On the Celtic Tree Calendar this is the Oak Moon this a time of Sacrifice.
Like the Sabbats, this is less about writing the ritual and more about what sets the ritual apart. For the Esbat title the page.
The Oak moon falls during a time when the trees are beginning to reach their full blooming stages. The mighty Oak is strong, powerful, and typically towering over all of its neighbors. The Oak King rules over the summer months, and this tree was sacred to the Druids.
The Oak is connected with spells for protection and strength, fertility,
money and success, and good fortune. Carry an acorn in your pocket when
you go to an interview or business meeting; it will be bring you good
luck. If you catch a falling Oak leaf before it hits the ground, you'll
stay healthy the following year. The Celts called this month Duir,
which some scholars believe to mean "door", the root word of "Druid".
Oak is a symbol of security, protection and strength. Its roots go as
deep into the ground as the branches reach into the air. Good month for
working magic of all positive purposes. Root word thought to be the same
as that of "Druid", hence the Druids' strong association with this tree
as their symbol. Merlin was thought to have practiced magic in an oak
grove, with an oak wand. The sacrifice intended with this moon in Ancient times would have been a very real sacrifice, it was when the old King would have been bound and bled before being given back to the land to become a bog mummy today. Now the month of Duir is a time like the Catholic tradition of Lent, a time to give up something dear to you.
1 Saffron (Colored) Candle
Live Echinacea flowers
Red Apple
Green Apple
A Large Pot and Potting Soil.
Light the candle (Saffon is a color of Nobility and Sacrifice). Decide on what you are going to give up for the next twenty 28 days, or year and a day. If it is an Action, write it on paper and place it at the bottom of the pot, if its an item (credit card, pipe, jewelry...) you can seal it in a freezer bag and place it at the bottom of the pot. Cut the apples in two and place them on top saying something about what it means to you. Then cover it with soil and plant the echinacea (Carrying Echinacea will provide inner strength during trying times. It
can also be grown around the house or brought into a house and placed in
a vase to draw prosperity into the home and protect the family from
suffering from poverty.)
Goal #1 A comprehensive guide to a Traditional Book of Shadows.... Complete. Goal #2 Back to Basics, After more than 20 years I am revisiting the 101 books in order to see what I can learn now... Hind sight is 20x20... More later... Q&A?
Monday, March 31, 2014
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
June Full Moon
First my apologies for the late post, real life hasn't been accommodating. This is the second full moon post that has had to be posted late.
Actually called "The Horse Moon" This is also the time for lovers. Before the height of summer use this time to strengthen your weaknesses.
Like the Sabbats, this is less about writing the ritual and more about what sets the ritual apart. For the Esbat title the page.
This is June, we enjoy the longest days, especially before the Summer Solstice. This is a time to be active, to feel sensuous and to be aware of our bodies and the life-force energy that flows through us. As the Wheel of the Year moves into summer, we raise the heat of this new season with both a drumming circle and a circle dance are both traditional favorites.
This is a primal time, a good time for magick, and working with all the elements, as psychic energy flows freely under this moon. It also is a time for maintaining and enhancing what we already have, such as our jobs, education, camping, relationships with friends and family, and our gardens.
The Cunning
Herbs have been part of the Craft going back forever. Midsummer's heightened energies are often mentioned in the ceremonial harvesting, at the full moon the energies are at there height and at night the dews and essential oils are most intact. The harvesting procedures have been formulated over hundreds of years. You can read biology texts to confirm that the varying magnetic effects of the moon on living things actually does draw active chemistry into upper and lower parts of plants. Our ancestors knew much without the scientific research we have used to verify these truths. There ceremonial harvest is referred to as Cunning.
The Moon waxes and wanes, pulling with her the seas of the Earth and producing its tides. So, too, does this influence manifest in all living things, including herbs.
During the waxing of the Moon, vital energies flow upward into the leaves and stalks and flowers of the plant.
As the Moon wanes these energies flow like a receding tide- down to the roots. To obtain herbs that are highly energized, pick them according to the Moon’s phases. Leaves, flowers, and seeds should be picked during a waxing Moon, when has grown from well past Dark, to Full. All root crops should be picked during a waning Moon, from well past Full, to Dark. Night is the Moon’s domain. Most herbs are picked after sunset on a clear and dry night.
