have hesitated to craft runes or altar tiles, I wouldn't have thought to work with clay to form my own god or goddess. My personal artistic ability is questionable. Now I do these things for the pleasure and connection I feel, knowing that even if they are not pretty they can serve as an offering to the gods.
My name should embody the following Strengths: Intelligence, Confidence, Courage, Change and Creativity.
This name should have the qualities of: The Otherworld, a Mountain Forest. Ley Lines. Twilight. Immortality.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Building Shadows: What's in a Name?
This is something of a soft spot with me. By birth my name is Piper Laurie Robertson. I have a story behind my name that I was told multiple times as I was growing up. As a kid and teen, I was the only Piper a lot of people had ever met, I heard "That's such a cute name" more times than I can count. Since I was a young adult my name slowly started becoming more vogue, the movie Robots hit the theater "My name is Piper it rhymes with Vyper! Hsss!" Greeted me from friends and strangers alike for almost a year, then Charmed hit the airwaves and I got "Like that girl from Charmed?" or "You're a Charmed One then." Power of three jokes followed and only got worse after people found out that I'm a Witch. People started naming dogs Piper and felt the need to tell me all about it.
I laughed politely, but it set my teeth on edge. I had always been like Tigger; the only one. Let me tell you: Its not flattering to name a dog after someone. Don't expect a complete stranger to be flattered by it. My Mom named her Jack-Russel/Miniature Pinscher Roxie, mom's sister's name is Roxanne. Do you think my Aunt was flattered? A year ago I found out that my uncle Timm had a miniature australian shepherd named Pipper (pronounced Piper) and my disgust must have been palpable,
At work I had a coworker tell me that she had always associated my name with sluts, then tell me that she didn't think I was slut like at all.
Some people aren't as possessive about their names as I am. My older brother Ian has a four year old daughter that he talked his wife into naming Pepper, because she would have been named Piper. My brother gets it. But that's because my parents made sure that we all knew where we came from and why our names were chosen. And they have become a part of how we identify with the world, even if the rest of the world has a type casted into other roles.
This identity also lends to the Power that a true name can hold over a person. This power lends to why those in the Craft often take Magickal names. To protect themselves and their families not just from persecution, but from Magick.
Silver writes that the new name represents the rebirth into a new life, the no limits, no preconceived notions world of magick. And it may be just that, but it is so much more.
The name I have used publically since I dedicated originally is Echo, since I have used that same name in Coven Initiations. I have another name that is only known to me and my Guides in the Otherworld.
I laughed politely, but it set my teeth on edge. I had always been like Tigger; the only one. Let me tell you: Its not flattering to name a dog after someone. Don't expect a complete stranger to be flattered by it. My Mom named her Jack-Russel/Miniature Pinscher Roxie, mom's sister's name is Roxanne. Do you think my Aunt was flattered? A year ago I found out that my uncle Timm had a miniature australian shepherd named Pipper (pronounced Piper) and my disgust must have been palpable,
At work I had a coworker tell me that she had always associated my name with sluts, then tell me that she didn't think I was slut like at all.
Some people aren't as possessive about their names as I am. My older brother Ian has a four year old daughter that he talked his wife into naming Pepper, because she would have been named Piper. My brother gets it. But that's because my parents made sure that we all knew where we came from and why our names were chosen. And they have become a part of how we identify with the world, even if the rest of the world has a type casted into other roles.
This identity also lends to the Power that a true name can hold over a person. This power lends to why those in the Craft often take Magickal names. To protect themselves and their families not just from persecution, but from Magick.
Silver writes that the new name represents the rebirth into a new life, the no limits, no preconceived notions world of magick. And it may be just that, but it is so much more.
The name I have used publically since I dedicated originally is Echo, since I have used that same name in Coven Initiations. I have another name that is only known to me and my Guides in the Otherworld.
Monday, June 1, 2015
Triple Goddess
While Silver didn't ask for anything in my notebook about the Triplicity or our Gods and Goddess I wanted to toss a quick note at my readers.
I find that all women have multiple aspects and different roles to fill as they progress through life, as the wheel of the year reflects that same progression and repetition among the Gods I don't think that this was an ancient practice.
