Monday, November 25, 2013

December New Moon

The Reed Moon: A moon for Spiritual or Astral working.

I know that thus far I have not really discussed the Astral Plane with you, as in my opinion it is a very advanced field of study. However, for the purpose of this Blog, as well as your BoS, it needs to be highlighted.

You’re most likely familiar with the astral plane due to the concept of astral projection. The art of astral projection involve sending your consciousness elsewhere. It takes a lot of energy and concentration to do it, and it usually prefaced by meditation. Basically spellcasting on the astral plane is rather like doing the spell in your head, but with all the awareness and intention of performing the spell in the physical world.

The astral plane is a spiritual reflection of the material world. Technically, every time you physically perform a spell, you are also working on the astral level. A physical action in a spell is performed specifically for the equivalent and associated energy where it means on the astral plane. Once you have become adept at handling energies gathered in the physical world, then you might find yourself using fewer and fewer props and components. The web of energy, which connects everything, also extends to the astral level. It’s perfectly possible to do an entire spell on the astral plane, which is where most change occurs anyway, initiated by your symbolic actions on the physical plane. It take a lot of focus, and the establishing of a personal place of power on the astral plane.

This is really something that should be discussed with a Personal Mentor, if you don't have a mentor feel free to email me. CLICK HERE and remember to include a subject, any message without a subject will be systematically deleted. Please be patient I am often slow to get through my email.


*Reed Flute or Pan Pipes

Playing the Pipes is used to build energy, as it is building focus your mind inward, visualize a spinning orb of light, then from its center a shadow should begin to form as the power coalesces and takes the form of that which you need or desire. Once it has taken form release it into the world as you decrescendo your music. See it spin away from you and stop the music before speaking:

"As with all love I set you free, as I will it so mote it be."

Monday, November 18, 2013


"December 21st, Marks the Shortest Day and Longest Night of the year. When works of magick or meditations to bring light back to the world take place."

Title the page, you can write it in English or Witches Alphabet. Call it MidWinter, Winter Solstice or Yule. Whatever you prefer.

To start this page, draw Some Holly.

We are not writing a Ritual, some things should be taught and not written down. But if you choose you can record a ritual after the rest.

For detailed information read here.

First and Foremost it is a feast and celebration

Make notes on your Altar, herbs you use. Deities.Incense recipe or Anointing oil.

For me the strongest connections to Yule are Rosemary, Peppermint, Frankincense, Myrrh, Mistletoe and any hot spiced beverage. But that won't be the same for everyone. Put some thought into it. Here is another post that is a great reference.

Monday, November 11, 2013

November Full Moon

Actually called "The Dark/Descent Moon" This is a Time for Healing and Communication, or Healing relationships.

Like the Sabbats, this is less about writing the ritual and more about what sets the ritual apart. For the Esbat title the page.

We have entered the dark of the year. Days grow cold and nights long. The earth begins her winter’s rest. The Crone beckons: “Come into the darkness, explore what lies within.” November is a time that is betwixt and between. We have passed through the gateway of Samhain into the dark of the year, and we await the rebirth of light—the rebirth of the Lord at Yule. This moon, the Dark Moon gives us the opportunity to descend within ourselves and find the inner realm. It is through this inner place that we can connect with other realms.

As the Full Moon is its Final phase preparing for growth so as an act of healing you are banishing things from your life, like smoking... However, as the channels for communication are open it is a great time to mend fences in your personal life. If you have been looking for a good time to apologize to someone, then there is no time like the present.

Banishing Spells and Cleansing Rites.

Finding Resolutions

Performing this ritual during the Dark Moon will help you to clear the air from difficult circumstances and move on. To perform this ritual you will need:

*A Coffin Nail (or Two)
*A pen
*A Card
*A Blue Candle (or Two)

1. Write out your apology or what you are seeking to amend.

2. Drive the Coffin Nail(s) into the bottom of the candle(s).

3. Deliver the card (and other candle if you can) to the other party.

4. Return home and light your own candle, as it burns the Coffin Nail will aid in banishing the energy surrounding the conflict and help you mend the relationship.

Healing Incantation

*Chamomile and Peppermint Tea

 Make your tea, however you like it, then in the light of the moon take a swallow. Recite your chant. Then drink the rest.

"May the light that shines from deep inside,
Flow ever out, and never hide.
May the shining light within my soul,
Heal me now, and make me whole..."

Monday, November 4, 2013

November New Moon

On the Celtic Tree Calendar this is the Ivy Moon; The Moon of Healing.

Like the Sabbats, this is less about writing the ritual and more about what sets the ritual apart. For the Esbat title the page.

The Ivy moon rolls in at the end of the harvest season. Ivy often lives on after its host plant has died -- a reminder to us that life goes on, in the endless cycle of life, death and rebirth. The Celts called this month Gort, pronounced go-ert.

As the New Moon is its Dark phase preparing for growth so as an act of healing you are drawing into yourself, like taking Vitamins to insure future well being. Do workings related to improving yourself.

Protection Spells and Home wards.

The plant teaches us that restrictions are necessary to help us hone our skills. During this month remember that your enemies are your teachers and that opposition is a blessing in disguise. Focus on magic that strengthens your resolve.

Facing Challenges

Performing this ritual during the Ivy Moon will help you to learn from difficult circumstances and move on. To perform this ritual you will need:

*A piece of paper
*A pen
*A white candle
*A fireproof dish

1. Write a list of the troubles that you are experiencing

2. Next to each one, write what you have gained from it, for example "It made me stronger".

3. Light the candle saying, "This flame represents my faith in the universe. I give thanks for the lessons I have learned."

4. Burn the paper and feel yourself grow stronger.

Ivy Incantation

*Ivy Leaf
*A Marker

Write on the leaf what it is you need, then either release the leaf into a strong wind or body of water, or burn it.