You need:
Pitcher of Water
A white cloth bag (white pillow cases work well)
An Offering for the Garden, Tree or Plant. (a piece of bread home-made if possible, beer, if you are harvesting roots, bring seeds of the same ilk).
Wear a white robe or fresh clean clothes, take your tools to where your will harvest. Before you approach to harvest the plant, bare hands are appropriate, beware of thorns when it applies. You are stepping into nature and should be in touch with the earth when handling living herbs. When you find your plant use the tip of your knife to draw a circle clockwise in the earth around the plant, this is a supplication to nature. Your actions are the intercession between you and nature when taking something for your use. Stand, and touch the blade of the knife to the herb, then recite a few words of thanks.
Now you can gently cut a few sprigs, a few branches, or whatever amount you need. Never cut more than 25% of the growth (avoid cutting a very young plant), or the plant might not recover. After removing the leaves, blooms, or stalks, bury a small piece of the bread near the base of the plant. This is in payment to the Earth for what is taken in a traditional approach to encourage new growth. Then walk the circle around the plant again and gently distribute the water around the plant.
Actually called "The Horse Moon" This is also the time for lovers. Before the height of summer use this time to strengthen your weaknesses.
Like the Sabbats, this is less about writing the ritual and more about what sets the ritual apart. For the Esbat title the page.
This is June, we enjoy the longest days, especially before the Summer Solstice. This is a time to be active, to feel sensuous and to be aware of our bodies and the life-force energy that flows through us. As the Wheel of the Year moves into summer, we raise the heat of this new season with both a drumming circle and a circle dance are both traditional favorites.
This is a primal time, a good time for magick, and working with all the elements, as psychic energy flows freely under this moon. It also is a time for maintaining and enhancing what we already have, such as our jobs, education, camping, relationships with friends and family, and our gardens.
The Cunning
Herbs have been part of the Craft going back forever. Midsummer's heightened energies are often mentioned in the ceremonial harvesting, at the full moon the energies are at there height and at night the dews and essential oils are most intact. The harvesting procedures have been formulated over hundreds of years. You can read biology texts to confirm that the varying magnetic effects of the moon on living things actually does draw active chemistry into upper and lower parts of plants. Our ancestors knew much without the scientific research we have used to verify these truths. There ceremonial harvest is referred to as Cunning.
The Moon waxes and wanes, pulling with her the seas of the Earth and producing its tides. So, too, does this influence manifest in all living things, including herbs.
During the waxing of the Moon, vital energies flow upward into the leaves and stalks and flowers of the plant.
As the Moon wanes these energies flow like a receding tide- down to the roots. To obtain herbs that are highly energized, pick them according to the Moon’s phases. Leaves, flowers, and seeds should be picked during a waxing Moon, when has grown from well past Dark, to Full. All root crops should be picked during a waning Moon, from well past Full, to Dark. Night is the Moon’s domain. Most herbs are picked after sunset on a clear and dry night.
You need:
Pitcher of Water
A white cloth bag (white pillow cases work well)
An Offering for the Garden, Tree or Plant. (a piece of bread home-made if possible, beer, if you are harvesting roots, bring seeds of the same ilk).
Wear a white robe or fresh clean clothes, take your tools to where your will harvest. Before you approach to harvest the plant, bare hands are appropriate, beware of thorns when it applies. You are stepping into nature and should be in touch with the earth when handling living herbs. When you find your plant use the tip of your knife to draw a circle clockwise in the earth around the plant, this is a supplication to nature. Your actions are the intercession between you and nature when taking something for your use. Stand, and touch the blade of the knife to the herb, then recite a few words of thanks.
Now you can gently cut a few sprigs, a few branches, or whatever amount you need. Never cut more than 25% of the growth (avoid cutting a very young plant), or the plant might not recover. After removing the leaves, blooms, or stalks, bury a small piece of the bread near the base of the plant. This is in payment to the Earth for what is taken in a traditional approach to encourage new growth. Then walk the circle around the plant again and gently distribute the water around the plant.
Monday, March 17, 2014
June New Moon
On the Celtic Tree Calendar this is the Hawthorn Moon this Moon is used as a time of Dedication, either one for a personal dedication rite, dedicating sacred space or a tool.