I think that the idea of a Triple Goddess is part of Pagan reconstructionism. The ancient Celts did things in threes, everything could be attached to one of the three realms of physical, mental or spiritual. Sea, Land or Air. That's why in the modern age going back further than your great grandparents. "Bad news comes in threes." or "Death comes in threes." My grandmother always said that when you when things turned south you had to wait for the third thing to break, get ruined, or lost before you could expect it to start getting better.
Take the time to research the Goddesses on your own, as a Priest or Priestess its your privilege to know them.
I find that all women have multiple aspects and different roles to fill as they progress through life, as the wheel of the year reflects that same progression and repetition among the Gods I don't think that this was an ancient practice.
I think that the idea of a Triple Goddess is part of Pagan reconstructionism. The ancient Celts did things in threes, everything could be attached to one of the three realms of physical, mental or spiritual. Sea, Land or Air. That's why in the modern age going back further than your great grandparents. "Bad news comes in threes." or "Death comes in threes." My grandmother always said that when you when things turned south you had to wait for the third thing to break, get ruined, or lost before you could expect it to start getting better.
Take the time to research the Goddesses on your own, as a Priest or Priestess its your privilege to know them.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Selecting a Pantheon is something that takes a little soul searching. As Silver instructed I have tried to take some time in meditation It's hard to do it right in the two days I have given myself for these posts.
Spending time with each Deity is part of my end game, not something that I accomplished by the time I wrote this post. But I will continue to work on it.
Will I change my personal Pantheon? I dont think I will. But it is a worthwhile exercise and one that I plan on revisiting frequently.
Its more than just deciding that you are Celtic and want to work with Lugh. Its settling into your own mind and getting to know Lugh. And like all interpersonal relationships that can take a while, you are learning what they like and don't like. What are their favored offerings? You can find some of that in other books, in the myths. But how much better would it be from the horse's mouth?
Spending time with each Deity is part of my end game, not something that I accomplished by the time I wrote this post. But I will continue to work on it.
Will I change my personal Pantheon? I dont think I will. But it is a worthwhile exercise and one that I plan on revisiting frequently.
Its more than just deciding that you are Celtic and want to work with Lugh. Its settling into your own mind and getting to know Lugh. And like all interpersonal relationships that can take a while, you are learning what they like and don't like. What are their favored offerings? You can find some of that in other books, in the myths. But how much better would it be from the horse's mouth?
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Picking Deities?
"One of the most pivotal choices in Witchcraft is your choice of the deities (Gods/Goddesses) you will work with. The key thought form here is "with" The Craft is not a religion of supplication. If you intend to grovel before a God form, please stop here and throw this book away."
I have never called on the Deities that I consider to be my patron/matron duo. I have never had that need. I was comfortable with Airmed and Arawn. To me they were the perfect duality of life and death calmly watching over me and guiding me on my path. My studies in crystals and herbs, the angel of vengeance mentality that I have had most of my life.
But when I see a Goddess and God figure in my mind it isn't them. It is the nameless Old Gods.
The Goddess has a narrow build and stands a little taller than me. About 5'7". She wears a gown the color of blood but it shimmers like starlight. Her eyes are are blue leaning towards violet, like the palest of lilacs, striking from a tanned face with rich black hair that floats about her hips bound only by a fresh-water pearl circlet, across her hips is a girdle of more pearls. Her feet are bare.
The God is athletic, wiry; standing about 6'1". He is wearing medieval hunting leathers in natural tones and deep brown, trimmed with mink and sable. His eyes are imperceivably dark, set in a sun kissed face, his hair is brown bleached by the sun, held back by a piece of braided leather at his brow.
I have never called on the Deities that I consider to be my patron/matron duo. I have never had that need. I was comfortable with Airmed and Arawn. To me they were the perfect duality of life and death calmly watching over me and guiding me on my path. My studies in crystals and herbs, the angel of vengeance mentality that I have had most of my life.
But when I see a Goddess and God figure in my mind it isn't them. It is the nameless Old Gods.
The Goddess has a narrow build and stands a little taller than me. About 5'7". She wears a gown the color of blood but it shimmers like starlight. Her eyes are are blue leaning towards violet, like the palest of lilacs, striking from a tanned face with rich black hair that floats about her hips bound only by a fresh-water pearl circlet, across her hips is a girdle of more pearls. Her feet are bare.