Like the Sabbats, this is less about writing the ritual and more about what sets the ritual apart. For the Esbat title the page.
The Hawthorn Moon like the other New Moon's takes its lessons and guides action as the Hawthorn tree of old lore. Its essence represents the energy of cleansing and preparation. It clears the mind of negative thoughts and mental confusion, offering clarity. Known to be both a sign of fertility and death, it was said to contain the knowledge of both reproduction and transformation. Both of these processes take time - and if you were born under the sign of the hawthorn, you have an innate understanding of both the importance of process and the necessity for change. The Celts referred to this month as Huathe.
The hawthorn is closely linked to witches due to an ancient belief that it was created from witches who had been transformed into trees. Magick performed beside the hawthorn during its month is though to be twice as powerful. Hawthorn wood was traditionally used in amulets and charms. The wood grows into many twisted patterns, thought to be the origin of the love knot charm. As an amulet, the flowers were thought to ward off depression. The Romans placed such amulets in cradles to protect babies from curses.
Anointing Oil
1 tbsp Hawthorn Berries
3 Whole Cloves
1 Acorn
1 tbsp of Elder Flowers
Pinch White Ash Bark
1/2 cup Carrier oil
9 Drops Orange oil (2 tbsp zest)
9 Drops Lemon oil (2 tbsp zest)
In cheese cloth gather your loose ingredients. with room to allow them to expand as they may puff while hydrating from the oil, bind the edges up with butchers string or hemp twine and place in a small glass bowl. Over the top of the herbs pour your carrier oil. Cover and allow it to steep in a warm dark place for up to 6 weeks or heat the oil below boiling/smoke point for 20 minutes. You may use a double boiler process, we are looking to extract the herbal essence or infuse the oil without evaporating the essential oils from the herbs, essential oils evaporate at a very low temp, so the long process will make a better end product. After it has steeped transfer the oil to a new glass bowl, squeeze as much as you can from your sachet, you will have less than you started with, a little more than 1/3 cup at this point. Dispose of the sachet, it will make a good offering if you have an out door sacred space. To the new bowl add the essential oils if you did not use zest, swirl it with a stick (I use crafting Popsicle sticks. And at this point I imbue the oil magically.) then divide into Cobalt Blue Glass
bottles these usually come with an eye dropper but you can get a screw cap easily enough.
To Imbue your Oil while stirring raise a cone of power and chant three times:
"By Sun and Moon,
An ancient Rune.
Stirring, growing manifesting
Mark of the Witch
I charge thee,
Blessed Be.
I summon the power so mote it be!"
Once you have worked through the chant the third time funnel the energy directly into the oil.
Like the Sabbats, this is less about writing the ritual and more about what sets the ritual apart. For the Esbat title the page.
The Hawthorn Moon like the other New Moon's takes its lessons and guides action as the Hawthorn tree of old lore. Its essence represents the energy of cleansing and preparation. It clears the mind of negative thoughts and mental confusion, offering clarity. Known to be both a sign of fertility and death, it was said to contain the knowledge of both reproduction and transformation. Both of these processes take time - and if you were born under the sign of the hawthorn, you have an innate understanding of both the importance of process and the necessity for change. The Celts referred to this month as Huathe.
The hawthorn is closely linked to witches due to an ancient belief that it was created from witches who had been transformed into trees. Magick performed beside the hawthorn during its month is though to be twice as powerful. Hawthorn wood was traditionally used in amulets and charms. The wood grows into many twisted patterns, thought to be the origin of the love knot charm. As an amulet, the flowers were thought to ward off depression. The Romans placed such amulets in cradles to protect babies from curses.