The God is athletic, wiry; standing about 6'1". He is wearing medieval hunting leathers in natural tones and deep brown, trimmed with mink and sable. His eyes are imperceivably dark, set in a sun kissed face, his hair is brown bleached by the sun, held back by a piece of braided leather at his brow.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Lunar Celebrations
Magick is at our core, as Witches, magick and spells have taken the place of prayer. In my family and coven at the Sabbats we give offerings in gratitude and celebrate the fire festivals and the myth that document the history of our faith. The Esbats are when works of magick are performed.
Full - A time of Banishing, banish debt, banish illness
New - A time of Increase, draw in health, wellness, wealth, love and strength
Waxing - A lesser Drawing force for more subtle magick.
Waning - A lesser Banishing force for more subtle magick.
Full - A time of Banishing, banish debt, banish illness
New - A time of Increase, draw in health, wellness, wealth, love and strength
Waxing - A lesser Drawing force for more subtle magick.
Waning - A lesser Banishing force for more subtle magick.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Special Days.
I love the idea of keeping a calendar in fact, my coven has one printed every year that includes not just the dates and times of gatherings but which member is assigned to which Esbat or Sabbat. I used to buy a Witches Datebook and loved having it. Maybe I'll have to buy another one.
My Sabbat List starting with Samhain and ending and Mabon 2016
Samhain - October 31st Saturday
Yule - December 21st (Observed) Monday
Imbolc - February 1st Monday
Ostara - March 21st (Observed) Monday
Beltane - May 1st Sunday
Litha (Summer Solstice) - June 21st (Observed) Tuesday
Lughnasadh - August 1st Monday
Mabon - September 21st (Observed) Wednesday
Good thing that my days off are currently Sunday and Monday.
My Sabbat List starting with Samhain and ending and Mabon 2016
Samhain - October 31st Saturday
Yule - December 21st (Observed) Monday
Imbolc - February 1st Monday
Ostara - March 21st (Observed) Monday
Beltane - May 1st Sunday
Litha (Summer Solstice) - June 21st (Observed) Tuesday
Lughnasadh - August 1st Monday
Mabon - September 21st (Observed) Wednesday
Good thing that my days off are currently Sunday and Monday.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Religion Vs. Science.
Science: Answering the most difficult question in the universe since 1564. Sometimes you cannot accept something as fact based on blind faith. Science looks for "Why" and then explains "How" which is essential to some people.
Religion: Everything happens for a reason, God works in mysterious ways. Simple acceptance of things that have no obvious answer.
Religion vs. Science: Science is not the opposite of religion. In a lot of cases it helps explain how its possible for a spell to work. But in the end Spells are just a different kind of prayer. So it tells us that Prayers can be answered. I use physics to explain a great deal when it comes to magick. Its sad that some faiths find the question of "Why?" to be a blasphemy.
Religion: Everything happens for a reason, God works in mysterious ways. Simple acceptance of things that have no obvious answer.
Religion vs. Science: Science is not the opposite of religion. In a lot of cases it helps explain how its possible for a spell to work. But in the end Spells are just a different kind of prayer. So it tells us that Prayers can be answered. I use physics to explain a great deal when it comes to magick. Its sad that some faiths find the question of "Why?" to be a blasphemy.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
The Lingo..
Jargon is perhaps one of the most subjective ideas in any group. If you have a good vocabulary or own a Dictionary/Thesaurus you can manage just about anywhere. Silver wants us to copy her list of Jargon down for future reference, but I know where to find it so I am skipping that exercise, as I have most of her terms memorized and have had them in my everyday vocabulary for a long time. I tend to get really dismissive when people bring up Jargon, that includes professional jargon.
That said even I think that there are a few words every Witch should know. My Jargon consists of the few words that I cant find in just any conversation.
ANIMISM - Belief that a spirit or force residing in every animate and inanimate object, every dream and idea, gives individuality to each. The related Polynesian concept of man holds that the spirit in all things is responsible for the good and evil in the universe.
SIGIL - A symbol with some occult meaning that may be used in magickal workings. Often a seal, sign or other drawing, it may be carried or otherwise used to control the power symbolized.
WARLOCK - Derogatory term for a Male Witch. It’s original meaning, derived from the Old English “waer logga,” is “oath breaker” and it was used in reference to a traitor to the Craft during the Burning Times.
Its also important to be able to give a quick definition of Cleanse, Consecrate, Dedication and Initiation.