Anointing Oil
1 tbsp Hawthorn Berries
3 Whole Cloves
1 Acorn
1 tbsp of Elder Flowers
Pinch White Ash Bark
1/2 cup Carrier oil
9 Drops Orange oil (2 tbsp zest)
9 Drops Lemon oil (2 tbsp zest)
In cheese cloth gather your loose ingredients. with room to allow them to expand as they may puff while hydrating from the oil, bind the edges up with butchers string or hemp twine and place in a small glass bowl. Over the top of the herbs pour your carrier oil. Cover and allow it to steep in a warm dark place for up to 6 weeks or heat the oil below boiling/smoke point for 20 minutes. You may use a double boiler process, we are looking to extract the herbal essence or infuse the oil without evaporating the essential oils from the herbs, essential oils evaporate at a very low temp, so the long process will make a better end product. After it has steeped transfer the oil to a new glass bowl, squeeze as much as you can from your sachet, you will have less than you started with, a little more than 1/3 cup at this point. Dispose of the sachet, it will make a good offering if you have an out door sacred space. To the new bowl add the essential oils if you did not use zest, swirl it with a stick (I use crafting Popsicle sticks. And at this point I imbue the oil magically.) then divide into Cobalt Blue Glass
To Imbue your Oil while stirring raise a cone of power and chant three times:
"By Sun and Moon,
An ancient Rune.
Stirring, growing manifesting
Mark of the Witch
I charge thee,
Blessed Be.
I summon the power so mote it be!"
Once you have worked through the chant the third time funnel the energy directly into the oil.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Litha, the Summer Solstice.
June 21st is the longest day of the year. Traditionally, Summer Solstice marks the onset of the Sun's dying strength, the season itself is one of abundance. Flowers, herbs, and fruit are in full bloom and heavy with the weight of their fruit, much as the Earth Goddess herself. While the goings on at Beltane have a playfull nature, the parched heat of Midsummer creates in us a breathless fiery passion. The need to explore new things, the anticipation of what the world has to offer in the later months. Midsummer in an erotic, sexy time of year, as the sun blazes hot upon us in full flower and the Summer skies collide with flashes of heat lightning and thunderclouds, fire dancing and throwing fire wheels has long been a surviving custom, as have Midsummer weddings.
As a spiritual holiday, the Mid-Summer festival is a time to honor your elders. Education provides each of us with great knowledge, but experiences begets wisdom and it is time to prepare for the late summer growing season. Place a rooting plant in a new pot with fresh soil allowing it to settle into a new home before the cold months arrive. For me this feels like the combination of energies of the God and Goddess. The plant represents the birthing of the Goddess who is bearing her first child at this time. Where as the soil and potting process represent the grounding and cultivating energies of the God.
the page, you can write it in English or Witches Alphabet. Litha, Midsummer or Summer Solstice. Whichever you
To start this page, draw the Sun.
We are not writing a Ritual, some things should be taught and not written down. But if you choose you can record a ritual after the rest.
For detailed information read here.
First and Foremost it is a feast and celebration
Make notes on your Altar, herbs you use. Deities.Incense recipe or Anointing oil.
For me the strongest connections to fresh fruit and Sun Flowers, Sage and Coriander. But that won't be the same for everyone. Put some thought into it. Here is another post that is a great reference.
June 21st is the longest day of the year. Traditionally, Summer Solstice marks the onset of the Sun's dying strength, the season itself is one of abundance. Flowers, herbs, and fruit are in full bloom and heavy with the weight of their fruit, much as the Earth Goddess herself. While the goings on at Beltane have a playfull nature, the parched heat of Midsummer creates in us a breathless fiery passion. The need to explore new things, the anticipation of what the world has to offer in the later months. Midsummer in an erotic, sexy time of year, as the sun blazes hot upon us in full flower and the Summer skies collide with flashes of heat lightning and thunderclouds, fire dancing and throwing fire wheels has long been a surviving custom, as have Midsummer weddings.
As a spiritual holiday, the Mid-Summer festival is a time to honor your elders. Education provides each of us with great knowledge, but experiences begets wisdom and it is time to prepare for the late summer growing season. Place a rooting plant in a new pot with fresh soil allowing it to settle into a new home before the cold months arrive. For me this feels like the combination of energies of the God and Goddess. The plant represents the birthing of the Goddess who is bearing her first child at this time. Where as the soil and potting process represent the grounding and cultivating energies of the God.
To start this page, draw the Sun.
We are not writing a Ritual, some things should be taught and not written down. But if you choose you can record a ritual after the rest.
For detailed information read here.
First and Foremost it is a feast and celebration
Make notes on your Altar, herbs you use. Deities.Incense recipe or Anointing oil.