That said even I think that there are a few words every Witch should know. My Jargon consists of the few words that I cant find in just any conversation.
ANIMISM - Belief that a spirit or force residing in every animate and inanimate object, every dream and idea, gives individuality to each. The related Polynesian concept of man holds that the spirit in all things is responsible for the good and evil in the universe.
SIGIL - A symbol with some occult meaning that may be used in magickal workings. Often a seal, sign or other drawing, it may be carried or otherwise used to control the power symbolized.
WARLOCK - Derogatory term for a Male Witch. It’s original meaning, derived from the Old English “waer logga,” is “oath breaker” and it was used in reference to a traitor to the Craft during the Burning Times.
Its also important to be able to give a quick definition of Cleanse, Consecrate, Dedication and Initiation.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Getting Acquainted...
With all the traditions out there, I would classically label myself as three things. Celtic, Family Traditional and Faery Faith. Silver suggested that I copy down the different traditions and leave room for more. And I agree, I have the different traditions highlighted in so many other places that I'm not doing it here.
What influences me is Celtic, Faery, my Family and some Asatru. My Gardnerian Lineage is traced from my coven Initiation back to ( a few people and) Doreen Valiente.
My ancestors did not bleed for a wide range of Gods, they bled for Cailleach, and a few bled for Bran. My ancestors are Scottish on both sides, with a dash from Saxony/Hessian Germany, Belgium, and Sweden. This gives me a fascination with Asatru, the ritual structures, I hold a Blot once a year but would never call on Odin or Baldur. I found a statue of Freyja at a local thrift store and couldn't resist her, but candles on that altar are unlikely, she may end up being gifted to a student. I adore the Roman practice of household gods but on I Hecate I will not call.
Faeries? A huge part of the lore held by the Scottish Clans, I have seen Faeries for as long as I can remember. They introduced me to real magick even before my parents talked about anything like that in front of me, they have been my Guardians as I have been theirs.
There is a lot to be said for the simplicity of an Eclectic Altar, it feels a lot more primitive, more genuine that the highly commercialized statuary on the market over priced cast resin statues with a bronze finish. It feels to me like I'm placing an action figure on my altar. The less detailed figures reach a place with me, they can be anyone I need them to be. Does this make me Eclectic? Not in my own eyes. In someone else's eyes? Probably.
What influences me is Celtic, Faery, my Family and some Asatru. My Gardnerian Lineage is traced from my coven Initiation back to ( a few people and) Doreen Valiente.
My ancestors did not bleed for a wide range of Gods, they bled for Cailleach, and a few bled for Bran. My ancestors are Scottish on both sides, with a dash from Saxony/Hessian Germany, Belgium, and Sweden. This gives me a fascination with Asatru, the ritual structures, I hold a Blot once a year but would never call on Odin or Baldur. I found a statue of Freyja at a local thrift store and couldn't resist her, but candles on that altar are unlikely, she may end up being gifted to a student. I adore the Roman practice of household gods but on I Hecate I will not call.
Faeries? A huge part of the lore held by the Scottish Clans, I have seen Faeries for as long as I can remember. They introduced me to real magick even before my parents talked about anything like that in front of me, they have been my Guardians as I have been theirs.
There is a lot to be said for the simplicity of an Eclectic Altar, it feels a lot more primitive, more genuine that the highly commercialized statuary on the market over priced cast resin statues with a bronze finish. It feels to me like I'm placing an action figure on my altar. The less detailed figures reach a place with me, they can be anyone I need them to be. Does this make me Eclectic? Not in my own eyes. In someone else's eyes? Probably.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
How did I get here?
This is a hard one. Everyone has a past, the lives our parents and grandparents lead shape our direction. Every Witch out there feels a thrill when they hear a story that is almost mystical from within their own line.
My father's grandmother was an astrologer who did a chart on the even of my father's birth, it said that he would have three great opportunities in his life to be a great success and that he needed to be careful as these chances would be fleeting...
My mother's grandmother was once arrested for reading tea leaves.
For me it was my mother's mother, who one year after thanksgiving dinner and the traditional game of Scabble, pulled out a book on the I-Ching. Suffice it to say, the family was up late that night. It left an impression, and afterwards before we left to go home the next day Grandma gave me a small oyster jar about a third of the way full with ashes. "These belonged to your great-grandmother Weaver, (who read tea leaves in parlors..) I want you to have them." I found out later that they were a portion of her cremains. I don't remember the I-Ching reading, but I remember Grandma Goggs and that jar of ashes. My mom has the jar, but later after Goggs passed, mom gave me a small mayo jar with a portion of Grandma's ashes and Grandma's jade bracelet (she wore it every day of her life) As well as a few other personal effects and pictures.
Grandma Weaver's ashes were gifted to me before I read my first Pagan book, at a time when I was only a little fascinated with the symbols in my Dad's Astrology books. But within a year of that night I was mixing herbs and tinctures after about two years I was making soaps and oils, Grandma Weaver's Ashes are why I read Edgar Cayce's works.
Many years from that time, I have read countless books and done my share of Tarot or Rune readings, performed rituals and helped a co-worker banish a malignant spirit. I talked about my faith every day, performed devotionals.
My best friend had her boyfriend move in with us, and he had no faith in anything. In fact he had a sort of hate and anti-faith that became poisonous and made our practice shift more towards secret, and finally it became almost a non-practice.
At his urging we moved from Utah to Pennsylvania, we lived in West York, by the fairgrounds. I was able to set up an altar in an armoire and had started getting involved in my faith again. There were no full scale rituals but I could meditate, light incense on my altar, work on my magical tools and write. It was starting to get better for us as they decided to be friends and not date anymore..
But my Father is a pretty major cornerstone to my spiritual growth, he had a heart attack and stroke right on Thanksgiving 2013, so I moved back to Utah (long story short) 2 moves that close together I lost a lot of my ritual supplies and so forth, which started my path stagnating.
I am really, really hoping to find my way. I have lost my path and feel like I'm wandering in a strange forest at night. I need a light in the darkness again.
My father's grandmother was an astrologer who did a chart on the even of my father's birth, it said that he would have three great opportunities in his life to be a great success and that he needed to be careful as these chances would be fleeting...
My mother's grandmother was once arrested for reading tea leaves.
For me it was my mother's mother, who one year after thanksgiving dinner and the traditional game of Scabble, pulled out a book on the I-Ching. Suffice it to say, the family was up late that night. It left an impression, and afterwards before we left to go home the next day Grandma gave me a small oyster jar about a third of the way full with ashes. "These belonged to your great-grandmother Weaver, (who read tea leaves in parlors..) I want you to have them." I found out later that they were a portion of her cremains. I don't remember the I-Ching reading, but I remember Grandma Goggs and that jar of ashes. My mom has the jar, but later after Goggs passed, mom gave me a small mayo jar with a portion of Grandma's ashes and Grandma's jade bracelet (she wore it every day of her life) As well as a few other personal effects and pictures.
Grandma Weaver's ashes were gifted to me before I read my first Pagan book, at a time when I was only a little fascinated with the symbols in my Dad's Astrology books. But within a year of that night I was mixing herbs and tinctures after about two years I was making soaps and oils, Grandma Weaver's Ashes are why I read Edgar Cayce's works.
Many years from that time, I have read countless books and done my share of Tarot or Rune readings, performed rituals and helped a co-worker banish a malignant spirit. I talked about my faith every day, performed devotionals.
My best friend had her boyfriend move in with us, and he had no faith in anything. In fact he had a sort of hate and anti-faith that became poisonous and made our practice shift more towards secret, and finally it became almost a non-practice.
At his urging we moved from Utah to Pennsylvania, we lived in West York, by the fairgrounds. I was able to set up an altar in an armoire and had started getting involved in my faith again. There were no full scale rituals but I could meditate, light incense on my altar, work on my magical tools and write. It was starting to get better for us as they decided to be friends and not date anymore..
But my Father is a pretty major cornerstone to my spiritual growth, he had a heart attack and stroke right on Thanksgiving 2013, so I moved back to Utah (long story short) 2 moves that close together I lost a lot of my ritual supplies and so forth, which started my path stagnating.
I am really, really hoping to find my way. I have lost my path and feel like I'm wandering in a strange forest at night. I need a light in the darkness again.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
13 Goals of a Witch...
Silver asked that we read every word and not skim no matter how long we've been practicing. This was hard for me, I had to read it three times. She then asked that we write down what we didn't agree with or what we had questions about. I think I already have a copy in this blog but I'm doing it again. All 13.