For me the strongest connections to fresh fruit and Sun Flowers, Sage and Coriander. But that won't be the same for everyone. Put some thought into it. Here is another post that is a great reference.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
May Full Moon
First my apologies for the late post, real life hasn't been accommodating.
Actually called "The Bright Moon" It is time for communication with other beings and recommitting yourself to the Gods and the Earth.
Like the Sabbats, this is less about writing the ritual and more about what sets the ritual apart. For the Esbat title the page.
This is May, the time of opening, the time of blossoming. The world is gently wrapped in a sweet blanket of flowers. Fruit trees bloom and carry the promise of abundance to come. Newly arrived birds sing in the warmth of the strengthening sunlight. We do ritual in this soft part of the year to open our spirits to receive. Flowers, a gift from the Lord and Lady, beckon to our souls. Their endless varieties give us beauty and fragrance to enjoy. Some flowers, such as lavender, can be used for healing and others, such as geraniums, can be used to enhance the flavor of food. Like flowers, we are children of Mother Earth, and in this time of blossoming, we too need to open. Flowers are delicate and beautiful and serve to remind us that we need to be gentle with ourselves and to be able to find the beauty within.
This is the time for working with Faeries and nature spirits. For those not in the know each plant, animal, rock, and other entity has a spirit awareness and sometimes a sprite who is dedicated to that plant, animal, rock etc. These spirits can join together, in a hive-mind, as a spirit of an area. Nature spirits include real biological intelligences, are psychically powerful, and are much less abstract and controllable than the Elementals that many magical people who perform all of their rituals indoors are familiar with. They can be extremely powerful allies. It is possible to sense nature spirits, to determine if they are receptive to a ritual planned, and to have them actively participate in magical workings if they are.
The Sight Ointment
Many a legend has accounts of an ointment used to bless people with the second sight. This is the time to use it.
*Grease Free Recipe*
1/3 cup flax seeds.
1 cup Spring or Rain water
In a glass pan, boil them until the liquid starts to thicken then set a timer for 5 minutes as the gelatin extracts, remove it from the heat and carefully strain it into a crystal bowl Allow it to cool for about a half hour. While it is cooling prepare your vessel, this can be cobalt glass or crystal it should have a wide mouth, rinse it in spring water and then smudge it, placing inside it three chips of fluorite and a quartz crystal point a rosebud and a small piece of Mistletoe.
Into your gel add 9 drops each Thyme Essential oil and Yarrow Essential Oil. Then 3 drops of Chamomile Essential Oil. The ointment itself will be a pale green color.
Makes 1/3 cup (approximately) Fill your container and chill for 3 days before use. Refrigerated it will keep about 3 months.
*Greasy Recipe*
Herbs Fresh (double when dried):
1/4 cup Thyme
1/2 cup Roses
1 tbs Eyebright
1 tbs Lavender
1 tbs Mistletoe
Any fresh herbs you use should be bruised in a mortar and pestle.
Fill a glass jar, like a canning jar or a ceramic container, and cover the herbs with your carrier oil to about a half inch above the herbs themselves this should be a little more than 1 cup, traditionally this was reduced animal fat, olive oil, jojoba oil or vegetable oil work, the type of oil you choose affects the shelf life. Tightly seal and store in a dark place, inverting and alternating its position daily, consider storing it on its side and rolling it, for one lunar month to allow the herbs to infuse the oil. Strain with cheese clothe, press and squeeze it to get full extraction, floating flotsam from the herbs is fine, the oil should be slightly green.
You will have about 1/2 to 3/4 cup of infused oil as your end product. You can use this oil by itself or continue to craft it into an ointment:
2 Tbsp of Beeswax, grated or granules.
Melt your wax over low heat, or in a double boiler until transparent (this will help protect the integrity of your extracted essential oils as they diffuse at a relatively low temperature.), remove from heat and work quickly stirring widdershins with a wooden, bone, ceramic or mother of pearl spoon (symbolic to parting the veil, it's important to avoid exposing your ointment to metal.) add your oil. This will start to set the wax immediately. Continue to blend it for about 9 minutes it will cream slightly, then transfer it to your container and store it in a cool dark place for another lunar month when ready the ointment will have a texture similar to shoe polish once it sets up.
Either recipe makes enough to share with a friend, the greasy formula is the traditional blend that I recommend, it works better. If you are lucky enough to already have some fraction of the Sight then the gelled recipe will work fine.