1: We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of the Moon and the seasonal Quarters and Cross Quarters.
2: We recognize that our intelligence gives us a unique responsibility toward our environment. We seek to live in harmony with Nature, in ecological balance offering fulfillment and consciousness within an evolutionary concept.
3: We acknowledge a depth of power far greater than that apparent to the average person. Because it is far greater than ordinary it is sometimes called supernatural, but we see it as lying within that which is naturally potential to all.
4: We conceive of the Creative Power in the universe as manifesting through polarity ~as masculine and feminine~ and that this same Creative Power lies in all people, and functions through the interaction of the masculine and feminine. We value neither above the other, knowing each to be supportive to each other. We value sex as pleasure, as the symbol and embodiment of life, and as one of the sources of energies used in magickal practice and religious worship.
5: We recognize both outer worlds and inner, or psychological, worlds sometimes known as the Spiritual World, the Collective Unconscious, Inner Planes, etc. ~and we see in the interaction of these two dimensions the basis for paranormal phenomena and magickal exercises. We neglect neither dimension for the other, seeing both as necessary for our fulfillment.
6: We do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy, but do honor those who teach, respect those who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who have courageously given of themselves in leadership.
7: We see religion, magick, and wisdom in living as being united in the way one views the world and lives within it ~a world view and philosophy of life which we identify as Witchcraft~ The Wiccan Way.
8: Calling oneself "Witch" does not make a Witch, but neither does heredity itself, not the collecting of titles, degrees, and initiations. A Witch seeks to control the forces within her/himself that make life possible in order to live wisely and well without harm to others and in harmony with Nature.
9: We believe in the affirmation and fulfillment of life in a continuation of evolution and development of consciousness giving meaning to the Universe we know and our personal role within it.
10: Our only animosity towards Christianity, or towards any other religion or philosophy of life, is to the extent that its institutions have claimed to be "the only way", and have sought to deny freedom to others and to suppress other ways of religious practice and belief.
11: As American Witches, we are not threatened by debates on the history of the Craft, the origins of various terms, the legitimacy of various aspects of different traditions. We are concerned with our present and our future.
12: We do not accept the concept of absolute evil, nor do we worship any entity known as Satan or the Devil, as defined by the Christian tradition. We do not seek power through the sufferings of others, nor accept that personal benefit can be derived only by denial to another.
13: We believe that we should seek within Nature that which is contributory to our health and well-being.
Its not that I disagree with anything written above, or that I question it is 10 through 13. Are all very defensive and in my opinion superfluous after have read the first nine, those four points feel to me like an attack on other faiths. All faiths at one time or another have been persecuted, there is no real need to highlight our persecution. The best defense for the kind of negative attention Witches still receive is to not acknowledge it at all.
Is everything people say about you true? No? Well what makes everything that others say about my faith true?
1: We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of the Moon and the seasonal Quarters and Cross Quarters.
2: We recognize that our intelligence gives us a unique responsibility toward our environment. We seek to live in harmony with Nature, in ecological balance offering fulfillment and consciousness within an evolutionary concept.
3: We acknowledge a depth of power far greater than that apparent to the average person. Because it is far greater than ordinary it is sometimes called supernatural, but we see it as lying within that which is naturally potential to all.
4: We conceive of the Creative Power in the universe as manifesting through polarity ~as masculine and feminine~ and that this same Creative Power lies in all people, and functions through the interaction of the masculine and feminine. We value neither above the other, knowing each to be supportive to each other. We value sex as pleasure, as the symbol and embodiment of life, and as one of the sources of energies used in magickal practice and religious worship.
5: We recognize both outer worlds and inner, or psychological, worlds sometimes known as the Spiritual World, the Collective Unconscious, Inner Planes, etc. ~and we see in the interaction of these two dimensions the basis for paranormal phenomena and magickal exercises. We neglect neither dimension for the other, seeing both as necessary for our fulfillment.
6: We do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy, but do honor those who teach, respect those who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who have courageously given of themselves in leadership.
7: We see religion, magick, and wisdom in living as being united in the way one views the world and lives within it ~a world view and philosophy of life which we identify as Witchcraft~ The Wiccan Way.
8: Calling oneself "Witch" does not make a Witch, but neither does heredity itself, not the collecting of titles, degrees, and initiations. A Witch seeks to control the forces within her/himself that make life possible in order to live wisely and well without harm to others and in harmony with Nature.
9: We believe in the affirmation and fulfillment of life in a continuation of evolution and development of consciousness giving meaning to the Universe we know and our personal role within it.
10: Our only animosity towards Christianity, or towards any other religion or philosophy of life, is to the extent that its institutions have claimed to be "the only way", and have sought to deny freedom to others and to suppress other ways of religious practice and belief.
11: As American Witches, we are not threatened by debates on the history of the Craft, the origins of various terms, the legitimacy of various aspects of different traditions. We are concerned with our present and our future.
12: We do not accept the concept of absolute evil, nor do we worship any entity known as Satan or the Devil, as defined by the Christian tradition. We do not seek power through the sufferings of others, nor accept that personal benefit can be derived only by denial to another.
13: We believe that we should seek within Nature that which is contributory to our health and well-being.
Its not that I disagree with anything written above, or that I question it is 10 through 13. Are all very defensive and in my opinion superfluous after have read the first nine, those four points feel to me like an attack on other faiths. All faiths at one time or another have been persecuted, there is no real need to highlight our persecution. The best defense for the kind of negative attention Witches still receive is to not acknowledge it at all.
Is everything people say about you true? No? Well what makes everything that others say about my faith true?
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Letter to Silver..
12th May 2015
Dear Silver,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing in response to your request that I make clear a few definitions. In my experience, a Witch is a Priest of sorts, acting as both advocate and advisor while embracing all that is sacred in the flux and flow of the natural world. While Witchcraft is the ceremonial practice and reverence of the world around us through the use of magick and ceremony. I know that I am not splitting these definitions as you requested, you see this is because a Witch is a Practitioner of Witchcraft, very rarely do you have one without the other.
Discussing society as a whole is more difficult for me, while being a Witch is not nearly so faddish as it once was, it is still disconcerting enough that when someone compliments me on my pentacle I cringe a little inside, and wonder if I am going to have a nice conversation or if I'm talking to a reformed goth who wants to "be cooler" than me. While Paganism is generally accepted today, people are still leery of Witches. Not a month ago I got some new furniture and one of the young men delivering it asked about our besoms and looked worried at the disclosure of being Witches.
As a personal goal in reading To Ride a Silver Broomstick, I want to recapture some of the passion I had for my path, I have a wonderful heritage in the craft. Ranks of initiation and a Coven to prove it. However, my Dad was a major influence on me magickally and following his stroke its as though the well has gone dry. I am hoping that doing this experiment as a Back to Basics can help me bridge that gap.
Piper Robertson
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Picking up the Broomstick
"The 'Charge' comes to each of us in a different manner." Is the first sentence, which has stuck with me since the first time I read the book, in 1995. I was thirteen and my parents had just started taking me "A Paganing" with them to various Witchy shops. Up until that point I had been limited in my reading, I had read my Dad's
Astrology books and the works of Edgar Cayce, my older brother had loaned me DJ Conways "Celtic Magic" and I had stolen my Dad's copy of John Matthews "Celtic Shaman" and was virtually monopolizing my Mom's "Celtic Tarot." However, "To Ride a Silver Broomstick" was one of the first books that was purchased just for me and the reason I wanted it? That first sentence.
"..., this text may also be used for training initiates in the different traditions, as well as a useful learning tool for Pagan children who are nearing their dedication ceremony, which usually occurs sometime around puberty."
Dedication isn't something that my parents ever discussed. My mother is a veteran of many religions, if there is a book on it she has probably studied it. It was always just known that us kids would find our own paths, this idea of dedicating to what had always just felt like the right path, to me it was tantalizing. So I followed every exercise she wrote. Which is again, exactly what I am doing now. Only this time instead of using a binder I am blogging with all of you.
I am even considering the option of a new name, and hoping that I get the most from this journey!
"..., this text may also be used for training initiates in the different traditions, as well as a useful learning tool for Pagan children who are nearing their dedication ceremony, which usually occurs sometime around puberty."
Dedication isn't something that my parents ever discussed. My mother is a veteran of many religions, if there is a book on it she has probably studied it. It was always just known that us kids would find our own paths, this idea of dedicating to what had always just felt like the right path, to me it was tantalizing. So I followed every exercise she wrote. Which is again, exactly what I am doing now. Only this time instead of using a binder I am blogging with all of you.