Actually called "The Bright Moon" It is time for communication with other beings and recommitting yourself to the Gods and the Earth.
Like the Sabbats, this is less about writing the ritual and more about what sets the ritual apart. For the Esbat title the page.
This is May, the time of opening, the time of blossoming. The world is gently wrapped in a sweet blanket of flowers. Fruit trees bloom and carry the promise of abundance to come. Newly arrived birds sing in the warmth of the strengthening sunlight. We do ritual in this soft part of the year to open our spirits to receive. Flowers, a gift from the Lord and Lady, beckon to our souls. Their endless varieties give us beauty and fragrance to enjoy. Some flowers, such as lavender, can be used for healing and others, such as geraniums, can be used to enhance the flavor of food. Like flowers, we are children of Mother Earth, and in this time of blossoming, we too need to open. Flowers are delicate and beautiful and serve to remind us that we need to be gentle with ourselves and to be able to find the beauty within.
This is the time for working with Faeries and nature spirits. For those not in the know each plant, animal, rock, and other entity has a spirit awareness and sometimes a sprite who is dedicated to that plant, animal, rock etc. These spirits can join together, in a hive-mind, as a spirit of an area. Nature spirits include real biological intelligences, are psychically powerful, and are much less abstract and controllable than the Elementals that many magical people who perform all of their rituals indoors are familiar with. They can be extremely powerful allies. It is possible to sense nature spirits, to determine if they are receptive to a ritual planned, and to have them actively participate in magical workings if they are.
The Sight Ointment
Many a legend has accounts of an ointment used to bless people with the second sight. This is the time to use it.
*Grease Free Recipe*
1/3 cup flax seeds.
1 cup Spring or Rain water
In a glass pan, boil them until the liquid starts to thicken then set a timer for 5 minutes as the gelatin extracts, remove it from the heat and carefully strain it into a crystal bowl Allow it to cool for about a half hour. While it is cooling prepare your vessel, this can be cobalt glass or crystal it should have a wide mouth, rinse it in spring water and then smudge it, placing inside it three chips of fluorite and a quartz crystal point a rosebud and a small piece of Mistletoe.
Into your gel add 9 drops each Thyme Essential oil and Yarrow Essential Oil. Then 3 drops of Chamomile Essential Oil. The ointment itself will be a pale green color.
Makes 1/3 cup (approximately) Fill your container and chill for 3 days before use. Refrigerated it will keep about 3 months.
*Greasy Recipe*
Herbs Fresh (double when dried):
1/4 cup Thyme
1/2 cup Roses
1 tbs Eyebright
1 tbs Lavender
1 tbs Mistletoe
Any fresh herbs you use should be bruised in a mortar and pestle.
Fill a glass jar, like a canning jar or a ceramic container, and cover the herbs with your carrier oil to about a half inch above the herbs themselves this should be a little more than 1 cup, traditionally this was reduced animal fat, olive oil, jojoba oil or vegetable oil work, the type of oil you choose affects the shelf life. Tightly seal and store in a dark place, inverting and alternating its position daily, consider storing it on its side and rolling it, for one lunar month to allow the herbs to infuse the oil. Strain with cheese clothe, press and squeeze it to get full extraction, floating flotsam from the herbs is fine, the oil should be slightly green.
You will have about 1/2 to 3/4 cup of infused oil as your end product. You can use this oil by itself or continue to craft it into an ointment:
2 Tbsp of Beeswax, grated or granules.
Melt your wax over low heat, or in a double boiler until transparent (this will help protect the integrity of your extracted essential oils as they diffuse at a relatively low temperature.), remove from heat and work quickly stirring widdershins with a wooden, bone, ceramic or mother of pearl spoon (symbolic to parting the veil, it's important to avoid exposing your ointment to metal.) add your oil. This will start to set the wax immediately. Continue to blend it for about 9 minutes it will cream slightly, then transfer it to your container and store it in a cool dark place for another lunar month when ready the ointment will have a texture similar to shoe polish once it sets up.
Either recipe makes enough to share with a friend, the greasy formula is the traditional blend that I recommend, it works better. If you are lucky enough to already have some fraction of the Sight then the gelled recipe will work fine.
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