I am even considering the option of a new name, and hoping that I get the most from this journey!
Friday, May 8, 2015
The First Adventure
So to start my Back to Basics it took me a little while to settle on a book; I am re-reading Silver RavenWolf's "To Ride a Silver Broomstick" this was the first Pagan book that a lot of my peers ever read, and I find it troubling how many of them today are so comfortable speaking ill of the Author and her books.
I met Silver in person when I was in my teens attending the Heartland Pagan Festival, I liked her and so I would never feel comfortable talking bad about her or her work. A friend of mine had Dinner with Silver and her family and says that it was a really fun experience. But I would be lying if I didn't say that public opinion has poisoned me, I haven't read many of her books since I finished college. Part of that is because I felt that I had outgrown the beginner books and was looking for more, but its also because I was poisoned against reading her. There were people I didn't want to know that I had any of her books in my library. It only occurred to me about eight years ago how wrong it was for me to allow anyone to make me feel ashamed of where I come from. Of the things that I have used to build my path.
I want to emphasize that. It is WRONG to allow anyone to make you feel like you have to do something in secret, or not do what you want to do out of a sense of shame. As Witches we have to be true to ourselves.
If you want to go Back to Basics with me, grab your copy (or buy a new one here: To Ride A Silver Broomstick: New Generation Witchcraft
) and post a link to your blog below!
I met Silver in person when I was in my teens attending the Heartland Pagan Festival, I liked her and so I would never feel comfortable talking bad about her or her work. A friend of mine had Dinner with Silver and her family and says that it was a really fun experience. But I would be lying if I didn't say that public opinion has poisoned me, I haven't read many of her books since I finished college. Part of that is because I felt that I had outgrown the beginner books and was looking for more, but its also because I was poisoned against reading her. There were people I didn't want to know that I had any of her books in my library. It only occurred to me about eight years ago how wrong it was for me to allow anyone to make me feel ashamed of where I come from. Of the things that I have used to build my path.
I want to emphasize that. It is WRONG to allow anyone to make you feel like you have to do something in secret, or not do what you want to do out of a sense of shame. As Witches we have to be true to ourselves.
If you want to go Back to Basics with me, grab your copy (or buy a new one here: To Ride A Silver Broomstick: New Generation Witchcraft
Monday, May 4, 2015
Pathing a Challenge
I really couldn't get into writing spells and discussing spell work. Thats part of personal exploration and research that you can accomplish on your own. For the last year or so I have felt driven to get back to basics. Some of this drive stems from being forced to down size my personal library twice in the last year, the rest has been capitulated because during the subsequent moves after downsizing my library I have found that a great many of my ritual tools have been damaged, broken or lost.
That strikes me as a sign from the universe that I need to re-evaluate my path.
This doesn't mean that I am no longer a Witch, just quite simply when I am filling these needs I need to make sure that they mesh with who I am today, not the girl I was almost twenty years ago.
Now many of us notice these changes as we transition through life, sometimes it takes us onto a new path, others it takes us back where we started. Which is where I feel that I am. I want to take a look at the information that I have available to me now and start over.
I will not be rereading:
Raymond Buckland -- The Complete Book of Witchcraft
Janet and Stewart Farrar -- The Witches Bible
I will be revisiting authors that may not be well thought of by the community at large, to actually work my way through some of their books because those are the first exposure to the craft that many seekers first find.
I want to both recapture from when I first got started, and be able to give a fair review of the books. By following the exercises and sharing them with all of you.
That strikes me as a sign from the universe that I need to re-evaluate my path.
This doesn't mean that I am no longer a Witch, just quite simply when I am filling these needs I need to make sure that they mesh with who I am today, not the girl I was almost twenty years ago.
Now many of us notice these changes as we transition through life, sometimes it takes us onto a new path, others it takes us back where we started. Which is where I feel that I am. I want to take a look at the information that I have available to me now and start over.
I will not be rereading:
Raymond Buckland -- The Complete Book of Witchcraft
Janet and Stewart Farrar -- The Witches Bible
I will be revisiting authors that may not be well thought of by the community at large, to actually work my way through some of their books because those are the first exposure to the craft that many seekers first find.
I want to both recapture from when I first got started, and be able to give a fair review of the books. By following the exercises and sharing them with all of you.
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